Posted 9 years ago
Daily update yo
Posted 9 years ago
Need to pull our fingers out and start crushing! Thats for sure!
Posted 9 years ago
Hands Report as of close of play June 4th

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Nice to see some greens but some usual suspects giving me every excuse under the sun on why they are behind pace. Great to see a lot of players really going for it so i will concentrate on the positives. I feel like this month we will see a lot of greens every time i update this.
Posted 9 years ago
Nice excel work Jon!
Posted 9 years ago
Jamie: Nice excel work Jon!

Knew that GNVQ in ICT course i did in 2003 would come in handy one day!
Posted 9 years ago
Wauw nice!!!!

Lot of green 💪💪💪
Posted 9 years ago
New LOCKDOWN has been announced!!! Expect all staked players to get involved so put your names down in it Here.

To confirm as always remember all promos are split 50/50.

Good luck team!
Posted 9 years ago
iv put my name forward jon for this 100% will be giving an id actually cry if didn't play 30k in 4 weeks
Posted 9 years ago
BAM LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN !!! We will and can do this Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
Player Hands Report

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So a lot of reds there considering pretty much everyone on that list has been rolled this entire month. Shout out to those crushing it tho and keep on going at it. Today i made some major changes letting one person go and dropping 4 players down stakes. I don't like doing this at all but if you aint working and just randomly punting here and there you really leave me no choice. I want to put people up so next week i will see who shines and make sure we get them moving on up.

Profit/Loss This Month:


I didn't do daily reports as it was a bit depressing but this is where we stand. I honestly don't really know what to say as i really expect a lot better. I will be putting some player reviews up today, continue to answer hands and will always be on call but right now it is in your hands guys. You gotta work harder than anyone else, concentrate and do everything pros do to make money.

Lets hope the next 7 days look brighter. I need at least a break even month including rake back!

Can we do it?
Posted 9 years ago
it seems every one is more or less just playing as they would if they wasn't staked prob best thing to do Is call a meeting and tell every one what it takes to reach there monthly goals and the best way to go about it for each person depending on there other life going ons
Posted 9 years ago
Hey guys. Please Who from staked players is playing NL20 at the moment? I would like to avoid you at the tables. Thanks
Posted 9 years ago
pokershark: it seems every one is more or less just playing as they would if they wasn't staked prob best thing to do Is call a meeting and tell every one what it takes to reach there monthly goals and the best way to go about it for each person depending on there other life going ons

Yeh i have individual words at least once per week and say in the group etc. TBH i think i need to be harsher and get rid of dead weight quicker. I have give some people way to much time and it does feel like they just take the piss and have no real reason not to be crushing.

Just need a great team of great people and no laziness! But your right i need to tell them a target and if they don't hit it then there is not much i can or should do.
Posted 9 years ago
mattusko: Hey guys. Please Who from staked players is playing NL20 at the moment? I would like to avoid you at the tables. Thanks

haha will leave it up to them to tell you Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Latest Hand Report:

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Ok so a solid mix of greens and reds in there today. Pretty happy to see people in there or pretty much about to hit pace but ofc 3-4 there who are really quite some way behind. Going to let everyone where they need to be at by Monday and hope to see some vast improvement there. So much incentive to grind on BV right now so lets have a huge weekend!

One of the players on that list has actually just been let go. A real promising player but to much life stuff going on or maybe just doesn't have his heart in this which is fair enough. Best of luck going forward!

So that's the update and on we go for the weekend.
Posted 9 years ago
pokershark: it seems every one is more or less just playing as they would if they wasn't staked prob best thing to do Is call a meeting and tell every one what it takes to reach there monthly goals and the best way to go about it for each person depending on there other life going ons

Yeh i have individual words at least once per week and say in the group etc. TBH i think i need to be harsher and get rid of dead weight quicker. I have give some people way to much time and it does feel like they just take the piss and have no real reason not to be crushing.

Just need a great team of great people and no laziness! But your right i need to tell them a target and if they don't hit it then there is not much i can or should do.

Ditch em... if im one of them fine... id rather peeps had opportunity for longer than fine.... its a business not a charity
Posted 9 years ago
I noticed you never gave a winning/losses update...which isn't a good sign either!
Posted 9 years ago
BarraBod: I noticed you never gave a winning/losses update...which isn't a good sign either!

haha yeh we are down about 1k on the month right now. I want to wait for some positive news.
Posted 9 years ago
@perthhibee I need 10 of you buddy and you do nothing but good.
Posted 9 years ago
I'd say review everyone's game after 100k hands. if they are clearly just a fish who has no BR and want to still play so uses staking drop them- you shouldn't be donating money to people who are just lossers. Sounds harsh but if I'm looking to stake anyone I want to see a return- so gifting so far what like 2k after RB to people who just wanna play poker and aren't making money doesn't really make sense.

Just my 2cents and obz people can lose and be winning players but it will be clear who is actually a winner and using the staking to improve their game and those who are losers and are using staking to keep on playing...