Biggest Poker Hate?

Posted 8 years ago

For people this will always be something different and may include

- Expenses of travelling to play live poker.
- Not being able to beat a specific stake.
- Traffic on a certain site.
- It being an isolated job.
- People not understanding what you do.
- The image of poker players.
- Certain poker pros.
- Some poker media.

and so on and so on.

For me my biggest poker hate is laziness. I constantly speak to people about them struggling in the game and when i ask them about their routine, how many hours they play, organisation, studying and so on i get back so many lazy replies and they are basically doing nothing.

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Posted 8 years ago
My biggest hate is the lack of people I can talk to in real life about poker!

I'd love to have some home games or play some live cash but the scene in Dublin is pretty poor! Sad

Another thing is the lack of software available for Mac that is supported by Pokertracker! I'm really restricted to the sites I play! No rakeback deals whatsoever
Posted 8 years ago
I agree,people i can talk to in real life,just moved to Europe know no one,dont speak the language and the closest live game is 1 hr drive. Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Having spent most of the last 5 years in Thailand,one guy found out what I did and suddenly everybody knew. Plenty of people think anybody claiming to make money from online poker is a bullshitter. I heard quite a few snide comments over my trip, people just don't understand what it's all about and what it takes. Many assume that everybody loses!

Other things are the isolation, which can literally drive you a bit mad over time, and the unhealthiness of the whole lifestyle.

I have to say though, even with all the struggles I've had since I left my job in 2010 nothing can compare to the ultimate freedom of being able to just pick up your laptop, passport and suitcase, and just sod off wherever you like. I doubt there will ever be a big enough poker hate to make me want to pack it all in.
Posted 8 years ago

I have to say though, even with all the struggles I've had since I left my job in 2010 nothing can compare to the ultimate freedom of being able to just pick up your laptop, passport and suitcase, and just sod off wherever you like. I doubt there will ever be a big enough poker hate to make me want to pack it all in.

this is my dream,I love the game and i love to travel,i have to stay focused and study hard i will get there, One very jealous puppy Smile
Posted 8 years ago
colly191091: My biggest hate is the lack of people I can talk to in real life about poker!

I'd love to have some home games or play some live cash but the scene in Dublin is pretty poor! Sad

Another thing is the lack of software available for Mac that is supported by Pokertracker! I'm really restricted to the sites I play! No rakeback deals whatsoever

Yeh that is a huge problem with poker and i am lucky to have a few close friends who play i can speak with however when i go back home to where i grew up not one of them understands the game so we just don't speak about it.

There are deffs some rakeback deals out there for you buddy. Add our support team on Skype support.pokervip and they will take care of you.

I am surprised the scene is no good in Dublin....I know tons of people from there who are very social, play tons of live games and you have so many huge festivals like the deepstack and irish open!!! I think you just need to look a little harder.
Posted 8 years ago
Turlock: Having spent most of the last 5 years in Thailand,one guy found out what I did and suddenly everybody knew. Plenty of people think anybody claiming to make money from online poker is a bullshitter. I heard quite a few snide comments over my trip, people just don't understand what it's all about and what it takes. Many assume that everybody loses!

Other things are the isolation, which can literally drive you a bit mad over time, and the unhealthiness of the whole lifestyle.

I have to say though, even with all the struggles I've had since I left my job in 2010 nothing can compare to the ultimate freedom of being able to just pick up your laptop, passport and suitcase, and just sod off wherever you like. I doubt there will ever be a big enough poker hate to make me want to pack it all in.

Yeh very well put about being your own boss and that kinda outweighs any negatives!
Posted 8 years ago
I agree with colly191091 about having a real life poker buddy, I dont think anyone I know plays poker, it would be nice to be able to bounce thoughts and ideas around with others, obviously places like this help, but would be great to get on the phone with a mate or someone and just chat poker.

Another hate of mine is those that take forever to make every decision. I dont mean river decisions etc where you maybe need a bit of time, but the take the full amount of time on every single move, I mean you dont need that long to fold 72o utg do you.
Posted 8 years ago
nicamstereo: I agree with colly191091 about having a real life poker buddy, I dont think anyone I know plays poker, it would be nice to be able to bounce thoughts and ideas around with others, obviously places like this help, but would be great to get on the phone with a mate or someone and just chat poker.

Another hate of mine is those that take forever to make every decision. I dont mean river decisions etc where you maybe need a bit of time, but the take the full amount of time on every single move, I mean you dont need that long to fold 72o utg do you.

Yeh this is becoming a huge problem and nothing seems to be changing about it. It is the 'dwan' effect as he was the first to really starting tanking huge amounts over every hand. Then others copy and we now watch EPT's and WSOP and just see guys sat with a stupid look on their faces, shuffling chips, tanking and then folding 86os after a raise and 3Bet is infront of them.

This then obv migrates over to the online games and it just becomes super painful.

Sites like Sky are good as there is no timebank and i think you only get 15 seconds per decision or something. All sites should be like this.
Posted 8 years ago
For me:

- Lack of friends/people to play live with. I have a small local cardclub but I'm not exactly a reg at the place. People are pretty friendly in general though Smile
- The slowroll. I absolutely hate slowrolls. It even tilts me to see my opponents slowrolling others.
- 2nd nuts vs 2nd nuts, pretty frustrating when that happens. On the other hand it feels really good the other way around Laugh
- Explaining poker to people who don't play. I feel like some people simply don't understand and they have a tendency to lable you as a gambler for no reason.
- People who are complaining about variance but don't put any effort into understanding it.

That's it for me I guess Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Funny you mention slowrolls. I was watching a couple of the poker night in america cash games where Shaun Deeb seems to feature in them all and he slowrolls all the time. You probably have seen the Matusow one but he speaks a lot about slowrolling and how it's just been his thing for 10 years and even does it online. He mentioned some big 1k SCOOP online that he did it when 4 handed and also a time in some cash game in Vegas he did it to some unknown and it was so bad even a guy who wasn't in the hand erupted and left the game.

I think it is pretty sleazy tbh and he will get seriously punished one day as it just takes doing it to that wrong guy for him to learn his lesson. I think there is a time and place for slowrolls and that's in relaxed home games with mates.

For those who havn't seen the matusow one you can enjoy it here -

Posted 8 years ago
Idk, Don't like what Deeb did there at all but Mike handles the situation absolutely wrong. He just sets himself up for slowrolls, gotta calculate that tilt EV :')
Posted 8 years ago
I think that hate is a poor use of my time so I try to avoid it when possible, but if I had to pick something it would be legislation problems and the fact that governments can decide what pastimes citizens can and can't engage with.