Posted 7 years ago
Hey man I'm from the north but always in playing in Dublin in basically every live event I can!!
Do you ever play live events? They're great!! Probably around the same standard as 10-20nl online IMO.
Next one I'll be at is the 80e one in the Clayton in the middle of july! If your gonna be at it gimme a shout and we can rep PokerVIP!
I'm sure @Jon-PokerVIP can sort out some patches? Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
WE DID ITTTTTT! WE QUALIFIED! UNBELIEVABLEEEEE Laugh So when we beat France (...), we face ENGLAND or Iceland in the quarters! Surprised AHH

@f1zz1cs I've only ever played 1 live event before and it was aaaages ago Surprised I'd love to play a few. Where's the best places to keep an eye out for events? The Clayton could be a possibility Surprised
Posted 7 years ago

Clayton would be an excellent one to wet your feet again!!
Posted 7 years ago
Yes patches I will make all of this happen in August I promise! Ordered some packaging and will fire out a bag of merch for everyone.
Posted 7 years ago
It's a sad morning in Ireland, the boys in green have been knocked out of Euro 2016. What an amazing campaign though. At least I can say I was there to be part of it. Very proud. Next stop for me on the away trips is Austria in November Smile

Another week has begun! Very busy this week so poker will be on the sidelines, after this week, the summer grind should be back on! I think I'll have to get on them Party Poker Fast Forward tables for the tasty bonus and rake race!

@Jon-PokerVIP Sweet man! I'd love to rep the brand! Polo's and hoodies would be a good idea too! I'd definitely order one if you pick up a few Smile

Posted 7 years ago
I think I your guys did exceptionally well and it was no doubt a less sad a day than in England. Better than a solid effort from the Irish imo.
Posted 7 years ago
So here we are... Another new week... And guess what? No real progress on muchhhhhh! I need to get my head back into this. I keep saying it, but things keep getting in the way. June was a crazy busy month. Enough with the excuses Cheeky

It's tough to run a full time job and get study / volume / friends, family & girlfriend time in. Isn't it sad that we live to work and not work to live? I love my job, but I'm watching a lot of my friends travel the world and wondering how they're doing it without a solid income... I want to go! Technically, all I need is a laptop and I can work from anywhere in the world! I'd love to ask my employer would this be possible for a few months... I think he'd be fine with it but... I kinda feel bad for asking? Is that weird? I feel it's rude or something...

I'm 25 towards the end of this year, I always said I wanted to travel before then. 26 onwards gets serious... I'll be moved out with my girlfriend, bills will have to be paid, a wedding ring will be purchased at some point, and then mini Colly191091's will be running about... SCARY. But that's life!

Poker... I don't think I mentioned this before, but my overall aim is to reach 25 / 50NL and supplement my income. I don't wanna go pro or anything like that. I'm currently at 10NL and it's going ok! Very swingy, but I think that's my playstyle which I need to calm down on the aggression and trying to bluff fish.

I'm gonna start getting involved with more groups and discussions, do you lads recommend any? I'm also contemplating hiring a coach for the first time... I'm a little nervous about it rather than excited though, I've heard a lot of pros & cons about coaching... Obviously picking the right coach (at a reasonable rate) is important.

Also, I recorded a 30 minute "leak finder" vid like you guys suggested Laugh Going to upload soon and will post here! Hopefully you will check it out and fix my gaping leaks haha
Posted 7 years ago
With regards to watching your friends - STOP

From poker all the way to normal jobs I have friends who seemed/seem to live the greatest lifestyle of all but it is all pretty much going to be a lie or very short lived. Some may have come into money, got a big loan, piggy backed on something or just delusional. Generally it will come back to bite them on the arse and it yeh will just spiral out of control.

Do you and do it right.
Posted 7 years ago
"Generally it will come back to bite them on the arse"

Exactly what I was thinking! In a way, I like the structure of my working week. I'd be terrified to quit my job, go travel, and then come back to absolutely nothing. Play it safe or risk it...? Overall, I think I'm on the safer side... But I'm sure that has it's merits.

When your main income was Poker, did you travel like a lot of other players did? I know a lot went to Asia
Posted 7 years ago*
So here it is!

If you have a spare few mins, check it out

Any feedback would be huuuugely appreciated! @fergrberger@Jon-PokerVIP@Harvie@Komododragonjesus@MattVIP@eroticjesus@Turlock@CrazyCookie

*I record this a week and a half ago... You'll here me mention that Ireland were beat 3-0... We are now sadly out following a France defeat in the last 16 Sad
Posted 7 years ago
Will check it out at some point this week!
Posted 7 years ago
Commented my thoughts on YouTube Smile
Posted 7 years ago
A few minutes in and I see you've made a couple comments about possibly 3betting A4o BTN vs CO and also considered 3betting T9o SB vs BTN. You didn't go through with either of them and I definitely think that's the right way to go against most villains and definitely against unknowns.

8:15, QTs: You get donked into for the 2nd time by this player. Last time he bet bet folded so he likely wasn't super strong. I'd like a raise on the flop rather than a float.

10:25, 94s: I like the lead.

11:10, KQo: I'd usually 3bet. You mention he's deep but remember effective stack is the shorter of the 2 so you guys are ~100bb effective.

13:00, JJ: yep just get it in with that much money behind.

17:00, KQs, I think you might get more value with a smaller bet on the flop.

17:30: Yawning while playing is totally a leak Laugh

18:40, KTo: Preflop seems too loose. Even with him marked as a short stack you have basically no other info so I think it'll be hard to make this profitable. Once he minbets I would probably just raise flop. If you call flop I think you can raise turn against his small bet also.

18:55, A2s: I'd typically just bet the flop. This is a hand I want to shovel money into the pot as fast as possible with (even though its a draw) and capitalise on fold equity as well.

22:00, QTo: Like the flat pre. On the turn if you're targeting his really weak hands a smaller bet will probably get more value.

24:00, ATo: I'd prefer a check back on this flop.

24:40, AQs: I'd definitely be cbetting the flop.

Overall not bad. I'm moderately short on time atm so some of the answers are brief (sorry). If you want me to expand on any of the points just let me know. Hope this helps!
Posted 7 years ago
Holy shit. Soooooo much great help! Thank you so much @CrazyCookie@Komododragonjesus! Gonna get a coffee and go through every spot this morning. Serious man love to you both
Posted 7 years ago*
@Komododragonjesus Just went through all the spots you mentioned Smile Thanks a lot! I realllllly appreciate you taking the time to help me!

A problem I have is knowing when to bet draws, check / call draws & check / raise draws. Such as NFD OOP. Is there any certain criteria you look for before making your decision?

Sorry about the yawning hahahaha Didn't get enough beauty sleep Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
@CrazyCookie Thanks once again for taking the time and helping me out Smile

Just going through your pointers now! Not sure if it's best to reply on here or on YouTube.

Just a few questions if you have a minute:

5.40 AQo - Would AQs be a call? AQo is always super tricky OOP like you mentioned. I need to fold /4bet this more! Noted Smile

13.45 68s - You mention opening smaller in CO. Would your recommend 2.5x CO & BTN or 2.5x CO & 2x BTN?

18.55 A2s - This is a spot I seem to struggle with. I need to commit more to big draws. I once heard in a training vid that with this much equity, it's ok to check call but I think it was a load of nonsense haha I need to get that out of my head. If we get raised on that board, I presume we just get it in?

22.50 AQo - Interesting you mentioned it hits our range better, I'm sure you're right. Could you expand on this a little more? I'm on Mac so unfortunately don't have access to Flopzilla Sad In my mind up to this point, he would have all the sets and a few draws. JJ, AJ + overpairs would be the only big hands I'd have in my range.

24.50 AQs - What sizing would you prefer on the turn as played?

25.35 TT - When is it better to check call vs. missed draws on the river? Not necessarily in this exact spot, but anything to look out for in future that would lead to your decision?

28.10 K8o - I think my BTN open is 42-45%. Will look into expanding.

Some of my reasoning was daft to you (which is good) - Thanks for pointing it out. Trying my best to learn! Cheers! Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Any time Smile

5.40 AQo - Would AQs be a call? AQo is always super tricky OOP like you mentioned. I need to fold /4bet this more! Noted

OOP at 5nlzoom I wouldn't worry about being exploited and just fold AQo, if villain is 3b a lot then use it as a 4b bluff. aqs I call

13.45 68s - You mention opening smaller in CO. Would your recommend 2.5x CO & BTN or 2.5x CO & 2x BTN?

I go 2.5x CO 2x btn, but it's more if villain don't know your STD sizing then you can throw in a min raise with the bottom of your range in all spots 2x UTG even with 55/78s. Obz you can go opposite and go 3x OTB with JJ Smile

18.55 A2s - This is a spot I seem to struggle with. I need to commit more to big draws. I once heard in a training vid that with this much equity, it's ok to check call but I think it was a load of nonsense haha I need to get that out of my head. If we get raised on that board, I presume we just get it in?

Yeah that sounds bs Wink we can x/c, but betting is massively higher EV! If we get raised ship it and you will be printing money from folds and gii ahead of worse FD and even tp.

22.50 AQo - Interesting you mentioned it hits our range better, I'm sure you're right. Could you expand on this a little more? I'm on Mac so unfortunately don't have access to Flopzilla Sad In my mind up to this point, he would have all the sets and a few draws. JJ, AJ + overpairs would be the only big hands I'd have in my range.

Well we have more to combos than villain, all over pairs and all sets so our value range is stronger than his value range. Also he has a tonne of hands that completely wiff this board but have two live cards to improve on. Also we can get baby pp to fold which are ahead of us. Barrel when you make TP or improve to a G's btw.

24.50 AQs - What sizing would you prefer on the turn as played?

Can't remember this spot, guessing I would go 3/4 for if it is for value.

25.35 TT - When is it better to check call vs. missed draws on the river? Not necessarily in this exact spot, but anything to look out for in future that would lead to your decision?

Again memory failing but typically it is villain dependant. If he bluffs a lot let him bluff if not just go for value from his 1paie combos that won't value bet.

28.10 K8o - I think my BTN open is 42-45%. Will look into expanding.

Yessss.... Aim for 50-55% rfi, on zoom you can probably go 60% with players playing tight Smile
Posted 7 years ago
colly191091: @Komododragonjesus Just went through all the spots you mentioned Smile Thanks a lot! I realllllly appreciate you taking the time to help me!

A problem I have is knowing when to bet draws, check / call draws & check / raise draws. Such as NFD OOP. Is there any certain criteria you look for before making your decision?

Sorry about the yawning hahahaha Didn't get enough beauty sleep Cheeky

As a default just cbet all your good draws both IP and OOP. Fold equity + equity is better than just equity Smile

At these stakes I wouldn't be worried about being balanced and checking back a ton of draws since lots of opponents won't properly capitalise on it. If you run into a player that's particularly aggressive or spewy when checked to then I'd consider getting fancy.
Posted 7 years ago
"Generally it will come back to bite them on the arse"

Exactly what I was thinking! In a way, I like the structure of my working week. I'd be terrified to quit my job, go travel, and then come back to absolutely nothing. Play it safe or risk it...? Overall, I think I'm on the safer side... But I'm sure that has it's merits.

When your main income was Poker, did you travel like a lot of other players did? I know a lot went to Asia

BTW one thing I will say is although a lot of people front I in no way said do not risk it - if you feel it is correct to risk it all then go ahead and do it. Honestly the worst things in the world really hurt so little overtime. I just meant the posers and people doing fuck all and trying to look cool are 99% not. But if you want to pursue other things or give something a go then do it....just make sure it is not a dumb punt and makes some sense.

Na I have never been into travelling as I hate movement in general lol.
Posted 7 years ago*
Hahaha I know the feeling @Jon-PokerVIP! There are some days I just want to completely vegetate. I'd say there's not much if any time to rest when travelling. I'd miss those lazy days in my underpants.

This month isn't going very well so far, the downswing continues but feeling somewhat confident about the state of my game. Hoping to pick up the volume this month.

I haven't been playing on Stars at all lately. Contemplating withdrawing my money on there and possibly depositing on Party! This Summer of Grind promo seems amazing but a lot of people are struggling to make profit by the looks of it Surprised Why do you think this is? What are the reg tables like on Party these days?

The plan is to have a little sweat with @fergrberger in the upcoming week or so. I designed a new Twitch layout for him in return for an hour session. Excited to see the response of the design! Seems all positive so far Smile Keep an eye on his Twitch!