Posted 9 years ago
Out!! Busted in 98th after murdering a hand, cashed for 10.58 euro, oh well next time!! Bit gutted as I had played solid throughout but it only takes one mistake and its over big boy!!

Starting Roll £132.81

Ending Roll £139.63

One of my favourite songs of all time!!

Posted 9 years ago
Hey Sunny, hows it going? Haven't checked in on everyones journeys for a while.... whats been happening? You winning?

Hope you are well! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Kerri, Im fine thanks and you? Winning? Barely lol

Here is my update for the weekend.

Overall I am quite dissapointed with the weekend games. Played 6 k hands and barely broke even. It was one of the most frustrating weekends as the games were good, fish everywhere, but I could just not make a hand, and when I did it was no good. Lost a few big pots at nl10 where I ran kings into aces twice and kings being beaten on the river with A2 offsuit for a near 40euro pot so had to drop and rebuild it again. Spent most of the weekend losing it, building it losing it and so on.

Played 3 tournaments over the weekend too and busted everyone within 15 mins of playing, oh well lol, all just standard really QQ v AA, AK v AQ and cant remember the other, but pretty pants in general.

Starting Roll £139.63

Ending Roll £138.74

Have a good day all and good luck!!

Will get back on it this afternoon/evening but today Im going to play some Playstation, bit of Borderlands 2, had it for months and hardly played so going to give it a spin.
Posted 9 years ago
Fat-Sunny: Hi Kerri, Im fine thanks and you? Winning? Barely lol

I'm good ta. Haha I know the feeling! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Note to self, do not play Borderlands 2 if you have poker to play...Lost 2 days of my life to that game, got serious catch up to do now.

Posted 9 years ago*
Just a quick update.

Bit gutted has I had to withdraw £25 for an emergency situation, but didn't need all of it so managed to put a tenner back in. I have to admit I was very impressed with how quick it was at Betsafe, must have been in my skrill no more than half hour later. So very happy with that and it didn't effect my 1st deposit bonus so double happy.

I'll be honest, I have been a bit (very) lazy this week and I am a bit annoyed with myself. I could have played a lot more hands if I had not got sucked into a video game, now my Mrs is back from her hols tomorrow and Im more than likely get my ass kicked if I play any poker for the next couple of days.

Unless she comes back and tells me she is leaving me for a Greek waiter named Stavros, then I will say job done, I've got a bonus to clear!!

Anyway played a small session today, (yes lazy, I know, read on) was quite a good session to be fair, made a few bucks, no tricky situations, apart from a set of sevens, I folded on the turn, reluctantly, but I think was right decision. The dude put me all in with straight and flush draws on the board I folded. Probably saved me a few quid there as I do suffer from the curiosity call which is a serious leak in my game.

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Starting Roll £138.74

Ending Roll £151.42

Heres a little tune to finish the night off, quite old but if you like your hip hop, you cant not like this baby!! Also 10 points if you can name another Albino rapper, yes thats right an Albino rapper, enjoy!

Posted 9 years ago
Jeez that is one undramatic session right there lol Nice Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Yes have to be honest a bit of mss hit and run went on there!!

No poker for me for a few days as I have my daughter for a week and I have not seen her for over a month as she has a better social life than me and shes 12!!

So good luck all see you soon!!
Posted 9 years ago
Looking good Sunny, any chance of seeing your graph for the month? Are we gonna get £200 BR before the end of the month?
Posted 9 years ago
Just for you Harvie. I have included all dates as I started this about 3 days before the start of August.

Im hoping to get that £200 and some just really hard to play at the moment, got my daughter here on holiday and I have just introduced her to the Walking Dead (I know bad parenting, but she loves zombies!!) so we have got 3 seasons to watch before she goes home.

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />
Posted 9 years ago
Literally the sexiest graph on here. WP my man awesome to see
Posted 9 years ago
Thanks Bossman means alot coming from a beast like you!!
Posted 9 years ago
Wowzers, nice work Sunny MuscleLaugh
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Wowzers, nice work Sunny Muscle :D

Thanks Crazy!!

Managed to squeeze a few hands in tonight but just run bad down about a tenner, not bothered tho all standard spots AK into AA twice and queens in to kings, worst thing it was all to bad players, but hey thats poker!!

Night all!!
Posted 9 years ago

Hardly played recently so wont bother with a graph as volume is so low that it doesn't mean nowt!!

I am hoping to crack back on properly Monday evening and then hammer it all week to try and catch up as I feel I should be on at least 30k hands so far this month, Im on 19k so not too far off the pace.

I am going to try and squeeze some time in this evening if family life allows. It can be so hard at times to get volume in when your a family man. Just wished I had discovered poker when I was young free and single, I get so jealous when I read about people putting 8-12 hours a day because we all know volume = profit! Any other family men or women that struggle with this?

My Mrs is very understanding to be fair to her, but sometimes I feel like I take the piss when she wants to do something and Im sitting there in yesterdays clothes trying to grind out a bonus. I'm thinking about trying to incorporate more of a routine in my life to manage my time better as I think this will be more profitable in all aspects of life and game, I just find routines really hard to stick to.

Starting Roll £151.42

Ending Roll £157.03

Keep grinding bitches!!

I have not kept tally of my starting roll balance over last few days so will just use the last one for this update.
Posted 9 years ago
Managed to squeeze in a couple hundred hands while the Mrs had a bath, nothing spectacular but a small profit, a life changing 6.12 euros added to the kitty.

Starting Roll £157.03

Ending Roll £161.93

Night All a different sort of grind awaits!! Wink

Posted 9 years ago
I was messing around with HM2 last night and created an alias and I have to admit I was quite shocked at the results. I did not realise how much i was running below EV. Is this normal? I estimate I also have about 500-1k to add to this from tournaments and untracked sites that I have played on, but my god thank you for rake back or I would seriously think about quitting.

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />
Posted 9 years ago
Final tabled the Sunday 3k on Betsafe!!!
Posted 9 years ago
Guaranteed 118.00 e
Posted 9 years ago
Oioi get it won mate! Whats for 1st?