Material Possessions That Bring You Happiness

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I know people say possessions don't bring happiness but we all know that's a lie Laugh .

What items do you love most and could not live without?

For me I would happily pay 3-5x the cost price for any of the following:

1. Kindle

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2. Xanax for long haul flights

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3. My laptop

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What could you not live without?

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
My library card, which is massively +EV

My poker chip set, cost almost 2 bills but I LOVE it
Posted 7 years ago
Keys. It used to be guitar but I'm pretty low maintenance guy so I switched to a low maintenance instrument:
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My PC:
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A cup of hot chocolate/green tea (depending on the mood):
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That + a few square feet of space is pretty much all I need as far as the material possessions go.

Posted 7 years ago
100% a lie and I am pretty sure you know most of mine by now lol

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Posted 7 years ago
You driving a BMW mate, didn't know you binked a MTT recently.

I also forgot to add this:

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Posted 7 years ago
ROFL MTT bink ur getting good at burning me. Can't hate on it
Posted 7 years ago
Not too long ago a french press might actually be on my list too, but I gave up both coffee and alcohol for a few months (wasn't suppose to be long term, I just wanted to reevaluate some of my habits when I was starting the weight loss) and now I can't really reintroduce those into my life. Both caffeine and alcohol seem to be more potent now and they both have a tendency to destabilize my routine whenever I use them. This is very strange. I'm not gonna make definitive declarations because there are times when a cup of coffee or a glass of quality spirit seem just right, but at this point, I don't feel like total abstinence from both caffeine and alcohol is unreasonable and I'd think that for sure just few months back.

In other words... nice french press bro Laugh