Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP mentioned that he show was tight, and wow did they pack a lot into a wee space last night. I'm glad we're getting an accelerated speed for Arya and Jon, we all knew he was coming back and she wasn't going to be a beggar forever, so now those plot lines can get moving.

I'm trying not to read too much into this, but we didn't actually see Jamie leave the sept.....
Posted 8 years ago
Haha I had not seen episode 2 when I made my comment earlier and read yours. I was thinking... What!!?? Laugh

I thought episode 2 was amazing, I loved every scene. Bran and his vision. When the wildlings and the giant turned up at the wall. When the Mountain smashed that guys head against the wall. Jamie and the high sparrow. Cersei and Tommen. Tyrion and the dragons. Arya. Those awful scenes with Ramsay. Sansa and Theon. And then of course Jon Snow. 10/10 episode.

Tyrion with the dragons was my favourite scene I think. There is a theory that he is a Targaryen and one of the three supposed dragon riders and after tonights episode, I think that might be possible.

Love the scenes between the Mountain and Cersei too, he is so loyal and what an awesome body guard would he make? haha.

I think Jamie will be fine. That scene seemed like it was just making a statement to me. Looking forward to the Lannisters stepping up their game vs the sparrows, that's all got to kick off soon? Tommen should finally do something with Cersei and Jamie behind him.
Posted 8 years ago
Sorry if I spoiled anything, I thought this was a safe space! My lips are sealed

Jamie and the Sparrow was my fave scene. So tense.
Posted 8 years ago
Haha yeah I should have listened to the spoiler warning I wrote in the title! Remind me not to check in here on Mondays! Cheeky I take it you are in Canada judging by your name? No it wasn't bad at all actually. Obviously I knew what was coming with Jon Snow and the Jamie in the Sept thing just made me curious!
Posted 8 years ago
This episode paired with the preview of the next one reassured me the show is being handled very well. Not one weak scene, some major story threads resolved and a few new ones added. Overall it was really amazing. I feel like showrunners are doubling down on what the show is known for instead of trying to emulate thousands of pages with 10h of TV time. I love it!
Posted 8 years ago
I can't believe this thread is so silent with how many good episodes we're getting this season! How do you feel about the last one? I'll hold the door for the spoilers for now in case you haven't had the chance to catch up yet ;P
Posted 8 years ago
I was out of GoT action, all caught up now. I agree this season has been really good. Pacing has been fast in a good way, though I did think the last episode was perhaps a bit too fast. The Bran stuff is really just flying along, and just how far is Meera supposed to get with him? Tyrion and Varys don't have as much fun scenes, though 1-2 episodes ago with Tyrion trying to explain his drinking game was good.

I'm more into the people talking vs the stuff happening. Sansa carried this episode with her total chewing out of Littlefinger. The looks between Tormund and Brianne are classic.

It was kinda weird we got a bit of Dorne in episode 1 or 2, and not a whiff since, though I don't miss it one bit.

The world needs more Bronn!

Here's a couple screenshots someone on a sports site helpfully created for us:

Attached Image

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago*
Don't eat the help, haha love that!

Yeah this season has been amazing! Oh my, the last episode was heartbreaking, but I thought it was so brilliant the way Hodor's whole character throughout all of the seasons and every word he has ever said quite literally boiled down to that one moment, very clever!

I was a bit annoyed that another wolf went so flippantly though! What a waste. There are only two left now? Ghost and Arya's wolf that disappeared at the beginning I think? Her wolf will no doubt return and a crucial moment at some point Nodding
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyKeri: Don't eat the help, haha love that!

Yeah this season has been amazing! Oh my, the last episode was heartbreaking, but I thought it was so brilliant the way Hodor's whole character throughout all of the seasons and every word he has ever said quite literally boiled down to that one moment, very clever!

I was a bit annoyed that another wolf went so flippantly though! What a waste. There are only two left now? Ghost and Arya's wolf that disappeared at the beginning I think? Her wolf will no doubt return and a crucial moment at some point (nod)

Yep Arya's wolf (Nymeria) is still floating around, leading her wolf pack around the Riverlands I think.

This was a great episode. "Hold the door". Poor Hodor. Crying

Thought Summer dying was ok and not flippant but have read others say the same. From season 1 (book 1) Summer has also protected Bran and attacked those that would harm him so it wasn't unreasonable to think it would attack the wights, and also unfortunately be overwhelmed by them.
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyKeri: Don't eat the help, haha love that!

Yeah this season has been amazing! Oh my, the last episode was heartbreaking, but I thought it was so brilliant the way Hodor's whole character throughout all of the seasons and every word he has ever said quite literally boiled down to that one moment, very clever!

I was a bit annoyed that another wolf went so flippantly though! What a waste. There are only two left now? Ghost and Arya's wolf that disappeared at the beginning I think? Her wolf will no doubt return and a crucial moment at some point (nod)

Yep Arya's wolf (Nymeria) is still floating around, leading her wolf pack around the Riverlands I think.

This was a great episode. "Hold the door". Poor Hodor. Crying

Thought Summer dying was ok and not flippant but have read others say the same. From season 1 (book 1) Summer has also protected Bran and attacked those that would harm him so it wasn't unreasonable to think it would attack the wights, and also unfortunately be overwhelmed by them.

Yes I think the word flippantly was the wrong word to use. It was just that it happened so quickly and I love the wolves and was sad to see another go! Sad But yes you are totally correct, it had to happen given the situation.

Oh yes I did read about the pack, was this in the books? Or was it a fan theory? I can't remember. Her wolf is supposedly now the leader of some super pack right? That should make things interesting Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Also, does this now mean that Bran can technically change the outcome of the future? Because Hodor's whole purpose was because he summoned him to help in that moment when he went back, so I wonder what else might come of that?
Posted 8 years ago
Nymeria: It's probably in the books, and in the shows iirc there was a brief mention, perhaps by the Brotherhood Without Banners or Tywin during one of his yell-at-his-minions dinner parties at Harrenhall, of a pack of wolves doing damage.
Posted 8 years ago
So many people on social media talking about those direwolf deaths. I really don't get it and I'm vegan. It's Cecil the lion all over again.

As for the time traveling stuff, from the little info we got so far I believe that in the Game of Thrones "time is a flat circle". You can affect the past, but the act of affecting it get's ingrained in the timeline meaning that you're destined to affect it (if that makes any sense). So in the true Game of Thrones fashion Bran probably can't just 'make things right' but he most likely messed some of them up (case in point - Hodor).
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah, whatever he has changed has already happened kind of thing, agreed. Interesting to think what else might come of that though Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Agree. His actions have affected the events, but they were always destined to happen.

I think that's why you/I mean..... lol.
Posted 8 years ago
Are you folks pumped for tonight's episode? I'm kinda eager to see what's going on in King's Landing. Wouldn't mind learning more about Bran's situation either. I kinda feel (and this is not a book spoiler, more like speculation) like they teased Benjen Stark (the season one character from the show who's still beyond the wall) so much this season that he will be the one helping Bran and Meera.
Posted 8 years ago
I have to wait until tomorrow night Crying ! Good point, you may be right there @MattVIP
Posted 8 years ago
It sounds like Benjen and another book character (won't name in case others aren't readers) might be merged to be the one to help Bran and Meera.
Posted 8 years ago
Another great episode. At this point, we might be getting kinda oversaturated with payoffs, forward momentum and fan-service (the Dani speech at the end felt a bit forced), but I'll take this every day of the week and twice on Sunday over the never ending, boring, ever-branching story of the last two books. While Coldhands in the books was fascinating and mysterious and I dig that you can't really give him (and hundreds of other characters) that much time in the ten-episode show as you can in the books (and once again if you end up given too many minor characters too much you end up with extremely boring books 4 and 5 of The Song of Ice and Fire) so I appreciate going straight to the point and revealing him as (or merging him with since they might not be the same person in the books) Benjen Stark. With the rumors that we might only get 13 additional episodes after this season I feel like the action has an adequate pace and for me, it's a welcomed change from the grim reality of executions, red/purple weddings etc.
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP and others, I'm curious what you think about this thought (which is only half-formed): I feel like to some extent, we the people are grading Season 6 on a curve. Reading on various internet spots, the general sentiment is, "Way better than books 4+5", which is totally true but also kinda misleading, cuz those books stunk sooooo bad. Anything would look better than them! But if we (or perhaps just I) grade this season in comparison to other TV seasons and not the books, I'm left thinking this is not awful, but definitely weaker than previous seasons.

I will say that people reference stuff from the books that I have no recollection of. I recall LSH, but CH north of the wall I have no memory of. Defense mechanism I think. Cheeky

This past episode, everything just seems to be moving too fast, and the focus is on developing plot lines more than characters. I've rambled about this before so I won't go on, but it's like, OK we need more Valeryian Steel so let's go get some. Now let's have the Sparrow "win" in about 20 seconds. Magic from the Children to solve "how do we bring this guy back" issues. Now let's give D back her favorite dragon and make another rousing speech.

There's still 4 episodes for something awesome to happen, and we all know this show can deliver. But I'm really hoping it does. Maybe only one more season after this? I thought they were going 8?

And a tease for Bronn! Yay!!!!