Posted 6 years ago
session startet great

was up very quickly and thought that this might finally be a nice and easy going session

in the end it was a cringefest as always... All in EV was exactly 0

I played 742 hands over 75minutes... -10bb
Posted 6 years ago

I just should accept that i am too stupid for this game and move on
Posted 6 years ago
dear spacelord... read the previous post and act accordingly
Posted 6 years ago
Battle through it! Instead of reading the previous post, head back to the previous page and go over the posts after you had the winning sessions! It will come, stay strong
Posted 6 years ago
Something to read from the mighty mind of MattVIP, might be relevant. Gl.
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks for your kind words guys...

yeah I will battle through it... but atm it is really really hard for me.

I really put in the volume but I get rekt left right and center... I am not giving you my bad beat stories but I have to let my frustration go

maybe i have a better afternoon session

Posted 6 years ago
It's always good to have somewhere to vent and we'll always be around to listen and give a bit of advice. All I can say is to repeat previous poster is just, try not to sweat the short term. I've learnt (after a lot of years and hands!) to be able to brush off the beats, brush off the bad sessions, brush off the downswings and accept that is really is "That's poker". If you can learn to not be affected by hand to hand or day to day results you will be able to play near the best of your ability and just get the volume in. And look back after 50,000 hands, 100,000 hands and then you'll have a much better idea
Posted 6 years ago
and then I really focussed.... did some study... revisited my preflop game...

and the result... total anihilation

maybe somebody could give me his bankaccount? i could send you the money directly and save me the trouble
Posted 6 years ago
for the night i took a look at NL10 regular tables

night startet great... I was up 2,5 bi... in the end ,3 bi

i dont know guys...
Posted 6 years ago
Afternoon session

NL10 regular, 4tabling

75 minutes, 547 hands and +48,57bb/100

I guess I played reasonable poker.

After getting wrecked at NL5 zoom this is very nice. I decided to quit zoom because I simply cannot beat it. after 50k hands exactly -5bb/100 ist absolutly rubbish.

I took a look over my whole database since i started Poker 15 month ago... although I made my 20€ into 400 I am exactly a break even player. I am at 0 profits playing poker. Most of my losses come from zoom tables... Only in my early days at 888 i also lost money on the regular tables. Really annoying is that according to HM2 i already payed 1k€ in rake. that would make a huuuuuge difference for my.

At BTS i am forming a little studygroup so we can help unerstanding the content and try to improve. I really need this. Lets hope this bears some fruit.
Tomorrow a coach will look at my stats so I get some valuable feedback regarding my game. I expect this to be good for me as well!

fingers crossed and good luck at the tables my friends!

Posted 6 years ago
probably the most cruel session so far

3 hours, 1141 hands and -24bb100

sucks at NL10

I had sooo many aggrotards at my table... and I kept losing to them... next to me a reg went with 7bi+... and i watched my money go away and of course i payed mr aggrofuck of as he binkt his backdoor straigt... so fucking annoyed...

I really play good at the regular tables... it sucks that getting the volume in is not easy, as i cant play 10 hours a day, but when i keep getting owned like this my pokerjourney will end sooner or later.
Posted 6 years ago*
I will keep my ranting for me for a moment and blog about a nice realisation...

two days ago I introduced my girlfriend into poker... we did some of the beginners quizzes and then sat at to NL2 tables. I did not care at all about the money, because, i mean... come on 2$??? so I played nearly flawlessly... applied a lot of preassure, got payed and it seemed that I know exactly what was happening.
I was soooo confident that I called the hands of my opponents with astonishing accuracy. (yeah mostly to show off Smile )

It really was a very good feeling.

Yesterdays session was actually the same... I was annoyed in the end that I lost 2bi but there was not really much i could do... Yes the call was not really a good one, but he showed so many bluffs that I thought my bluffcatch could be worth it. Other than that I really did not get much cards do manouver...
Agression was good, red stable although I had to give up soooo many pots to aggros. So over all I can be pretty happy with my play.

lets see how it goes today afternoon!

good luck at the tables guys!
Posted 6 years ago
epic congratulations to myself... I just blasted 15% of my roll away

814 hands -70bb -->5.5 BI down.

I make myself resposible for 1,5 BI. Mistake is clear... I have to improve

the rest is just raising the question: why am I torturing myself this way? I study, I learn, I really apply what I hear... and the result is that over 900 hands I won exactly 0 pots worth more than 20bb at showdown and my red went harder down than usual.

I will come back at night... lets see how it goes then

Posted 6 years ago
I played supersolid

result after 2 hours exactly ZERO because villain always has it... just always

insert random whine rant here....
Posted 6 years ago
After a good nights sleep and some very much needed analyzis I am not too much konzerned about yesterdays sessions.

number 1 was horrible as you know, number 2 was break even.

What did I achieve: right now i am working on 3betting/defending against 3bets and defending BB preflop and Cbetting and raising/check-raising on the flop.

Cbetting stats where on spot! --> feel good about it
- defending BB --> improved but still too low
- raising/check-raising on the flop--> improved but still too low.
- 3betting--> improved but still slightly too low especially from the button
- 4betting--> ok area

I am not blindly focussing on getting the numbers where they should be but getting the numbers in the right spots. It is important to understand that some of these are strongly connected. My results will only improve if I defend BB more but also check raise more... fit or fold on the Flop is not +EV from the BB as you will get Cbet a lot.

What I really have lerned from yesterdays session:
- When bluffing i should do it the smart way --> use blockers and so on... bluff less with absolutly nothing
- When playing poker do not run into the top of villains range all the time (grml)
- Raising on the flop is very profitable, especially against player with high Cbet-stats.
- 3bet and 4bet more!!

Today I will study how to develop a c/r range from the BB.

Results wise: Yes it sucks like alot. Today I will finally clear the first part of my PartyPoker-Bonus. additionally I will get 15$ Rakeback. So after my 3 month of party my roll is exactly where it was when I started.
As Party was not very good to my... or better I am too bad for the party playerpool I might head back to Bet365 Betfair or another IPoker site and beat NL10 there.

Posted 6 years ago
if you play under NL100 you should play on microgamming, they have cap on cash tables on 3bb rake per hand.
Posted 6 years ago
thx for the tipp... i will check out some microgaming sites!!
Posted 6 years ago
You can't track though so you need to be ok with that. I think the rakeback is some of the best though, sites are fairly soft, but you have to be ok with playing your game without a HUD and not having hand histories saved to be able to go back and look at the hands. I have played there for a long time and personally don't care, but it is important to know
Posted 6 years ago*
@fawltyfelix thanks for the info... this means that i am not going to check out microgaming

Night session

on the positive side: I am somewhere close to where i want to be. Stats are getting there. agression is good I am happy.

negative: 1000 hands and -5bb/100. I get soooo rarly into good spots and have to fight for my pots. And when I try a big big big bluff it fails EVERY time... I analyzed the hands and i am still convinved that I played good. (--> good blockers, good equity till the river) In one case my sizing was bad so i only had a very small bet at the river and gave up. 3 others were a school-book example and of course i got called every.

after changing my playstyle I realy feel like i am in controll of the table. so overall I think i am improving alot. Now the results have to follow!

Good luck at the table!!!
Posted 6 years ago
FG_SpaceLord: I am not too much konzerned

I can't read the rest because its 4.30am and I'm half asleep in the airport having not slept much last couple of days, but that is the best way to spell that word EVER!