Posted 8 years ago
Is that pate or something?
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Is that pate or something?

Yeh bud, had some so just using it up! V tasty

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Posted 8 years ago

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Posted 8 years ago

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Posted 8 years ago
Well 'somebody' is making an effort. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
Wow just had possibly the best sandwich of all time

- Chicken Thighs in garlic/chilli
- Siracha
- Mayo
- Avocado
- Tomatoes
- Crusty buns

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Posted 8 years ago
Oh my god, I'm so hungry now!
Posted 8 years ago
I know what I'm having for dinner tonight now!
Posted 8 years ago
Jon, that sandwich looks epic!
Posted 8 years ago
Are you counting calories Jon? I'm asking because avocado, mayo and bread are kinda calorie-dense (especially mayo). You're also drinking juices which aren't as healthy as people describe them to be (tons of added sugar + by juicing fruits you're getting rid of fiber wich is one of the best things in fruits) and while not super calorie dense on their own they can quickly add to the total. If you don't want to count calories and macros (though I highly recommend it, at least for 2-3 months so you can make more informed decisions about your nutrition once you stop tracking stuff) I'd advise you to drink only water and don't include a lot of starchy carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cereals, rice etc.) because things like that add up really fast. Instead, eat protein-rich foods (meat, beans, nuts etc.) and tons of green vegetables.

Green veggies are pretty much how I hacked my diet to eat humongous portions and still stay in the calorie deficit. For dinner I'll usually combine moderate amount of vegetable-based protein source (meat can obviously work just as well if you're not interested in giving in up though I'd encourage you to read about vegetarian/vegan diets since they are less calorie dense by default and, therefore, beneficial when trying to lose weight) like red/black beans, green peas, tofu, chickpeas or some kind of mock meat (made of soy, seitan, pea protein or w/e) with tons and tons of green vegies (broccoli, spinach, and green beans being my personal favorite). There's only like 300 calories in 1kg of broccoli (even less in spinach and I challenge you to eat 1kg of broccoli or spinach in one sitting :P) but you'll find the same amount in like 200g of starchy carbs. Sure green veggies might be kinda bland but you can go heavy on spices and some sauces (more siracha than mayo, it's good to get into a habit of reading the nutritional info since some sauces can be really calorie dense) to mitigate that. Besides starchy carbs are also bland on their own.

Nutrition is by far the most important thing when it comes to weight loss. You can loose weight with good nutrition and really poor exercise program but it's absolutely impossible to lose weight with poor nutrition even if you're working your tail off in the gym so that's why I wrote that stuff above. I hope you don't mind that. I'm also happy to give you exercise advice but it's totally fine to start your weight loss journey with getting your nutrition sorted and adding exercise later (with hour-long walks, listening to your favorite audiobook or podcast being the best thing you can start with).

Posted 8 years ago
No buddy if you read a few posts back I am just trying to eat what i like but without drinking tons or getting takeaways and will make a plan in the next couple of days.
Posted 8 years ago
As for the juices like i said a few times after a couple days away drinking lots of booze and eating lots of heavy foods i was craving fruits and juices. I am aware they are not super healthy but also aware 2 glasses per day is not as bad as a few cans of coke.

Main thing is for now just eating nicer foods, not being a pig and enjoying it.
Posted 8 years ago
That's totally fair. Getting healthy is kind of a lifetime commitment and it's actually a good idea to start slow, get comfortable and gradually ramp up the intensity.