What is your profession?

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Seeing as I'm just finished university and wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life, I regularly ask people what their job is for ideas!
Although I usually find that question is met with alot of silence, I don't know if people don't want to reply for a number of reasons from privacy, embarrassment, money etc.

I'm currently waiting on a phonecall from Pokerstars for my job interview.. it was supposed to be 24 minutes ago. (After it was rearranged from last week). Awkward. I'm not very impressed already!

If anyone could tell me about their job/what they love or hate about it I'd be very interested to know!

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Posted 7 years ago
So for me it is

Semi professional poker player - was pro for 9 years but now do other work which is taking up the majority of my time now.

Work for 180Vita: started as a coach making videos and now I manage

- All social media accounts (7 main pages inc PokerVIP and PokerTube)
- Facebook groups: Buy big poker groups and manage a team of 3 people who keep them ticking.
- Run communities such as this forum
- Create coaching content and do the hiring of other coaches and management of their content
- B2B - Working with companies in regards to running flat fee campaigns across our sites, social media channels etc.
- Help with sales
- Few other smaller bits.

So everything is in the poker world which is what I know the most about and really love it.
Posted 7 years ago
I was a full time poker player after my study for about 5 years playing mostly 400-1knl.

Last 2 years I started building an online business mostly affiliate type.

This year I started moving to my own products and eCommerce. Also I started playing again, started at 100nl, but playing mostly 50nl now. Have a profit but not yet happy with my game so trying to improve it here. Want to play at least 100nl again. No intention to go pro again. But some extra money is always welcome and I still love the complexity of this game
Posted 7 years ago*
I'm a full time Graphic Designer! I got an honours degree in Creative Digital Media and went from there. I would definitely recommend it. I mainly design magazines, logos, company brands, flyers, business cards and pretty much any other graphics you see in web or print etc. I love it!

- Can pretty much work from anywhere in the world. I'm currently in an office, but with a laptop, you can do 99% of what needs to be done
- Every day is different! One day, you could be coming up with brand concepts and the next you could be laying out a magazine
- Industry is very friendly! Lots of young people looking to go far

- Lots of deadlines that have to be met
- Picky clients. Unfortunately, you have to strictly follow what the client is looking for... Even if it looks shit! Cheeky
- Requires you to have your creative juices flowing at all times! Coffee is key. If you're having an off day, your work will suffer

Overall, I would HIGHLY recommend this industry! It's closely related to web design & video production which was covered in my course too.

It can be a bit tough to get into without a portfolio & experience, so an internship would be smart after graduating!

Best of luck with the Pokerstars interview! Hopefully you get a call Smile

Also, @Jon-PokerVIP, any cool Facebook groups that you're involved in and you fancy sharing? I've been looking to join some!
Posted 7 years ago*
Online marketer/Entrepreneur

I run one of Bangkok's most popular blogs, I sell ebooks and I run Facebook Ads for businesses in Bangkok and Australia.

I work from home anywhere between 0-20hours per week.

Currently planning to start a recruitment agency in Bangkok when I get back.

Love it!
Posted 7 years ago
I work as a software tester for an insurance company as my current fulltime job but I've an interview tomorrow though for a new role as an actuary so fingers crossed I'll get that. I also produce poker media content such as streams/coaching videos and do some coaching for some side income as well but that makes up a fairly negligible amount of my overall income.

What's the job at Pokerstars your interviewing for and where is it based? Best of luck with it!
Posted 7 years ago
I'm a BI Developer for a software company that does vehicle tracking, logistics and telemetry. Been there for just over a year but I've been in the IT industry for over 11 years. To be honest I've spent most of it trying to find something else to do because I have no real passion for it. I'm sure I'll be crushing 1000NL soon so I can quit Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Don't have one now since I got ill about 18 months ago, but,
I was a mathematics teacher from 11 to 18 year olds in school and college, then taught unemployed adults who needed basic skills in numeracy, english and I.T and confidence building.

Some positives:
Loved helping the adults and watching them grow again. I knew where they were because I'd been there and taught myself to read, write and count blah blah, so they couldn't make excuses to fail because I had the tee-shirt, hahaha. Thing is with that connection teaching them became the best job I could ever do, even as difficult as they (the students) could be. So much fun.
It's not a job when you just love getting up and are ready to go every day and you're doing as many hours at home as you do in work, just because you love it, it's fun.

Some Negatives:
Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork ...meant teaching became a sideline we didn't have time for.
Classes far too big.
Crowd control. It's all they want. Go for a job interview and nobody asked what innovative or new ideas I could bring to the position, just how good was I at controlling a group of students. I taught high achievers and they want me to be a policeman.

Nobody wants to date a teacher, too tired for romance! Yawn

If it's a career you want, teaching can be great, if it's a life you want, run away.
Posted 7 years ago
I am a stay at home dad for my 2 year old twin boys. I earn most of my money from trading horses on the betting exchanges. I would like to branch out and learn to trade football and tennis when horse racing is not on at some point but at the moment my income comes predominantly from the horses.
Posted 7 years ago
Loving this response thank you all! Anyone else please post away!

@keithyboy198 how did you get into that?? Is there anywhere I can read up on it?
Sounds pretty interesting!!
Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie recruitment agency you say?
It's on my bucket list to go travelling around there, may hit you up for a job if I get around to it😜
Posted 7 years ago
@f1zz1cs I have always been into betting and back in the day I used to arbitrage. Eventually the bookmakers restricted a lot of my betting accounts so I had to find an alternative and that is when I stumbled across Betfair.

I'm not gonna lie and make out I earn a stupid amount of money from it but I do ok from it. I had to up my game with it when I opted to look after my boys full time as I had reduced my hours at my previous full time job to just popping in to socialize every sunday morning.

There is plenty of information dotted about the internet regarding how it actually works but if you look for 'betangel' and 'Caan Berry' on google or youtube then you will find enough there to get you started. Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago
Woahh some big pages and groups there! They seem to be growing nicely! I just like & joined a few Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Nice which ones did you pick?
Posted 7 years ago
I think pretty much everything except for Documentary / MMA Tube! But... Because I'm nice, I'll like them now Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
Woohoo I got the new job!!!!
Posted 7 years ago
SICKKKK! Congrats man! Laugh Huge news!
Posted 7 years ago
Congrats to the fergrberger! Just great cheery news! Handshake
Posted 7 years ago
I joined the merchant navy at 16 when I left school and I'm still there, 11 years later. This job isn't for everyone but it pays the bills.

only work 6 months(sometimes less) a year and get paid for 12
good money for the work we do
get to travel for free

Being away from home/family for 6 months of the year
The job isn't as secure as it once was (cheaper labour and falling oil prices)

A lot of my friends who work at home always say their biggest regret is not working at sea, just for the time off we get. What they don't realise is all the things we miss while we're away....and if you get sea sick, that doesn't help either Laugh