Unibet v Sky poker

Posted 6 years ago

Hey guys! I am looking at making a deposit on a super soft site as a 'second' site and torn between Unibet and Sky! I have played at Sky before a long while ago but never Unibet! Anybody playing at either at the moment or even better both? Which would you recommend?

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Posted 6 years ago

Sky software better
Unibet rake lower
Promos are on par but Sky is easier to follow and is weekly cash compared to tickets and what not
Unibet more traffic
Sky player pool softer and smaller
Sky in GBP so no worries about money fluctuating daily like on unibet
Sky withdraws faster
Sky tournaments better
Unibet SnGs better

Posted 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
Yes I think so! I had thought that they were roughly on par with softness but I will trust your judgement if Sky is softer as like I said I have never played Unibet! Think the only big downside with Sky is that you have to rake £350.00 per week to get anything back which I will never do so will effectively get zero rakeback!
Posted 6 years ago
It was super easy getting 2k points when the Accelerator was on. I surprised myself the other week though, managed to get 2k points, through a mix of spins and sats/mtts, if you can play some of these makes it way easier because in cash its £1 of rake = 6 points and everything else is 10 points, so makes getting Priority far, far easier. Even if you only make 500 points and only play cash thats £83.33 of rake, so comes to 6% rb, then chuck in the top 500 rake race, also this month Sky got a football promo on. Something else as well if you can play hu or 3 handed, you get bonus points.

If you do play sats/mtts good luck getting your premiums to hold up vs A3os Crying , swear sometimes it feels like am the one that only has 30%.
Posted 6 years ago
Gus Fring: It was super easy getting 2k points when the Accelerator was on. I surprised myself the other week though, managed to get 2k points, through a mix of spins and sats/mtts, if you can play some of these makes it way easier because in cash its £1 of rake = 6 points and everything else is 10 points, so makes getting Priority far, far easier. Even if you only make 500 points and only play cash thats £83.33 of rake, so comes to 6% rb, then chuck in the top 500 rake race, also this month Sky got a football promo on. Something else as well if you can play hu or 3 handed, you get bonus points.

If you do play sats/mtts good luck getting your premiums to hold up vs A3os Crying , swear sometimes it feels like am the one that only has 30%.

I am confused now Smile I thought unless you got 2k points in a week you didn't get any RB?
Posted 6 years ago
Jef147: I am confused now Smile I thought unless you got 2k points in a week you didn't get any RB?

No there is different tiers of weekly rakeback, and different monthly rakebacks https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby/poker-promotions/sky-poker-rewards some other things that I forgot as well, if you only make 50 points in a week, you get to play in 5x£1k freerolls, that I have taken a decent bit of money out off, which can add a lil extra to your monthly return, another thing Sky does as well, if you get 20 points in a 24 hour period, you can enter another freeroll, where the top 3 get a £110 Sunday Major seat, this runs everyday.
Posted 6 years ago
Ahhh I have just noticed that! So you only need 500 points to start getting cashback but if you get to 2k points you get double the percentage! Im with you now!
Posted 6 years ago
How you getting on with Sky?
Posted 6 years ago
I haven't made the leap yet................
Posted 6 years ago