Posted 8 years ago
Noticed that im not able to see the results of some of the OPL tourneys after the tourneys are over with. Tried to look when I got back home for the results and there was nothing on BCP or ACR on them.Was wondering where the logs are.
Posted 8 years ago
@ThinkTwiceA The site will be updated with such information. Working on that now and hope it is live soon. Not sure what BCP is tho?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: @ThinkTwiceA The site will be updated with such information. Working on that now and hope it is live soon. Not sure what BCP is tho?

BCP = BlackChipPoker
Posted 8 years ago
Yes i Know but BCP are not part of the OPL...
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Yes i Know but BCP are not part of the OPL...

I know, but you asked what BCP is...:D
Posted 8 years ago
I'm probably just being a moron, but I'm confused by some of the points on the leaderboard. For example, the current top score 904 points. Is that possible from 10 games? 1 point for participation, 5 for top 50% of the field. So 4 of those points must be from 4 games right? Leaving 900 points from 6. Similar example with 789. You can't score 9 right so again 4 are from 4 games, leaving 785 from 6. Someone please tell me what I'm missing here so I can stop obsessing over the leaderboard Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Its their total so far then once the league ends it will be best of 10.
Posted 8 years ago
Interesting question indeed. Would also like to know this.
On the other hand, I have to say that I am very impressed of this score.
Havent expected a score of of 800/900 points from 10 tourneys.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Its their total so far then once the league ends it will be best of 10.

Oh okay, thats an explanation.
Posted 8 years ago*
Jon-PokerVIP: Its their total so far then once the league ends it will be best of 10.
That makes sense then. Will be interesting to see what the final totals are. Have to say the OPL has totally spiced up poker for the end of the year. So much fun and some great prizes up for grabs. Do you envisage it being a long term thing?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Its their total so far then once the league ends it will be best of 10.
That makes sense then. Will be interesting to see what the final totals are. Have to say the OPL has totally spiced up poker for the end of the year. So much fun and some great prizes up for grabs. Do you envisage it being a long term thing?
Posted 8 years ago
I was also wonder the same thing as jongordan84. I totally wish that all of these OPL tourneys would be played on one site preferably only on Americas Card Room where both American and players from other countries can play all at the same time. It would put us all on equal ground and would seem to be the best solution to making it a fair competion in these tourneys. also if it couldn't be just one site then why not break it down to divisions..each site would be a division. At the end of the tourney season have a championship tourney with the winners of each division to determine the winner overall. What do you guys think??? I totally love these OPL tourneys and hope that someone can come up with a way better solution for them. Thank you to all that make them possible for me to play in them.
Posted 8 years ago
We always want the league to be spread out over multiple sites. That is the main draw for us and it means we get a whole lot more when it comes to prizes and variety.

One day we hope we can have tons of divisions and different sites, turbo structures, 6 max, team events and so on but we need more runners basically so hopefully that will come down the line!

Glad you are all loving them! Keep the ideas coming.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: We always want the league to be spread out over multiple sites. That is the main draw for us and it means we get a whole lot more when it comes to prizes and variety.

One day we hope we can have tons of divisions and different sites, turbo structures, 6 max, team events and so on but we need more runners basically so hopefully that will come down the line!

Glad you are all loving them! Keep the ideas coming.

I would love to be a part of helping you guys. I constantly tell people to join here and to come play in the OPL tourneys. Maybe you have a job that I can do to help. Please contact me if you think of anything . You guys are awesome.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey always looking for help but would be more on you telling us what you can do and what outlets you have?
Posted 8 years ago
The current standings are now of the players top 10 finishes!!! Check them out Here
Posted 8 years ago
Wow didn't think I'd be anywhere near the cash prizes! Will play what I can before the end to try and consolidate it!
Posted 8 years ago
totally BUMMED OUT THAT im not allowed to play in the opl tourneys on betonline. It doesn't seem fair. I was allowed to play for a few games there. then told im not eligible to play in them. Was told the reason was that I have another account there....which is so NOT TRUE...If I had another account there I should know about it and shouldn't I have a password to the account? I DO NOT HAVE 2 ACCOUNT AT BETONLINE. When I went to make an account thru OPL and here the rep told me that I couldn't use my regular screenname ThinkTwiceA . because it was already taken. I then had to register in a different name Thorn101. Why should I be kept from playing if someone else really did take my screenname and open up an account there with it. I was not a party to it nor did I give my consent for it. This has lead to me not being able to climb higher on the leaderboard in the OPL tourneys because I have only one site that im eligible to play on for awhile now..and why isn't that other person playing in the OPL tourney. SOMETHING IS KINDA FISHY ABOUT THE WHOLE THING WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK???
Posted 8 years ago
Hi ThinkTwiceA,

Who prevented you from playing? You obviously should have been allowed to play. Was the account locked?

Feel free to contact me on my personal Skype and I will get to the bottom of this: Tom.180Vita
Posted 8 years ago*
Hi guys Smile

I am new here on Pokervip but some of you may know me from the Online Poker League. First of all let me say thanks for organizing this fantastic event for us and for all the great prizes that were added by Pokervip. I finished the league in third place after having a very good start and not that great of a finish, yet one thing has really been bothering me lately and I thought I would bring it up here.

At first I did not play the BetOnline tournaments, as Jon said on many occasions in the streams that Europeans can't play there. I took this for granted. However it turned out they could. Once I saw my rivals were getting points on there, I decide to join up myself. I made an account and played one tournament. After this, my account got suspended, I sent in the documents and other relevant info and BetOnline people said, your account is suspended because you have a Tigergaming account and we are both on Chico network, and you cant have two accounts with Chico. Now, I get this, and I guess it is fair.... except, I know for sure that some people got points on both Tiger and Betonline. Now you can surely see how this leaves me in a very weird situation. As in I was not even allowed to play the last tournament of the league, when I really needed points, and in general people can't play both networks, but still some people seem to have gotten around this.

My question is how? Personally, the only way I see this possible is if they used false data, false names, dates of birth etc, which I really don't see as fair. It could also be that BOL allowed this to happen, or made an oversight but I still don't see it as fair that some people got some 10 tournaments more then the rest of us. Now I am not accusing anyone of anything, just asking if it could be checked that everyone is playing under one name and on real accounts, as anything other then this would be unfair. At the very least I would like my BOL account to be allowed to play in the future, if other people can play, but I don't see this as possible. I rather think some people maybe though they would get around the suspension, but I think that is really really unfair, and I see that some other guys had the same issue with BOL.

I hope for a fair solution in this case, and once again, no matter what happens thanks for the league and all the great work you do for us players Smile
