Posted 8 years ago
Good luck man. We will do that.
Posted 8 years ago
Had a bti of a set back today as I had to withdraw about a quarter of my roll for real life expenses -.- Annoying as it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable playing 50nl as 3 buy in lose now would be a big enough chunk to set my confidence back. Played 20nl and crushed so no biggy and have made a decent amount back already.

Hoping to play live Friday but may not get the chance given real life bills this month :/
Posted 8 years ago
In other news check out my new vid in my 15min study series:

Posted 8 years ago
That was an interesting video as I expected it would be. I didn't get some of it even though it doesn't look super nasty to learn or anything, just that I haven't got that far yet. I'm still learning about how to count combos of hands are on flops so it's a little above my pay grade as yet but I will get there.
Bookmarked it for future reference just the same, it looks extremely useful.
Posted 8 years ago
Don't count combos!!! Won't help you at all even at 100000000nl lol. Where did this counting combos cone from anyway? Micro stakes players counting combos, absurdddd
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyCookie: Don't count combos!!! Won't help you at all even at 100000000nl lol. Where did this counting combos cone from anyway? Micro stakes players counting combos, absurdddd

This is not true - we should always somewhat automatically relay to ourselves ranges, combos and all that other good stuff when making decisions. It is not the be all and end all but to not even think about them or for them to be a part of our game is absurd.