Posted 9 years ago
So now u know ur 1RM.. or near of that.. kouse ur body are learning.. and at firsts months our muscle fibers ill be training to working toghether.. shoting at same times and so on.. kouse of that.. ur 1RM will change alot.. Laugh

and ye.. u should train "force" alot..more muscle. .means more fat burn..
Posted 9 years ago
Machines are fine especially when you're just starting out or you're prone to injuries. That said there's a bunch of studies showing that good old dumbbells and barbells are considerably more effective. Especially when you're doing big compound movements (that don't isolate muscles like machines do) like deadlift, squat and bench press. It's better for fat loss and hypertrophy because you're using more muscle groups and creating more micro-tears. Don't feel pressured to skip machines but if you have someone who can observe you and teach you the proper form dumbbells and barbells will be more effective.
Posted 9 years ago
MattVIP: . Especially when you're doing big compound movements (that don't isolate muscles like machines do) like deadlift, squat and bench press. .

those 3 exercises and some pullups. are just WOW for body transformation.. those are the "bases" for all other exercises.. the TOP exercises.. wen ppl do them properly
Posted 9 years ago
Yeh i use regular weights also but i have not measure my max rep yet. Mainly because i have had no one around to spot me.

Posted 9 years ago
u dont need to mesure max rep.. just find a nice plan for u. Laugh
3.. 4 exercises 3 or 4 sets each. (chest legs or back..) and 2.. 3 exercises.. arms abs and showlders. thats more then enought.. Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
blicax: u dont need to mesure max rep.. just find a nice plan for u. Laugh
3.. 4 exercises 3 or 4 sets each. (chest legs or back..) and 2.. 3 exercises.. arms abs and showlders. thats more then enought.. Laugh

I have a nice plan but i wanted to measure max rep. You have to keep things fun imo and this was a nice challenge and one i hope to keep on beating.
Posted 9 years ago
I have a nice plan but i wanted to measure max rep. You have to keep things fun imo and this was a nice challenge and one i hope to keep on beating.

Sounds like fun and it's cool that you did that. Just keep in mind that your one rep max with dumbbells and barbells can be very different. For example, it's harder to bench press 85kg than it is to chest press 85kg on a machine.
Posted 9 years ago
Oh yeh i hear you its a different way of doing it and it all works out differently. Just saying what i hit on my max 1 rep.
Posted 9 years ago
How's the eating/drinking routine going mate? Tightened things up a bit?

Have you set yourself a long term goal with smaller short term goals to tick off along the way as a means of staying motivated?
Posted 9 years ago
MinerBoy23: How's the eating/drinking routine going mate? Tightened things up a bit?

Have you set yourself a long term goal with smaller short term goals to tick off along the way as a means of staying motivated?


Yeh food and drink has been going better although this weekend could be a binge due to the biggest boxing fight in history happening!

I have been training hard and doing a lot more weightlifting. I jumped on the scales at my new gym randomly last night and it was 7lbs lighter than i was the week before on there so i guess this is a good thing. However right now i am not bothered about the scales and am just in full gogogog mode and working out hard.

Posted 9 years ago*
Awesome lunch today and my mouth is currently on fire but in the best way possible.

Lettuce Leaves
Balsamic vinegar
Extra virgin olive oil
Habenero pork sausages

Really really good!

Attached Image
Posted 9 years ago
advocato its nice.. but super Kcal.... eat but. dont abuse :P..
Posted 9 years ago
blicax: advocato its nice.. but super Kcal.... eat but. dont abuse :P..

haha yeh i know. its a good fat and fits well into my calories per day + god it tastes good!
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Awesome lunch today and my mouth is currently on fire but in the best way possible.

That looks spot on. Love food photos. They're like porn to someone like me who loves to eat Laugh

I had a scorching beef vindaloo on Saturday night before I went to the football in Melbourne. Woke Sunday with no unpleasant side affects. Massive win. Dancing
Posted 9 years ago
Haha nice Miner! Yeh been having a chicken vindaloo from my local recently but sadly i cannot say the same about the morning after.

Did a 90 minute lifting session in the gym tonight. One thing which struck me was how lazy so many of the posers were in the lifting area and ofc they have every right to be as they look good but F me they were literally doing nothing. However there were some people going all out and they were looking better and lifting heavier so i guess the poser side of it is just that. I did think to myself if someone is working harder than me in the gym then i should not be here so i went harder than everyone. I lifted heavier, i did more reps and i was the last to leave the gym. I feel totally exhausted and my body hurts but i love this feeling and was so happy with myself and what i did.
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: I lifted heavier, i did more reps and i was
the last to leave the gym. I feel totally exhausted and my
body hurts but i love this feeling and was so happy with
myself and what i did.

Well done Jon! It is a great feeling. Keep it up!
Just make sure your body recovers before you have another
session like that (Don't over train). If you do go to the gym today just
do a light session with weights (more of a stretching workout) or
You're doing well. Looks good to me.
Posted 9 years ago
Yeh generally if i am tired i will just go in and walk on a treadmill or do some super light weights. Weirdly the morning after pain and tiredness pretty much never happens now. I keep trying to make it happen by pushing myself harder but i think my body is now used to it and only really starts hurting after 4-5 days of beasting. I also am fine with taking a day off to let myself recover....don't think its a bad thing to do at all i just need to watch my carb intake.
Posted 9 years ago
ye.. and thats amazing feeling will grow up.. keep de good work mate. Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: I keep trying to make it happen by pushing
myself harder but i think my body is now used to it and
only really starts hurting after 4-5 days of beasting.

You could try adding new exercises to your workout that you haven't
done before Jon.
Your muscles get used to exercises after a while. A new exercise
should make you feel a difference. Or maybe just alter the order in
which you usually do your exercises. See if that works.
Posted 9 years ago
Hey bud have been doing! Got about 15 new exercises which i have been incorporating into my routines now. Deffs makes it a lot more fun and the time is really starting to fly when im in there now.