Learning system

Posted 7 years ago

Hello friends.

Well, the problem is very simple. But I know the answer is not so simple. In poker, we need to be in a continuous loop. Continuing to learn new things, bringing a habit learned new things, then we need to practice.

I want to ask for it before the last player from that path, how would you use a routine and the cycle had started to play poker now?

Your routine before the session, you would pay attention to what?

After the session you would pay attention to what?

How would you use a system? (Worksheet, notepad, excel)

When starting a new session, how effective would you make your previous session?

Please give me a detailed answer. This is very important for me.


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Posted 7 years ago
For me it will be different to a lot of players out there as I just kinda do as I feel each day and have done that for 10 years. I never wanted to create a routine and I never wanted to feel forced into doing something I didn't want to do at the time. This doesn't mean that I don't study it just means I do it when I want which overall has been quite often.

I will never play when I am tired or just don't fancy it so this is when I will put some time into studying and vice versa.

Over the years I have used

- PT4/Hem: To review hands and stats
- Coaching videos
- Forum
- Notes: As in taking notes on players in game, whilst railing or post session once I have reviewed hands.

Posted 7 years ago
To give a good answer, I need some informations:

How long you are playing poker, how many hands? Which limit? Results?

Your routine before the session, you would pay attention to what?

If you are good, you need no session routine, just start tables and crush. To get my head to poker I watch 10 mins of a Sulksy-vid or count some combos from previous hands I marked.

After the session you would pay attention to what?

I do what ever I want, mostly no poker-stuff.

How would you use a system? (Worksheet, notepad, excel)

I have a lerning system to learn the game but no system for session management or stuff like that, I have to play when the fish is playing, cant plan that much, if games are juicy as hell, I cant type thinks in a note-box or excel-sheet, or meditate or whatever, I have to make money ---> at the tables.

When starting a new session, how effective would you make your previous session?

Sorry, my english... can you explain that? It wasn't me!

Posted 7 years ago
Hi @Barkn

Everything I ever did until I read Jared Tendler's excellent Mental Game of Poker 1+2 was garbage. If you want to understand the importance of session preparation in relation to performance you need to read these books. Tendler also goes in depth on how to actually learn and improve. A great piece of work imo.