Posted 7 years ago*
I should be moderately shocked at this but instead, I'm seeing it as a giant missed opportunity... no midget tossing?

"They are built for accuracy" gets me every single time Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
haha forgot how funny that movie was. Just got back to Bangkok, spent a week in Manila and it was really good and bad at the same time. Bad as in the food sucked and there are few finds to see in Manila, good in the fact for cheap you can really ball out and get chicks.

view from the roof of my Airbnb:

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RLD, I'm usually fine here but this one creeped me out a little. There were guys grabbing me asking if I want a BJ or to fuck them, kind of werid but whatever:

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Will upload more pics but my Internet is a bit choppy.

Had some live games at $1/1 which were quite soft, good casions.
Posted 7 years ago
This is a great thread Harvie! Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks glad you enjoy it, been debating where I should do my next holiday, thinking Manila again but to stay there for a month or so. Also been thinking about hitting Latin America but none of my friends want to go there.

Any PokerVIPers coming Thailand this year?
Posted 7 years ago*
Few more pics from my Manila trip below

This was another view from my Airbnb, I was on the 28th floor:

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Inside my condo

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Had a friend who has been a DJ there for like 20 years, took me to the unsafe part of town to some clubs, I'll post a few of the girls later but need to blur my face out first:

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Some club with tons of hot chicks with me perving on them with drool coming out my mouth:

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Posted 7 years ago
Never been been to SE Asia for real apart Korea once when I was young, but I'm pretty sure I'll do my round of that part of world at some point in near future. Looks fun!
Posted 7 years ago
@MilfGrinder where are you from? I'm sure you'd love it here, in fact I think everyone would who isn't scared of trying new things.

In other news my GF got offered a new job, I'm telling her to take it but she refused:

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Posted 7 years ago
Moving this year or next to Asia to teach English in EFL classrooms. Thailand & Vietnam are first choices but opportunities for me are mostly in China.

Nonetheless I will hopefully travel to Thailand, alhough I've heard that tourists are ruining some parts of it.

Long story short, if I am there then let's go for a drink Harvie!
Posted 7 years ago
I'm from Latvia.

Why'd she refuse that offer, wtf
Posted 7 years ago
@Feldheimer1 if you're around here send me a message

@MilfGrinder the part where he says 'involved' he is basically referring to sex lol.
Posted 7 years ago
I know, a good deal Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
Solid deal - pimp it!
Posted 7 years ago*
A few more pics of Manila:

A brothel a taxi took us too, well that was a go go but there was a brothel next door, insane price (£120+) and the girls were not that hot. We knew you can get them for £40 near our hotel and they are much better, was obv a scam so we moved to a club:

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Was a little worried going into this club as it was way out there and there were pretty much no westerns in here, a bouncer was kind of following us and that got me worried, but after the night was up I think he was there to protect us, from what I don't know lol.

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My friend ordered some food to the table of the club, it's called sigsig and it's just offal and pig intestines, looks rank AF but actually tasted pretty nice.

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Will be heading back in May for a month and this time will be hitting up a few of the beaches.
Posted 7 years ago
Well you ruined that story with the food.....why not just have something nice and normal ffs?

Posted 7 years ago
For me, a medium-rare steak looked unappealing even back when I used to eat meat. So... yeah... I agree with Jon, great story but it could probably do without the food Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
When in Rome, that's what they all eat, it actually tasted really really good, could have been because I was drunk AF though.

Not really done much this month, damaged my knee playing football, can hardly walk at the moment. Figure I'd head to the massage shop to get healed up, this one cost me £45!

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Tell you what though, for that price you don't get much of a room....

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Manila and China next month I think, lmk if anyone is heading there.

Don't tell the GF! Cool
Posted 7 years ago
I feel like 'when in Rome' is a thinking man's version of YOLO though the quality of reasoning coming before or after both statements is usually fairly similar Laugh