Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP , Haha, yes, I do believe the Lady Variance likes the shape of my bum, she's touching me ever so gently this month for sure.

I really do hope to have a great month but I got excited about it last time and got mugged right at the end.

Did a nice sweat session with the mighty @Grocker6 to show how epic I really am and ended up sun running and having a good laugh while playing. Pity the nl20 tabs were a bit meh, but we did ok at nl10 and I learned some stuff from my stakee buddy to.

Let's do a group hug session please my stakee buddies! Any format you like!

I think this is 10 minutes of the best I've ever seen. Enjoy:

Posted 8 years ago
You want move up and financially could really do with moving up....

I fail to see the question you are asking yourself? Study hard and move up, simple brah! Stop wasting energy thinking about the obvious pros and cons and out the energy into getting better!! Wink
Posted 8 years ago
I stumbled on that magic video the other day. Some of the things he does!! how???
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyCookie I do believe you are right and I hope my coach doesn't mind if I paraphrase him, 'Mal, stfu, grow a pair, and get on with it there's money to be made!' Laugh

@BarraBod hello there, not seen you for a bit mate, been busy no doubt! I hope you're going great guns man! Ye that guy was just mesmerising wasn't he, just perfect.

Posted 8 years ago
Just be prepared to study hard, don't just move up to take a luicrus shot! Improve to the level you need to be at then move up
Posted 8 years ago
That trick is seriously cool.

Nothing wrong with taking wild shots - did it my whole life Wink
Posted 8 years ago*
@Jon-PokerVIP , ye and look where that got ... oh, wait ...

So I lost on Monday, that's 2 days this month, sad face alert. Cheeky It wasn't a disaster coin-wise at only about 1/2BI, but I played like an nl4 spewtard, got what I deserved and apart from some rungood near the end could easily have been much worse.
Back on track somewhat yesterday, but I really need to get changes in dynamics sorted out, those nl20 guys, jeeze, talk about lack of aggression, wtf, are they all nut peddling? Just terrible games. Compared to the asylum that is nl10 these guys were in a coma.

Hopefully over 300e by the end of the month, that would be just the most coolest .. inb4 doomswitch ...

So, my next target audience is... nl20 nitregfests.

Dropped to nl10 and had a nice sweat again with grocker6 and we discussed a few tactics like stealing orphan pots and bluffing spots - i.e. pots nobody seems interested in basically. That was fun stuff and very much needed on very very passive tables.

Let's do it again bro, we bounce off each other nicely I think.

So at the moment I'm working on a bit more agression, like not caring whether they guy calls or not and whether to chk/r a flopped set or bet out depending on position and preflop action and villain tendencies, why, by how much; what the turn might look like and how does that affect my play on the flop.

Whew, cover me, I'm going in ... Sweating

Have fun.
Posted 8 years ago
20nl games recently have been noticeably crazy aggto compared to normal. I call down a bit light and they had the nuts every time haha. That being said a lot of them suck and do bluff to much. Foodie is particularly stupid, spewing off and leveling but he isn't awful. Plays a tough style to beat hht once you crack him, very profitable!
Posted 8 years ago
Dammit, I'm in the wrong games! I play anon ofc but I'm up for conversion, hallelujah, make me a believer!

Are the reg games better than anon? Anon just seem so tight/passive most times then one whale sits in and nobody seems to know how to play them. I, ofc, get stacked in 10 minutes! Laugh Good fun.
Posted 8 years ago
Regular tables have quite a lot of regs on them. They are more agressive than annon, it's like a step up in ability :') a lot of regs don't change their SN also, which is weird lol
Posted 8 years ago*
Ok, thanks a lot, I'll try different playing times maybe and see how that goes. Sometimes it gets fun later on in the day to be fair and the regs aren't so good as to be scary anyway. I wonder why they don't change their SN, how odd.

Posted 8 years ago*
Weird stuff happening here to my posts.

Posted 8 years ago*
Posted 8 years ago
What weird stuff?
Posted 8 years ago
Couldn't get my posts to actually post, they were fragmented with bits missing, very odd. Seems to have fixed itself now, so maybe just yet another glitch in my life. Cheeky
Posted 8 years ago
[quote=Pwll]Ok, thanks a lot, I'll try different playing times maybe and see how that goes. Sometimes it gets fun later on in the day to be fair and the regs aren't so good as to be scary anyway. I wonder why they don't change their SN, how odd.

when i dont change my name ,I rarely get a reg sitting my open table ,same goes if the game is full ,they just know that i play ok and no need to dickswing etc.
some regs even quit me at nl10 when i want to sit at their table to get something going.
Posted 8 years ago
Aha and the light comes on ... Sigh, so slow, I'm so slow.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah but the regs quitting you are probably the ones who don't have an edge on you therefore you can beat them. The regs who change their SN and play you have an immediate edge with stats and knowing your game before you figure theirs out. Honestly, changing SN for me is the BEST. I don't have any left over battles with regs, no one has notes on me for my leaks it is sooooo much higher EV than keeping your SN.
Posted 8 years ago*
CrazyCookie: Yeah but the regs quitting you are probably the ones who don't have an edge on you therefore you can beat them. The regs who change their SN and play you have an immediate edge with stats and knowing your game before you figure theirs out. Honestly, changing SN for me is the BEST. I don't have any left over battles with regs, no one has notes on me for my leaks it is sooooo much higher EV than keeping your SN.

So far ahead of my thinking I'd need SATNAV to keep track of you. Love that first line, very informative but so obvious on reflection now. Thanks.

Lost a BI or so again yesterday, bah, fundays over for now but never mind, perhaps the weekend warriors will oblige.
Doing some forum stuff today and some equilab, it's about time I learned some new things if I'm to progress further I think. I can beat these guys up without too much technical stuff of course, but that's not the aim now is it.

Have a nice weekend everybody.

Posted 8 years ago
CrazyCookie: Yeah but the regs quitting you are probably the ones who don't have an edge on you therefore you can beat them. The regs who change their SN and play you have an immediate edge with stats and knowing your game before you figure theirs out. Honestly, changing SN for me is the BEST. I don't have any left over battles with regs, no one has notes on me for my leaks it is sooooo much higher EV than keeping your SN.

true ,but i cant see the edge at nl10/20 vs me being that big even if u have stats ,cause u never know if i am 8tabling or 2tabling ,huge difference. + plus i feel i can hold my own.
+ i can play shitload with fish when they opensit me( and a lot of even them who i have already tagged so no need to figure who is reg or who is not)
and it takes about 10-15 hands to figure out in what direction this villain is leaning
sry not really gto but it works