Get Fit - Get Healthy - Lifestyle Blog

Posted 9 years ago

Ok so wanting to keep this going over the year so rather than doing 5 day blogs i am going to just have this bad boy up and running daily.

Basically i am on the losing weight mission and have been for 5 months. I will put all statisitics, pics, videos and diet stuff in every single day along with my aims and results Smile

I will also be experimenting with:

- Different foods.
- Supplements.
- Training Methods.
- Fads

Current Weight:

- 139.6 KG

I started off at 152.5k KG in September 2014 so it is deffs coming off at a solid speed.

So more information to come and stay tuned! Please comment and get involved.

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
Awesome, enjoyed your last one.

What is your weekly workout routine like? How often do you train and what? Are you doing the big 3 lifts (squat, bench, dead lift) if so how much you pulling son?

How many pieces of clothes do you own that you can no longer wear because they were too big? I remember when I would bulk/cut I could never fit into stuff or it became too big, annoying.
Posted 9 years ago
For losing weight, I have never tried anything better than a low carb diet - it is somewhat strict but you are bound to drop weight. I lost 8.4lbs in 3 weeks without any exercise following the "no sugar" diet.


Anything made of potatoes

stuck to pretty low levels of carbs whilst keeping fat high and was pretty happy with my results
Posted 9 years ago
That seems like a solid idea Marto. Overall as long as you burn more caliores than you eat you will lose weight. Each body is differnt so what works for one may not work so well for the next. Either way this has motivated me to get into shape in 2015!

What is your goal weight Jon? where do you want to get too?
Posted 9 years ago
Any updates Jon?

I've been sticking to what I said, eating healthier and doing 2 weekly walks to the Co-Op to get fresh veggies/fruit. I've also been sticking to drinking only one night /week which has made me feel so much better! Not that I was drinking loads but even two or three nights a week is just too much for me.

How have things been going for you? You still sticking at it?
Posted 9 years ago
Yoyoyo still eating good and training at least once per day.

Had a few things going on and am trying to sort out something to do with brain enhancers so as soon as that is a go i will get this blog rocking!

Weight 139KG on the nose.
Posted 9 years ago
OK lets do this!

Starting to update this NOW.

Current Weight: 139KG

Idea is to spend this year seriously getting in shape and documenting my progress. Gym wise i have a personal trainer up to 5 days per week doing circuits and MMA (mostly boxing/thai boxing) and also a Bannantynes membership where i basically just walk on a treadmill and do some light weights.

Diet wise i am aiming for around 2000 calories per day and it being fairly protein heavy! My body works better off protein so although i am not avoiding carbs there will be durations where i consume very small amounts of it.


2 scoops of protein shake!

The breakdown of whats in my shake looks like this:

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Was supposed to be with my trainer but he just cancelled as he has to look after his mum. Pretty pissed off as i love these sessions and it kinda ruins my day when they are cancelled tbh but ofc if his mums ill he gotta do what he gotta just selfish and want to hit stuff!

So instead im heading to Bannantynes now to do some walking and weights. Really don't want to go do this but i have no choice sadly and i need to do something.

I normally go late night and have the place to myself.......never been during the day so will see how busy it is and get some pics!
Posted 9 years ago*
Training Session

Just had a quick trip to the gym and did a 3KM walk on a 5% incline at 5KMH. Pretty chilled out but got the heart beating and some sweat dripping. Going to go back late tonight hopefully.


Was super lazy and just had a noodle ready meal. Sometimes you gotta just do it! Was super quick, was tasty and did the job. Not that bad calories wise but obv a ton of bad shit in it!

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Posted 9 years ago

Delightful bowl of pasta, sausage, mushroom and cheese! Carb heavy day and probs a bit calorific but well i had an urge lol.

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Going for my 2nd session of the day! At least another 3KM walk and hopefully some weights.
Posted 9 years ago
Nice pics bud.

How many calories does the incline walks burn ? People don't know how hard it is to walk or run uphill till you try it.

Any reason for going to the gym twice rather than done one big session? Time problems or to speed up the metabolism?

Protein heavy diet - is this protein shakes or food? Because if it's the latter damn son, how much you making at the tables?

Posted 9 years ago
Erm i think its around 300 calories roughly. Tbh i dont look at things like that when im doing it - just walk walk walk. Yeh the incline is pretty perfect for anyone wanting to shed some belly fat...its way better for that than running for example. I have a huge problem with walking however as im so god damn heavy im just putting pure strain on my legs which are taking some punishment tbh. Walking like a penguin most days due to my feet killing and knee buckling, also i am pretty prone to shin splints so its all a risk tbh but gotta take it!

Erm tbh i just have the time and enjoy it so i go twice. The morning session with a PT is always super intense then the evening one is at my own pace and well just good for me innit.

Protein is any protein i can find lol. Just crave it all the time - its how i imagine steroid users to feel, just constantly clucking for protein!

Breakfast Today:

2 scoops of protein shake + 1.5 litres of water.


Super busy doing family stuff today so just put in a quick 20 minute weight session at the gym. 4 different weight machines * 3 sets of 8. Just to get a little pump on, sweat and get the heart beating. Some may say its pointless, some may say owt is better than nowt. Will go back tonight for my usual walk. Not seeing my trainer today as like i said im busy so will miss that.

Posted 9 years ago

Just did a 40 minute session on the bags in the gym. Working on my speed bag game, hitting the big bags, reflex ball and also did a ton of crunches on the balance ball thingy (birthing ball).


Taking my Mum out for lunch as she has just been given her 5 year all clear cancer check up thingy! Well ans truly buzzing.....we needed this good news considering my cousins funeral was only 2 weeks ago after she lost her battle with cancer. `Glass of wine for mother and a shandy for me! LEGGO
Posted 9 years ago

Ending up being a delicious cheeseburger from a nice pub we went to. Was a legit burger as well cooked how i wanted it which makes all the difference imo.


Well well well i just massively impressed myself. Running out of things to eat so was a chuck in a pot jobby.

- 2 rashers thick smoked bacon
- handful of mushrooms
- Brown Rice / Quinoa mix
- Seasoning packet (mixed spices)
- Salsa
- touch of cheese

my lordddddddddddddddy it was really delightful. Probs best meal i have had this year. Cant wait to make it again tomorrow Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Glad to here your mom got the all clear mate. Yes

That seasoning packet - does it contain any MSG or aren't you too fussed about that? I get headaches if I eat too much MSG.

I watched a UFC Countdown once with Tim Slyiva and he said he would go on a bike to do his cardio workouts because he could not longer run due to all the pressure it put on his knees and lower back. A bike takes all the pain away - every thought about them? Spin classes can be pretty darn intense and a great way to meet girls lol.
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: Glad to here your mom got the all clear mate. Yes

That seasoning packet - does it contain any MSG or aren't you too fussed about that? I get headaches if I eat too much MSG.

I watched a UFC Countdown once with Tim Slyiva and he said he would go on a bike to do his cardio workouts because he could not longer run due to all the pressure it put on his knees and lower back. A bike takes all the pain away - every thought about them? Spin classes can be pretty darn intense and a great way to meet girls lol.

Not bothered about MSG and all that stuff. Gotta enjoy food brah.....there is getting healthy and then there is being lame. Be good 80% of the time then the other 20% pump some bad stuff back into you lol.

Yeh good shout when it comes to cycling! Will give that a go or even could get on the crossfit trainer thingy. For now i want to see if i can build strength but if the pain continues then yeh it is a write off.
Posted 9 years ago
Congrats on the continued dedication to your training, although try and be a bit more regimented and disciplined with the diet. Your body composition is approx 85% diet. When you say you need to eat crap it is not your body saying I need MSG, I need aspartame or flavourings or preservatives it is just a craving. You can adjust these cravings by not giving into them for roughly 28 days then these cravings will go away. Kind of like a crying call with top pair when you know they have the set! Its a shame you are doing all that hard work in the gym, then not complimenting it with a clean diet. If you do get sugar cravings PM me and I will give you some eat clean recipes for those of you with a sweet tooth.
Posted 9 years ago
Ps. a note to all, when you are trying to loose weight it is not really weight that you you should be focused on loosing, it is body fat, carbohydrates are required for mental and physical function so cutting them out would be sub optimal, it is unnatural sugar that you want to remove from your diet. Difficult as most products in shops contain them ie Dolmio sauces - 4 teaspoons, Lucozade - 9 teaspoons, Oasis - 6 teaspoons, this is the pandemic that we are dealing with, liver disease is on the up mainly due to people consuming to much man made sugar, companies put this in their products to enhance flavour and preserve product. It is your job to be mindful of what you are purchasing and putting in to your body. If anyone gets a chance to watch ' The Sugar film' please do!
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks for the comments Andrew. I have been really solid on my diet but recently kinda changed it up a bit - bringing in an odd ready meal or using something from a packet... Honestly tho i dont think this is that big of a deal tho - would i be better off not doing it...OFC but would i be as happy,,,,No. I am in this for the long run and i need to keep at it. I dont want to eat the same stuff everyday and not enjoy food as much as i will probably just quit or go on a binge. If this adds in another 6-12 months of training time to get to where i want to be then so be it. However tho i dont think it is as drastic as that.

You are right about the added sugars and i am only getting this from food as 95% of what i drink is water, the number may be higher than that. I only drink something other than Water on Saturdays where i drink diet coke, rum and some beer.

Posted 9 years ago
Food today:


1 scoop of protein power Shake


Brown rice
Fajita seasoning

All of these in small amounts of course but was just randomly chucking things in the pan and it turned out good.

Posted 9 years ago
All I would advise is what I say to my clients, if you eat clean stuff you can pretty much eat as much as you like as long as you keep on top of your training. I think if you had the variation of clean meals and snacks that I do you would not have to eat crap to make up for the taste and variety. I love the food I eat and have finely tuned my diet over time, the meals and snacks I consume taste amazing. It was after I finished my degree and qualifications in PT and nutrition that I fully gained an understanding of what this crap does to you and how it undermines your good work. Let me know if you want and meal or snack suggestions. Its a small leak in your diet that can easily be remedied. I think you would be as happy if you tried it. It is just a craving and once you go for a prolonged period without it your body will adapt. I like your mindset that you are in it for the long haul, it is a lifestyle change not a diet change, which to me conjures up the notion that it is a short term trial that if does not work out can be quit and revert back to old habits. Good work with the hydration choice [water] everything else is pretty bad. I too have a liking for Rum, sailor jerry's or mount gay is amazing, and my weapon of choice on a social event. Have you tried it with ginger ale?