Matt VIP

PSYC Expert at

0 Videos172 Articles Since 2015

Matt is predominantly a mental game and planning expert, with a terrific knowledge of science, meditation, practical methods of improvement and of course, a good level of poker skill! Look out for his strategy articles and follow him for his nobel-prize winning forum posts! Follow MattVIP here.

Prior to working with PokerVIP, Matt was a hand evaluation coach at PokerStrategy and worked as a poker writer for a number of distinguished websites, including
Maximize Your Poker EarningsPhilosophy of Tiny Edges

In this article we're going to discuss a philosophy that every poker player should adopt in order to thrive in the environment of a game where every little decision counts.

Matt VIP 7,447 Views on 19/2/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTop 5 Poker Mindset Hacks

Here's the list of a few important mindset hacks that you can start utilizing today without reading countless books on the subject.

Matt VIP 10,090 Views on 12/2/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningA Professional Approach To Poker

Being a poker professional is not some sort of a lifetime achievement award or a checkbox to tick, it's a framework that allows us to achieve things in poker.

Matt VIP 7,531 Views on 9/2/18