Turn ch back range

Posted 7 years ago

I have a thery question.
First Assume that the situation is: I opened from the button, BB calls. I cb the flop V calls. And now I have a decision to bet or check the turn.

My main question: Which hands are we wanna play a bet check bet line for value and for a bluff?

My problem is that I feel my range too weak on the river when I check back the turn.
(I check weak TPs if don't need protection, 2nd pairs if don't need protection.)
These are the spots, when my bd equity hands didn't improved and I check back value hands, which I thought on the flop needs protection.

How should I balance in these situations?

Maybe I should check with some 3 barrel for value hands on the turn?
But if so, then what hands should I bluff on the river when I checked ott? Maybe I should check with some draws?

I need some response Smile

Please, open my eyes Laugh



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Posted 7 years ago
Anyone? Smile
Posted 7 years ago
There are many more solid oline players here than me (I mostly play live), but I'll get the discussion started.

If you are checking back weak TP hands and good 2nd pair hands ott, why are you worried about a weak range on the river? Your range should be perfect for bluffcatching. It is also a range for b/c/b if something like a front door FD bricks out, you can get looked up light.

In general I'd recommend against a b/c/b line as a bluff, because just like I said above, it's gonna look like you bricked out on the draws.
Posted 7 years ago
I check back those hands on the flop. Weak tps and strong 2nd pairs.
Posted 7 years ago
I think a lot of what you "should" do is based on the stakes you play, but since you asked "in theory", if I read between the lines of your posts, you're saying you check back weak made hands otf. So you only cbet strong hands and air. V's should c/r you relentlessly when you cbet, and fire PSB turn and river when you don't cbet.

Now if you're playing NL5 or something, then balance is highly overrated. But as you move up (or if you just like thinkng about these things), you are highly polarized, and that means sharp V's will be able to exploit you. I know you're thinking, no I'm not, I'm checking some TP hands otf, but this specific range won't stand up to much aggression. If you raised from CO with QTs, and the flop is Q85 and you check behind otf, there aren't many runouts where you're going to be willing to call PSB on turn and river. They also won't really have to respect a ch flop/bet turn line, since any good hands, you were betting the flop in the first place. They can even c/r lots of turns where they pick up equity or the board gets scary (such as Q857 with a BDFD).

One way to counter this is by balancing. I play against some V's (NL100) that are almost certainly winners, but when I have position, I'm all over them because they play a safe but exploitable style, with outrageously unbalanced lines like "OOP skip cbet and c/f > 80%" . They can get the job done vs recs, but their ceiling is limited by a-holes like me that table and seat select, then abuse position.

The thing about theory, balance, etc, is that it only matters if the V's you're up against can deduce specific things about your style ("reads"), and then act on them. At micros they can't, and at SS/midstakes they can only if they have a few hundred hands on you and they aren't mass tabling 6max. If those things don't apply, then you're fine.