Posted 9 years ago
Wow - 5 litres a day. I find it a struggle to get to 2.
Posted 9 years ago
MinerBoy23: Wow - 5 litres a day. I find it a struggle to get to 2.

Its surprisingly easy when you get into a routine of it.

Wake up and get straight onto a bottle. I get a 1.5 litre bottle and drink it over 2-3 hours.

During them gym i drink around .5 litres which is easy as im sweating, tired, hot and thirsty.

Get back from the gym then crack open another bottle and drink that over 3-4 hour period.

Eat dinner then crack open another bottle and drink tht with the food and up until i go to sleep.


In a decent amount of pain so chose not to train anymore tonight. Want to rest up and be ready for my 2 sessions tomorrow. Also had to pick sis and niece up from the airport so thought id be lazy tonight Smile

Feeling a little tired atm, bit weak and shaky. Maybe a lack of food or maybe just because im training so damn hard. Gona curl up in bed now, watch a film, chill out then get a HUGE sleep. Really hoping i get like 10 hours.
Posted 9 years ago
I think if you're training that hard you need to up your kcal count, when I lost all my weight (and I was more overweight than you are) I was still eating 6 meals a day with plenty of carbs and protein, you're tire yourself out if you're just getting by. Low kcal is fine if you don't train but I wouldn't recommend it doing what you're doing
Posted 9 years ago
Agree with Obliterate. It's one thing to exercise more and eat less, but the eating has to be able to fuel the body's exertions.

Re: the water. I wouldn't need to run at all if I drank that much. I'd get all the exercise I need walking to and from the toilets 30 times a day. Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
Yeh the cal count i can deffs up going forward. When i first started like i say i starved myself on 1200 calories per day. I then started with a new strength and conditioning coach who was a nutritionist nut! He then said we need to aim for 2800 calories and to start at 2000 and build up. So i think next week i aim for 2200 calories (10% increase) then keep on upping it and upping it until i reach 2800 calories and well settle into that.

Just had myyyyyyyy breakfast:

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Really tasty, enjoyed it and was a solid portion. Really love mixing things up like this. Makes the week so much more interesting lol.
Posted 9 years ago
MinerBoy23: Agree with Obliterate. It's one thing to exercise more and eat less, but the eating has to be able to fuel the body's exertions.

Re: the water. I wouldn't need to run at all if I drank that much. I'd get all the exercise I need walking to and from the toilets 30 times a day. :D

haha yeh going to the bathroom becomes very annoying but you gotta do what you gotta do!
Posted 9 years ago

Just had an hour at the boxing gym on my own. Just wanted to go at my own pace, enjoy it and get a sweat on.

Did 7 * 2 min rounds on speed ball

2 * 2 min rounds on normal bag

1* 2 min round on the collosus bag

1* 2 min round on the elbow figure of 8 bag

1* 2 min round on the floor to ceiling ball.

Was really good fun, got some stress out and the heart was beating!


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Posted 9 years ago

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God this was good. Tasted amazing and was nice not to have to cook a meal. Probably the best meal of the week lol.
Posted 9 years ago
I tend to cook things like chillis or currys or chicken pasta and do 3-4 days worth and just portion it up and stick it in the fridge! Then you have a main meal per day for 4 days sorted in 30 mins! Got a lovely curry recipe if ever fancy it!
Posted 9 years ago
Yeh Jef prepping things to eat is not something i have ever done so i may look into that.

Had my green shake and a lion bar tonight - i never eat chocolate but man i just had this huge urge. Cant say i really enjoyed it either but well its in my stomach now and damage done!

Weight in tomorrow. Will be weighing in after breakfast/lunch so pretty pumped for tht
Posted 9 years ago

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This was just way to much food. Had to leave a bit but i was gonna throw up if i put anymore into me. Will adjust the portion sizes of this moving forward.

Have a huge workout at 2.30 and will be weighing in.
Posted 9 years ago
Good luck for your weigh in, hope you get the results you are after! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Good luck for your weigh in, hope you get the results you are after! :)

Thanks! Weirdly it will never show that much difference on a week because pre weigh in i eat normal and drink normal. So im essentially weighing in at my heaviest but its a long game and i wont lie: I want to see it below 139KG so badly today! Worked my arse off all week and feel like i deserve to see it.
Posted 9 years ago*
Love this thread Jon! Very motivating

Like how your into mma.. MMA and poker is basically my life lol

Iv boxed since I was 9or10 so I spent most of my teenage years in and out of diets try to cut for competition so I know tough it can be at times but its always worth it !!

When I was about 19 I moved from boxing to mma and there was this guy at the training and he knew my name and use to talk to me like i knew him.. Weird thing about it was I recognised his voice but I had no clue who it was lol every training session for about 3 weeks it wad puzzling me.. So I done the awkward thing of asking someone there name a month later haha he was like what ?? "You serious its Brian ya dick" It one of my mates from school I had known for over 10 years but he had lost over 7 stone training in MMA and just watching what he was eating I couldnt believe it he looked like a new man we still laugh about it now and then..

If you are struggling for meal ideas you should check of Mike Dolces books if you like MMA you will know who he is he is everywhere but the meals are simple easy and taste great..

Good luck on your journey Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Haha sick story! I hope in 10 years time someone doesn't recognise me and they get a shock at how i look! Sick thought actually in 10 years time i will be hitting almost where does the time go!

Its hard to say i do MMA like others do MMA as a lot of mine is based around exercise. Dont get me wrong im not doing boxercise but my main things are hitting pads, hitting bags, some sparring, kicking, elbowing and kneeing. So its more just Thai and boxing. I dont actually have any interest in doing wrestling or rolling. Learning BJJ sounds fun but it doesnt seem like something i would enjoy......but once upon a time i didnt think id enjoy going to a gym everyday to get hit and to hit things!

Posted 9 years ago
I'm tired, exhausted, body hurts, head hurts and i feel god damn pumped about this next session

Posted 9 years ago
The weigh in

Weight 138KG on the nose and i weighed in at my heaviest. So much food and water in me pre weigh in so im super happy to say the least. Thats 2.5lbs lost in a week + getting fitter + gaining muscle. This to me means i should now never go back over 140KG. 2 KG is a good barrier there which i would be so dumb to ever break. So goodbye 140s and hello 130s........120s tho im coming for you!


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Posted 9 years ago
Nice one Jon, bet that felt gooood! Muscle
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Nice one Jon, bet that felt gooood! (flex)

Yeh i just feel good full stop. Life is the best it has been since i can remember. Dont get me wrong man i have problems and am getting over a seriously bad start to the year but day 2 day its just brilliant and i have the gym to thank for making it better. It just helps you feel alive and can i ever be stressed even about the worst things after i do what i do in each session? Plus i gotta say Nick my trainer is like a big bro/father figure. He probably doesn't realize it but even the small chats we have inbetween rounds relaxes me and lets me vent.....i guess a lot of personal trainers become almost like a psychiatrist to a lot of their students.

I often say how lucky i am that i choose my own hours of work and im single etc but one thing i forgot to add in was how lucky i am with the gyms that are near to me. Currently i use a general gym and the fighting gym. The general gym is a 5 min walk (1 min drive) and the fighting gym is a 5 min drive (15 min walk). So its super convenient for me to get in gym sessions anytime.
Posted 9 years ago
Great work Jon, it's always good to see results. Keep working at it an also on the diet side of things, sugar is a drug (non natural sugar) the more you have the more you crave. You have the discipline to not play A9o from early position now find it to not have a lion bar when you are looking for a sugar fix, have fruit instead. Or if you would like recipes for eat clean choc protein mousses etc so easy to make) let me know. Ps are you eating something high GI immediately after your workouts? ie and apple? The benefits being that it the chemical reaction counteracts muscle breakdown.