Posted 8 years ago
Day 3 evening session: Poker stories!

Day 3 evening session and poker stories

Wandered back to Bellagio, and it's predictably much busier in the evenings. I waited about 20 min until a new table opened up, and played about 4 hours. The games were at least as high as 10/20 NL, 80/160 FL, and that's not counting whatever lunacy is in Bobby's Room. My table was pretty quiet, looked like at least 3 regs, and I was none too happy about that. Almost no friendly table talk. I decided to just BI for 200 and play snug til I had a read on the table. I've become so used to my local, where I can suss everything out in a matter of seconds since I know the usual suspects, and I always buy in for the max, so this was new for me. Eventually an African American woman say on my left, and she fit many of the stereotypes we have in our heads. Loud, garishly dressed, and involved in about 80% of pots. It's limped to me on the btn with KK, I make it 15 or so, she calls from the SB, everyone else gets out of the way of the nit. Essentially a perfect scenario. Flop is AQJtt, essentially a worst-case scenario. But I can't not c-bet, so I stick $15 out there and she calls. Turn is a rag, checked thru, and river brings another brick. She donks for $20, and I'm chatting here up, “But I'm soooo curious!” I say. “Don't do it,” she says, but I just have to know, so I call and she turns over J6 for a rivered 2p. Everyone's eyes pretty much doubled in size, she's like, “I told you don't get curious!” and everyone smiles (including hero, cuz how can you not?).

Later on hero plays AK super passive, no cbet on a QJx board with 3 callers. It's checked all the way down, and pocket 3s takes the $55 pot. Another tourist looks at me like wtf son? And I just shrug, smirk, say, “I guess I left my A-game in Vancouver.” I seriously think about leaving at this point, cuz I was tired and obvs playing like a donk, but I do believe that moments like this are a chance to work on playing through the weeds. At least I was smart enough to not top up, limit the risk. I'm whittled to about $100 (33BB, it's a 1-3 game), and I've never been this short in a cash game in, well, perhaps ever. Anyway, I'm in the SB with 64spades, 2 limpers (god I love live poker), I complete, BB checks. Flop $11, KJx, all spades. God loves all his children, even the fishies. I decide that I'm fine with risking another spade, it's double up or go home time, so I check. Flop checks thru, not ideal. River is a T, I lead 10, one reg calls. River is an ace, so V has to have something. I lead 20, he raises to 55. Really the only thing he could have that beats me but didn't bet the flop is Ax spades, every other flush, if played passively on flop and turn, would just call the river. So he has to have a straight. And live low-stakes, V raising here is fine, plenty of donks will call with 2p thinking Well I beat a bluff. And by now my image had to be pretty farking bad. So I play around with my chips a bit, I'm obvs gonna call but wondering if I can shove for value. I mean, he can't call with a straight, until I realize that I only have about 70 in front of me, and a shove will only be about 30-35 more to him, so he'll have to call anyway. I'm seriously never this short, so it took me a few sec to get me head around the maths here. And that's how it plays out, and hero's in the black for the first time tonight. And with that I wake up, and tired wussy tourist boy goes away and Cycle is back. I'm generally non-stop patter, but I've been subdued/out of my element so far in LV. But one dumbass hand that I lucked into, and now it's on.

So I'm somehow engaged in a religious discussion with the African American lady, and I'm playing good church boy. I start teasing one young Asian kid who knows all the dealers/prob local reg, about tithing, giving 10% of your income to charity. The lady knows what I'm taking about, it's a church thing, and the kid looks horrified by the idea. Kid bluff shoves on an A-high board into another reg who had AQ, it's his 2nd BI, and I'm like, see, God smites the non-believers! Kids shakes his head and is off into the night. Somewhere along the way I used the term “pagans”, and now I'm in a convo with an older Indian guy (the one who looked at me like I'm a clown when I butchered AK), and he says he's one of these “pagans”, and we have a friendly, teasing conversation about religion. He says it's like how maybe both our moms are great cooks, but we have different tastes in food. I counter, “But what if you're mom's cooking isn't nutritious?” He says it is, and I say, “But what if you're not getting enough vitamins and minerals? What about manganese?” and everyone else can tell I'm taking the piss, but he earnestly tries to defend his heretical ways. We eventually land in a happy spot as it turns out we're both vegetarians.

Church lady and I are in a few hands together, me with my iso-betting ways and her with her apparent need to see every flop. Well, I know this sounds crazy, but since she and I are god-fearing souls, we end up in a rhythm of “playing honest” post-flop, which isn't too different from agreeing to shoot it pre for a set amount. So I'm cool with it, and it's keeping the atmosphere light. It also sets up an image where I only bet when I have a piece, and naturally when I'm in a hand with the pagans I abuse them. I'm pfr with who-knows-what, Txx flop, I cbet and you can tell the Indian guy doesn't believe me but he folds, I shake my head like I just lost so much value, and I tell the dealer, “Miss, it will save us all time if you just deal my cards face-up, since they can all read me like a book anyway.” Eventually I'm not in a hand, church lady is with 2 others, 3 hearts hit the board, and she shoves about 150 into a 50 pot. She literally tells everyone, “I have the flush”, and they both lay down what they say are overpairs (one guy showed), and sure enough she showed 65s.

Anyway, that's what a night at the table with Cycle is like. I am loud, I laugh a lot, and as long as everyone is having a good time, more often than not, moneyz will flow. Though my take was 4 hours, only +28, but +fun, and that can't be beat.
Posted 8 years ago
LOL classic Vegas table story right there!

20 mins to wait for a game.......seriously?

Man we need pictures show us some god damn stacks Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Day 4 Grand Canyon Helicopter Tour

So by this point in the proceedings, me wee legs are barely holding up, so the morning and early afternoon are spent chillin' at the hotel. Again, poolside for a hilariously short period of time, otherwise resting up for the Canyon. I played in the noon donkament at my hotel, details below.

This was the priciest part of the trip, but something I've been wanting to do for a while now. You hop in a helicopter, fly about 70 min, over Hoover Dam and a bunch of desert til you get to and land in the Grand Canyon. Chill in the canyon for a bit, fly back at sunset. I ponied up the extra $50 to reserve a front seat in the heli, which is a Cycle's T&A MANDTORY upgrade, the views are infinitely better in front. I didn't even try to take photos, here's a promo vid.

Grrrr not shoing up in the preview, I'll try and post below, or y'all can find it here:

You land in the Canyon and get about 30 min to wander. They provide a wee “champagne picnic”, so everyone exits the heli and goes left, toward the Colorado River and picnic area. Naturally, Cycle heads right and starts scrambling up the side of the canyon....Two minutes later, Cycle stops scrambling to catch his breath. Sad Eventually keep on crawling, find a spot to admire the whole place. It was pretty darn cool, but again, there is no way photos from a cell phone can really capture what it's like, so I didn't bother.

Scramble down to the picnic area, to find that they are one champagne glass short, plus someone decided to take the basket clearly labelled Vegetarian. And here kids, is the most important T&A you'll get in this entire TR: Don't fuck with Cycle's veggie food! The person who took the sammie, I found out later, she got super airsick and puked in the helicopter both going in and coming out of the canyon. Poker kids, scream it with me, “6 for justice!” (If you don't know this reference, google it. The best river card in history.) I swear to god, I found this out on the ride back to the hotel, and it made my night, cuz deep down, Cycle is a horrible human being. Smile

Anyway, flying back to LV, and the sunset is happening and yeah, it's all good. It's not 100% dark when we get back to The Strip, but the city is starting to light up, and we get to do a fly-over of downtown and the Strip. All at once it seems so big (fuck I walked that far?) and so small, pretty cool perspective. We buzz the MGM Grand so close that I thought we were going to hit it. Land, back to hotel, and I can barely make it up to my room, my legs are completely shot. I'd been saving up me energy for this part of the trip, so it was all worth it, but I'm toast, and I know there's no way I'll get a final session in at the Bellagio. Which makes me sad but really not that much. So I head back to the Tilted Kilt, I SWEAR it was cuz I liked the veggie burger and not the, ahem, views. Anyway, I have me burger and 2 pints, which for me is borderline epic these days. Last pub I was at, prob a month ago, I was there 2 hours and had 1 pint that I didn't even finish. I can't believe I'm the same guy who was once a uni student in England and a bartender in Spain. Oldzzzzzzzz.

Non-poker friends, this pretty much concludes the parts of the TR you'll be interested in. The rest will be boring poker stuff. I'll fast forward to a quick story about returning home, to show how much cooler Canadian border guards are. Drive up to the booth, the usual questions, whatcha bought, how much currency. Canuck buck is worth about 70 cents US, and the limit to bring back is $10,000. Anyway, I tell him I've got $100 worth of groceries and about $600 US, and he says, “Well, that's almost 10 grand Canadian,” and waves me through. Home sweet home!

(VIPers wondering what that was all about, I sent an email to some irl friends to keep up with the trip. The remaining posts will be poker talk, come sit at the feet of Uncle Cycle and hear about what it was like back in the day.....)
Posted 8 years ago*
Day 4 Poker

Well it 100% wouldn't be a TR if I didn't complain about how bad I ran, so let's make it official: I ran so bad! @Jon-PokerVIP@thetallpaul trust me bros, I wish I had chipstack porn, but I was never up even 50BB in any session.

Noon donkament at Harrah's, 15min levels, 5K starting chips, $60 BI. 17 runners. Early level, I'm doing my thing and chipping up, get AK, button raise to 4x over 1 limper, couple come along. Axx, I fire, SB sticks around. Another A on turn, brings a BDFD, I keep firing, he makes a lol shove for pennies more, I call, he has 6 high FD, had nothing on the flop. OK bud, welcome to Vegas. Naturally the river makes his day and now I'm down to about 3500. Blinds get to about 200/400, so it's boring pf shove over limpers time. I do that twice, piss off the old men, get AK and do it again, EP limper decides he's had it with this young whippersnapper and calls with Queen high... and flops a straight. Busto.

Post-Canyon trip, and post 2 pints, I have a wee buzz. Nothing real, but not gonna put a lot of money on the line. But the Kilt is right next to the Linq, which spreads a 1/1 game. I'm honestly a little embarrassed to buy in, but I do, and it's hilarious. One guy seems like he's there to steal tourist money, and he and I pretty much immediately know what the other one's about, even though I'm playing loud tourist. The kid next to me, he's texting in Greek, I chat him up, he says it's his GF. I ask if she's beautiful, he naturally says yes, so I say, “Well then WTF are you doing here with us??” Everyone gets a kick out of it. Anyway, OTTH: 1/1, maybe 5 limpers, and BB raises it to...wait for it...3. I look at the reg like, are you kidding me, and his eyes make the, 'yeah I know isn't it great' look. Anyway, the dealers are as bad as the players, so I book a small win and get up after seeing a second dealer mistake.

Wander back to my hotel (it's next to the Linq and the Kilt), and sit in at 1/2, BI 200. Friendly table mostly. Couple friends going at each other, couple others. One of the bros guzzling long island iced teas, likes to see flops and get aggro post, he's pfr to 15, one caller, I'm LP with QQ and bomb it to 65. Bro calls, SPR 1:1. Flop J32tt, I bet 1/2 my stack, he shoves, I call, he has JJ. All you can do is give them the wrong price, kids.... Rebuy, two black aces, bro limps, I go 15, 2 LP calls, bro calls. Flop $55, T97 all diamonds. FML. Bro checks, I check, BTN is middle-aged guy who looks like he's been around a bit, and I've seen him attack orphan pots/any sign of weakness. He fires $50, bro calls, and while I assume either of them could be FOS, both of them? So I gotta fold, they gii ott, top set vs bottom 2. Good Cycle.

Funniest hand that I wasn't involved in comes up. Bro is sitting next to middle aged Chinese guy who's watching his ipad, headphones in, hasn't said a single word in an hour, barely played any pots. Bro l/c, flop TT5, Chinese guy cbts 15 and bro c/r to 35. guy thinks about it for a few sec, folds, bro turns over 76, glances over at Chinese guy who stares at him for a sec, then fires a middle finger right in bro's face. It was so fast, so aggressive, so funny that EVERYone busts out laughing, including the dealer. Now that one I wish I had on video.

I spend a while teaching the bros how to give 3 middle fingers (youtube it), and otherwise get nothing going. Cash out around 2 AM, down the $200.

Next morning is my final day, shuttle pickup at 12:30, so all I can do is check out and wander to the poker room, hope a game gets going. Finally around 11:30 we get started 7 handed. The bro from last night comes in, says he was up to $1200 until he left with just 300. Goddamn I need to stay up later! What-evs. I play 45 min and book a small win, nice to go out with a win but 40 is like one hand so no big deal.

Shuttle never comes, turns out it went to the wrong hotel so now I get to send emails/fight for a refund. Shuttles suck, won't do that again. Plus I coulda stayed at the table for another 45 min! God I be degen.

Final poker tally is down about 450 cash and 60 from the donkament, for about maybe 15 hours played over 4 days. Since I bring 600 to my local every night, this is less than 2 BI, so while I wanted sick money, it's all good. I def thought I'd be in the casino 15 hours a day, not total! But this trip I wanted to do so much tourist stuff, and I'm really happy with how it played out. Next time I will pound lattes and stay up til the wee hours, and get y'all chipstack porn. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
And that concludes Cycle's Vegas TR. I had a blast, and I'm so glad that I went, but I totally underestimated the physical toll the trip would take on me. This was pretty much self-inflicted, as I had so much fun being a tourist that I did a horrible job of slowing down. I had seriously thought that I'd be able to just wander from hotel room-pool-poker room-food court, but I got so caught up in the whole experience. Vegas exerts its magic on even the strongest of us...which I most definitely ain't! Naturally as soon as I got back, I kinda wanted to head out to my local casino, since what else would I do post-Vegas? But I really need to give my body a few days to recover. (But man I really want to go!)

I'd say the Caeser's hotels are a perfect location to stay, since they are about in the middle of the strip, so you'll be close to just about anything you're looking for. And each hotel does offer upgrades on the rooms, so while I wouldn't recommend Harrah's, I'm sure the nicer rooms would work for people who have bigger needs in that regard. My room was quiet, and heck, that's prob the most important thing anyway.

Thanks for tagging along with me! I'm going back in Aug for the bachelor trip+poker trip, that will also be a blast, and hopefully provide a different set of stories. Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Sick report man and sorry to hear you never managed to spin up a monster stack!

Think you summed Vegas up perfectly and basically everytime someone tells me they are making a plan I say "don't bother" as there is just so much going on and well you can easily lose focus on what you we're meant to be doing!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah it was great, and I'm even happy there's still a couple of things left on the table for next time, such as Fremont St. Experience, as well as a mid-priced tourney at Venetian. I really did think I'd play poker 10 hours a day; turns out if I'd wanted, I coulda played more staying at home!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah good stuff dude. You can play poker anywhere. Vegas has some shit that you can't do anywhere else!