Posted 6 years ago
Over 4 hours streaming tonight. Ran deep, came 35th of over 700, for a whopping €25. WTF!? So many people get paid that you cash for fuck all in the top 5%. Really pisses me off. Anyways I freerolled it with a ticket so it was another profitable session and 4 for 4 cashing on stream. Next week will be the last drunken Friday night poker stream before a dry September and the Online Poker League.
Posted 6 years ago*
Cash session today. So many tough decisions during this one. Should I listen to rock, rap, soul? I just can't fucking decide!

I'll go for a run to clear my head.

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Posted 6 years ago
Today's session.

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Posted 6 years ago
Decided to get another session in. Had to book a losing one eventually. But I do not want to talk about what happened at the end there. Angry

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Posted 6 years ago
IIII arrrrrr!! Not too bad of a session before the lemmings! GL on the next one!
Posted 6 years ago
Decided to try a little session on Party Poker, mainly to see what the action was like. My initial thoughts on how it compares to iPoker, if only after just a few hands:

1. Way more players.
2. Way more hands per hour. I think mainly because the transition time from fold to new hand is quicker.
3. Very few short stacks, iPoker is full of them.
4. Almost always 6 players at the table compared to very often just 4 or 5 on iPoker.
5. Way more EP opens (because there are EPs).
6. Far less calling preflop. More folding and 3betting.
7. More passive post flop.
8. All round just a bit harder to get value.

I know there's a lot of variance in this small a sample. I did get dealt big hand after big hand only to completely brick or get it in bad (sometimes win sometimes lose). I think it would take some small adjustments, mainly picking the right spots to bluff, to move my game from iPoker to Party. I tried throwing a few traps in there but the play was too passive. I'm at 5k hands in my re-attempt at NL5. I'll continue on iPoker to 10k then re-evaluate whether or not I want to move to get the extra hands in.

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Posted 6 years ago
jongordon84: Decided to try a little session on Party Poker, mainly to see what the action was like. My initial thoughts on how it compares to iPoker, if only after just a few hands:

1. Way more players.
2. Way more hands per hour. I think mainly because the transition time from fold to new hand is quicker.
3. Very few short stacks, iPoker is full of them.
4. Almost always 6 players at the table compared to very often just 4 or 5 on iPoker.
5. Way more EP opens (because there are EPs).
6. Far less calling preflop. More folding and 3betting.
7. More passive post flop.
8. All round just a bit harder to get value.

I know there's a lot of variance in this small a sample. I did get dealt big hand after big hand only to completely brick or get it in bad (sometimes win sometimes lose). I think it would take some small adjustments, mainly picking the right spots to bluff, to move my game from iPoker to Party. I tried throwing a few traps in there but the play was too passive. I'm at 5k hands in my re-attempt at NL5. I'll continue on iPoker to 10k then re-evaluate whether or not I want to move to get the extra hands in.

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And another thing I remembered, the HUD works properly on Party. On iPoker it works but it lags. You normally wait 5-10 seconds before it updates to the current players at the table, so your first decision is HUDless.
Posted 6 years ago
At midnight last night, steaming drunk, I decided to play some HU hyper SNGs. Adds a whopping $1.76 to the bankroll CashCashCash

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Posted 6 years ago
Classic Beer
Posted 6 years ago
Just a short session today but it went pretty well.

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Posted 6 years ago
Today's session didn't go too well. Just couldn't hold in the all ins. And when I called the overbet river jam with middle set when 2 flush draws bricked, of course it was against top set. Sigh.

Anyways I'm at almost 6k hands. Want to reach 10k by next Friday so I might start 2 tabling.

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Posted 6 years ago
Decided not to stream Friday night. Still haven't sorted the sound on the mic and tbh I just wanted to play some cash without streaming. Broke even.

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I know equity wise we are still losing this hand plenty but it still sucks. Single raised pot, SB donks full pot on the flop, BB calls, I raise, it goes all in 3 way aaaannnd fuck off!

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Posted 6 years ago
Thought I'd get a few hands in while I wait for McGregor v Mayweather. Glad I did.

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Posted 6 years ago
Rage tilt activated Angry

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All in on the river:

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All in pre:

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All in on the flop:

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Not playing now. Too busy sulking Sad
Posted 6 years ago
Would've been better but I made a silly bluff right after winning a big pot. Other than that there just wasn't much value to be had.

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Posted 6 years ago
Infuriating session. Just when I win a big pot and I'm looking to end with a win, the hand below happens, all in on the turn. Given the preflop action villain should never have been in the hand. I threw my glasses and now I can't find them Angry

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Posted 6 years ago
I wanted to get to 10k hands today but I couldn't bring myself to play one more hand. I'm so disheartened by this session. I've never lost this much. Maybe I should have had a stop loss in mind but I felt that I couldn't just continue to lose almost every hand. There's definitely some tilt spew in here but honestly it's like no matter what villain's do they will have me at showdown.

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So here's my almost 10k hands. Started so well and ended so bad. I'll take a break from cash, play in the OPL, then see whether or not I want to continue the cash grind.

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Posted 6 years ago
Now that I have stopped sulking over a bad session here's how I really feel about this month's poker.


Played a lot. 10k hands at NL5 cash plus several tournaments and some heads up.

Made a small profit and over a small sample have a win rate at NL5, which I've never managed on iPoker.

Did plenty of study, working through Upswing Lab and also looking through HEM at the stats of the regs I've played the most hands with.


Tilt. Especially since not drinking. Specifically winners tilt. After a period of run good just breaking even frustrates me. Back to the Mental Game of Poker...

Clicking buttons. Since going from 1 to 2 tables speed I'm not focusing on good strategy and sticking to the plan. It's nice getting more hands in but not worth the damage. I'll stick to 1 table giving every hand my full attention.

SNGs. I threw several buy ins away playing them drunk. I think while I'm really working on my 6 max game I should leave out other variants. Except MTTs because, you know, value. Or if my mate wants to play heads up, that's just +ev.

The plan going forward

OPL. I'll play as many as I can and hopefully make a nice profit. If somehow I manage a leader board position I'll use the tickets to try to run up the bankroll. If not...

NL5 cash. Back to it. I'm sure I can beat it so the title of this thread stands once again. NL10 by Christmas.

Study. Work through the Lab. More HEM analysis of where I'm losing the most and my opponents stats. Mental game too.

That's it. OPL starts tonight, just need to convince myself to bother with the freerolls...
Posted 6 years ago
OPL Day 1

Not quite bubbled but as good as. I was short and jammed Jacks facing 3 limps. Called by K6s, run it twice and lose both times.

I'm still in a couple of tournaments on William Hill but I doubt I'll play the later OPL tournament on Tiger, too late to be starting a freeroll.

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Posted 6 years ago
Made the final table in last night's OPL tournament on Betfair, only to bubble with Kings all in pre vs ATs. All in game getting crushed lately.

If anyone can tell me what's causing the background noise that sounds like the inside of my stomach that'd be a help. I'm using a brand new mic, and Adobe Audition to filter the sound, and still sounds shit.