30,000 in 30 Days!

Posted 6 years ago

I wish the 30,000 was related to $$ but sadly just number of hands! There are 30 days in June so it's a nice fit for a months challenge.

I've been playing too many different things lately - Online NLHE MTT, Online Omaha MTT, Online Omaha Cash, Live NLHE MTT, Live Omaha MTT, Live NLHE Cash - and I don't think playing different games and game types is the most effective way to play and get better.

So for June I'm going to concentrate on just one game type, and that is online Omaha cash games. I've been playing on Unibet the past couple of months which I have enjoyed, found it pretty soft and the rewards are OK. The issue is no tracking and for this challenge I want to track everything.

Originally I wanted to play on Guts, with the good rakeback deal + PokerVIP challenge. However, although HEM2 works on there, PT4 doesn't and I only have the Omaha upgrade on my PT4.

So, Pokerstars it has to be.

30 Days - 30,000 Hands.

Not the most difficult of challenges - usually, 4+ tabling zoom would get this target easily but I'm going to start on 2 tables at a time, with a mixture of both regular tables and the zoom tables, and introduce more tables over the first week or so. Will be playing an even mix of regular and zoom tables to see which is most profitable for me over the month.

Profit isn't so important, it isn't a bankroll challenge as yet, it's more I want to get the volume in and have acceptable stats at the end, give myself a greater understanding of the game and at the end of the month, maybe decide if it's what I want to play fulltime!

Will also be recording most sessions, and inspired by @Grocker6's hand review videos I plan to do the same! Also inspired by @jongordon84 I may do highlight videos, just depends how time consuming this becomes!

What software do you guys use? I'm currently using OBS to record

Studywise - will be sticking with JNandez's content which he has available on YouTube, they really are great and easy to understand

Last Post 5 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
GLGL hope you crush it!! I use Streamlabs for streaming and recording, then Filmora for the highlight videos. I was tempted to get the PLO course JNandez did with Upswing as they had a sale on recently so it was pretty cheap, but I have enough to learn with NLHE right now.
Posted 6 years ago
good luck bud. win big
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks mate, had a go with the video below! Seems fairly decent, may try a couple others and see if worth upgrading, is a fair price I think.


Will update proper tomorrow but had a fairly decent start to the challenge over approx 1,200 hands and around 6 buy-ins up.

Just spent some time making this video, I HAD to slowroll this guy. No kidding, he threebet me EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like I didn't see him even play a hand with anybody else, just me, and re-raised me every time I opened. Don't know why he had it in for me, but he kept losing! Most of the money I won was from him but he would not give up.

And this hand was just amazing

Posted 6 years ago
Good luck man, Omaha is a tough one to keep at with the swings, so be prepared to battle through, but I'm sure you know this!

Posted 5 years ago
Grocker6: Good luck man, Omaha is a tough one to keep at with the swings, so be prepared to battle through, but I'm sure you know this!

Ha thanks man, certainly is! Been up and down over the first 2 days already.

Played first few sessions and ended a few buy-ins up overall. The first session of around 600 hands (regular) ended a buy-in up, then I went onto the zoom and that did not go well at all! In the graph below (ignore the marked out one, that was just sat at PLO2 whilst setting up the recording software), the losing session was playing zoom, the other 2 playing regular. Very early days obviously but initially I think I prefer regular games, especially being able to get player tendencies (as per the video above)!

So yeah, came off zoom over 3 buy-ins down, I didn't quit though - loaded up some regular tables and went to work. There are some CRAZY hands and I think I'll do a highlight video of the biggest hands every few days and also tricky ones for review.

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Date: 3rd June 2018
Hands Played: 1,317
Hours Played: 6:53
Profit/Loss: +$18.42 (28bb/100)
Posted 5 years ago
GL pal, seems like you've found that sense direction you were after, keep it up!
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks bud!

This was a frustrating session, just one of those where you can't catch a hand, and when you do, can't hold! Was quite happy when checking results that I was running a couple of buy-ins below EV so I know it isn't me In love

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On 3.5k hands ATM and still in profit after couple of bad sessions. Will do big updates every 5k hands I think, In the meantime trying to get a second video finished, very noob
Posted 5 years ago
5kish hand update. Not great, was in profit in regular games before the last session losing 2 buy-ins, but was a brutal session. Can't seem to win on the zoom tables so I think I will stick with 4 tabling regular cash tables for the rest of the month, seeing lots of regs which is good as well, although 2 that I have marked as "fukin donkey dick fish cnuts" stacked me in the following two hands! Just like, wtf, pure gamblers and I just can't hold, or hit against them when I'm drawing and they win with stupid bottom 2 pair hands and other bullshit

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So the plan is to play just regular tables, lets get to 10k and take it from there! May take a little longer due to not playing zoom but confident of still getting close to 30k by the end of the month
Posted 5 years ago*
Knew I shouldn't have bothered trying a late night session Laugh

Annoying thing about this is we were playing quite normally heads up for around 10 minutes or so, I was winning bit by bit then he just decides to spaz out with this hand - then says thanks and leaves Punch

Also, I'm going to be streaming some... mainly me arsing about on the playstation but some poker as well when I get chance

Posted 5 years ago
10k hands update

Got hammered quite a bit, mainly on the PLO5 zoom tables. Running 4 buy-ins below EV, but still don't think I was playing great either, calling off far too much on the river because "I don't believe you", but of course at these stakes they usually do!

Watched some JNandez vids for inspiration. picked up a few things and decided to drop to PLO2 with a different approach, and it's working!

Overall graph for first 10kish

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Just under 5k hands at plo2, around 10BI up

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I'm a bit further on from that now (this is a 10k update), but plan is to play plo2 until 20,000 hands, and if it's still going well I'll go back up to plo5 using the same approach for the final 10k hands of the month and just see what happens!

Enjoying it though, usually 3/4-tabling PLO2 zoom - deffo think this might be the plan going forward but higher stakes once I get the experience in first
Posted 5 years ago
Man I love plo. I’d love to grind it properly one day. But I need to study a lot because I’ll win a few buyins and think I’m good. Then get smashed and realise I ran well hah. Jnandez has a few go videos out to look at though for free. It’s such a fun game. Hope you do well mate!
Posted 5 years ago
It's deffo a lot of fun! I genuinely get bored with 2 cards now, especially when playing live I'm like "where are my other cards??"

JNandez's videos are so good, helped me a lot already, and will look at signing up to his training site in the future when I'm more settled
Posted 5 years ago
Today has been a brutal one so far! Taking a break for an hour and then go back for another 1.5-2k hands. Literally cannot win a hand today, maybe it's the heat Laugh the river has not been kind, and just been second best so often but can't help but call sometimes for example when I back door 2nd nut flush and he just has the nut flush etc

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Will be back with a 20k hand update tonight or tomorrow!

**Side note - I won a ticket on facebook for a £165 tournament at Dusk Till Dawn. 273 runners and ended up making the final table for over £1000, so that has been a nice little bonus! Have took some of that already and invested in some stuff from PLO Quick Pro. Will see how that goes in terms of study
Posted 5 years ago
So, month ends and challenge ends!

Aimed for 30,000 hands and did fall a little short, pulling in a total of 26,326. If you throw in starting with 2 tables, taking a break after going down c. 10 buy-ins at PLO5 and spending more time studying, as well as 2 short breaks holiday wise, it's not bad!

Going to start of with PLO2 results, as I did really enjoy the 20,000 hands I played here, usually 4 tabling zoom. I felt super confident, implemented some methods that I learnt from JNandez and it just shown! Apart from one big dip, it was a good month and I actually managed to get back into a small amount of profit for the month as a whole! Quite a comeback I'm happy with

PLO2 results:

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Month as a Whole:

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Hands Played: 26,326
Hours Played: 48.13
Profit/Loss: +$2.87 (4.58bb/100)

Going to call it a success!


The Future

Definitely sticking with Omaha cash. I've just received this book from PLOQuickPro:

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Have also bought a training course from them, which is aimed at moving players from the micros to higher levels.

So July Targets:

- Complete PLOQuickPro Course
- Start learning from said book
- 30,000 hands at PLO2
Posted 5 years ago
Good results Smile
I've got that book too, got it in a deal with the PLO Protege course, is that the one you got?
Posted 5 years ago
Ovi8fan: Good results Smile
I've got that book too, got it in a deal with the PLO Protege course, is that the one you got?

Exactly that Smile Did you find it worthwhile? Not started it yet
Posted 5 years ago
Yes I like it, have not finished it though. Have you fully moved to PLO2 zoom? It's the only game running when I do get free time so I've been playing a bunch of that lately.
Posted 5 years ago
Yep pretty much, 20k hands last month and aiming for 30k hands there this month, just to cement what I learned last month and anything new from the QuickPro stuff this month. What times are you usually playing? It can sometimes get a little slow for me waiting for hands to start
Posted 5 years ago
I'm playing whenever but mostly late night and early morning, I think we briefly played at the same time yesterday. As much as possible I try to play with the double points on to make the rakeback a little less terrible. It's not perfect but I feel working on your game there will make playing higher stakes on the softer sites much easier.