Winning in 2016

Posted 8 years ago

Hi guys, I play as cantmiss on a number of sites.

I have played a range of games over the past few years although I have mainly played cash. In 2015 I seriously lost my mojo when it came to playing cash games. The daily 2000 hand grind really started to depress me and I looked for something new. Luckily I managed to invest some money in to my wifes business and its doing really well so I got to have a bit of time off poker.

I am hoping to start playing more tournaments in 2016, probably on a bunch of sites but will be starting on Sky poker. I played cash on there for a while and the fields are really soft.

Here is my PS graphs for tournaments;

Attached Image

Here is my current graph for Sky for the few tournaments I have played on there so far;

Attached Image

Going to try and keep this thread updated and keep active in the forums each day.

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Nice mannn Laugh I'll be following!
Posted 8 years ago
Sub'd dude.. good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Sub'd dude.. good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for taking an interest guys.

Just finished my session, managed to get 2nd in a £11 bounty hunter and 3rd in the £55 bounty hunter.

Lost a 75/25 in the HU on the £11 which sucks but never mind.

Certainly making some mistakes still but I feel my ICM game is really good.

Gunna look for a MTT coach to help with my SB strategy as I feel like I have really big leaks in that position.
Posted 8 years ago
Didnt play Saturday, put in some poor volume on Sunday. Cant seem to motivate myself to keep registering games. Need to work on that.

Finished the day slightly in the negative. Made 2 final tables, got a 3rd in a 1k gtd and a 5th in another 1k. Couldnt win any flips towards the end. I believe I was massively under ev for the day. Feel like I am owning everyone at Sky, including the regs.

Gl this week guys!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey sorry for just seeing this! Was super busy all weekend.

Love seeing MTT players blogging as the grind and lifestyle of it interests me massively as its not something i have ever been able/wanted to do as i like the freedom of the cash grind.

When you make 2 final tables and book a losing session how does that feel?
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Jon, thanks for stopping by!

Booking a losing session doesnt really effect me anymore. I am just try to concentrate on playing my best poker. Ive been running really badly in the £55s, £33s and £22s which are the higher BIs I play. Still pretty much the same player pool so I know ill eventually come good in those.

Played another small session last night, maybe fired up 10 games. Bricked all the higher BIs again but managed to win a £5.75 £750gtd so had a winning day.

My volume is still really bad! The bigger BI games dont start on Sky till around 7pm and I can only bring myself to reg them until 9pm. Need to motivate myself to play the satellites for cash.

I am moving up all the leaderboards on Sky for the month, profit, roi, points per game on pokersuperhero which is the site that tracks Sky poker winnings. Hopefully ill be able to grind more games in Feb and make it to the top!
Posted 8 years ago
Just finished another short session, registered a whopping 10 games! Wanted to play some Counter Strike with friends so only registered for an hour.

Thankfully I managed to take down the £11 single rebuy for some £300+ profit.
Posted 8 years ago
Oioi nice work!

10 tournaments sounds like one hell of a grind. How long does an average tournament on Sky last?
Posted 8 years ago
Most of the smaller tournaments are only a couple of hours. The largers ones can be around 6 hours.

I went back to Stars for the back end of last week as the HU zoom games were super soft. Managed to win 31BI's which is pretty sick for 8k hands :D! The rungood continues!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh I think those tourni lengths are perfect!

Do you play any of the time ones?