Posted 7 years ago
So guys the traffic on Tony bet has been real bad this weekend so I have just concentrated on Natural8! Have no way of tracking the number of hands but I have played roughly 5 hours total 5 tabling! So prob in the region of 2k hands! Really liking the site and a very solid start up 5.5 bins! Initial deposit was $250 and current BR below:

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10nl is actually the lowest stake on Natural8 so I really like the idea of doing a 'grinding it up' type series! I really like the idea of streaming/you tube videos just not sure if I would just bore everyone haha! Anyway been thinking about it and the plan is as below:

Initial Deposit: $250
Move to 25nl: $500 (back to 10nl if drop below $400)
Move to 50nl: $1500 (back to 25nl if drop below $1250)
Move to 100nl: $3000 (back to 50nl if drop below $2250)

Probably a bit ambitious but nobody ever got anywhere being conservative! Think its doable if I study off table as I literally never do at the moment! Plus the softer games............ how can I fail Smile

Finish with a couple of 'fun' hands from today:

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Ever seen a 3 way flush..??............ maybe people are right about these Chinese sights Smile

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Posted 7 years ago
Lovin' the JRHartley and go for the Grind it Up it could be fun. Smile

How are you finding Natural8 by the way, software, players that sort of thing? Passable standard, good?
Posted 7 years ago
Haha yes it is my Alias on most sites! Just a bit of fun!

The main thing you need on Natural8 is tilt control! It is like the year 2000 on Party Poker! People can and will show up with anything at any point! Its quite amusing!
Posted 7 years ago
The 10nl games on Natural 8 are truly mental its official! Forget the fact that this is a bad beat but check this out for how it is like going back in time 15 years...........

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I think you would find it hard to find an example of any hand being butchered more than this! Call a 4 bet pre with 5 high................ wait until your opponent has put in 70% of his stack and cannot possibly fold and flick it in with bottom pair............obv the nuts when you can predict the future Smile
Posted 7 years ago
weird ,I see 2 estonian flags and I cant think of many estonian fish playing at natural8 so I have to take this fishiness wit cautios.
Posted 7 years ago
Just chilling with the whales on Tony bet.................

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Posted 7 years ago
Any interesting hands with him?
Posted 7 years ago
Not massively with me! He was playing pretty aggro and just under potting every street post flop! He called a 4 bet against somebody else and the board ran out: 554, 4, J all the money went in on the river and he had to show that he had called a 4 bet with good old 9 5 off Smile

He then got rivered later for a 250bb pot though Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! After a pretty frustrating first week on Natural8 I thought id make a first video! I have kept it fairly short so its easy viewing so if you wouldn't mind taking a look and giving some feedback it would be hugely appreciated! Plus for anybody thinking of giving Natural 8 a go its a chance to see the fames/software etc!

Posted 7 years ago
The frustration continues! It started by running really bad but now I feel like I am just playing really bad! At these stakes and especially on sites like this you have to be disciplined and hero folding will make you more money than getting value! I keep calling off big river bets because the villains 'line does not make any sense' etc! IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE HE IS PLAYING THE LOWEST STAKES ON ONE OF THE FISHIEST SITES AROUND!!

I need to get back to good solid poker and just lol when they randomly jam double pot river when I have top top and have value better every street to river! Back to basics! I'm going to read this post before every session:

1. 3 bet relentlessly in position
2. C bet a ton of flops
3. ISO in position a ton

At these stakes on this site it should be printing money with a basic strategy like that! Levelling ones self will only cost us $$$$$$
Posted 7 years ago*
Well I decided to take a break for 24 hours or so to clear my head! I got a bit blinkered and frustrated that people could play so bad and still take buyins off me! But some times you just have to take a step back and realise that there is a lot of variance in poker and our edge is not huge so we can still lose to far inferior players over a small sample! Add to that me getting a bit tilted!

I just had one of those times where every time you have a big pocket pair in a 3/4 bet pot the flop hits an over card, every time the flop comes safe you bet and get jammed on, every time you don't want a specific card BOOM haha! I think my main weakness in poker is still mind set as I can get frustrated! Like I say when you see people at the tables stacking off with top pair no kicker but you cannot get your nutted hands to hold like ever it can be frustrating! But I just took some time away and did some studying and feel good again! Lost about 10 buyins the last few thousand hands but just won a couple back so not the end of the world! Plus I am actually even over the last 7-10 days pre rakeback so I really do get wound up over nothing! Pleased with how I handled things in the end though and like I say feel ready to grind again!

I need to step away more often when things aren't going my way and defo something I plan to do going forward!

One big losing hand from this session! I cant just fold flop to that size raise and when the turn blanks I felt I just had to go with it! Thoughts?

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Posted 7 years ago
Never ever ever fold that flop.

As for taking a break yeh it is a must and it's weird that we sometimes cant detach ourselves from it. It's like being a runner and your leg hurting a bit but you keep running and fuck yourself. Just gotta treat it properly and with common sense really.

Posted 7 years ago
I think you should bet this flop with a much bigger size. It's a flop that we will check most of the time when we are PFR and it's 4 way to the flop.
We shouldn't have many thin valuebets or low equity stabs so a small size doesn't make sence.

I would bet around 80% of the pot with the hands i decide to bet here (T9s, QQ, JJ, 88, QJs, KK, AA, ATs and some JTs)

As played we need to call flop getting better then 4:1.

Turn is close. We are getting 2:1 on our all in and we need 33% EQ. I'm giving him quite a tight range and we can still call so I believe we have to get it in.

Villain 65.78% QQ-JJ, 88, QJ, T9s, AhTh, KhTh, Ah9h, 9h8h, 8h7h,
Hero 34.22% QsJs

Posted 7 years ago
Prostaker: I think you should bet this flop with a much bigger size. It's a flop that we will check most of the time when we are PFR and it's 4 way to the flop.
We shouldn't have many thin valuebets or low equity stabs so a small size doesn't make sence.

I would bet around 80% of the pot with the hands i decide to bet here (T9s, QQ, JJ, 88, QJs, KK, AA, ATs and some JTs)

As played we need to call flop getting better then 4:1.

Turn is close. We are getting 2:1 on our all in and we need 33% EQ. I'm giving him quite a tight range and we can still call so I believe we have to get it in.

Villain 65.78% QQ-JJ, 88, QJ, T9s, AhTh, KhTh, Ah9h, 9h8h, 8h7h,
Hero 34.22% QsJs

Cheers man much appreciated!
Posted 7 years ago
A video Jon posted yesterday about Joey Ingram prompted me to watch the podcast with Bill Perkins last night! Wow that really did hit home for me the way he treats life etc! I only watched the first 45 minutes or so but I cannot wait to watch the rest!

The reason it hit home was that I have felt very mehhhh about life in general the last 6-12 months! I have mentioned before that about 5-6 years ago I lost a load of weight! In my early 20s I had ballooned to nearly 19 stone and had a pretty severe binge drinking problem! To cut a long story short in the space of 6 months I was down to 11.5 stone and had replaced my binge drink addiction with a gym addiction! Before I lost the weight I used to think that if I looked good and got attention off girls etc my life would be complete! Then when I had both of those the novelty quickly wore off! The last 5 years I have become so obsessed with the gym and dieting etc that I have severely restricted myself in 'life'! Sometimes even thinking that I may have been happier as an overweight drunk heading for an early grave! How ironic eh!

You may have also noticed that I have been more active on the forum etc recently! I used to be a professional pool player and in the last 12 months I had started playing again after a break from the game! It has taken me quite some time to come to terms with it but I have realised that it just is not for me anymore! I just do not enjoy the game! It is probably a little bit sad but I think I have sort of clung on to it for far too long as I was very well known in pool circles and treated like a very minor celebrity! But when you walk into a venue and people come up to talk to you etc it is a little bit of a buzz! Anyway I have decided that enough is enough and I refuse to cling on to something that I no longer enjoy! Which is the reason for me playing more poker as I have a lot more spare time!

I have rambled on here but what I am trying to say is that what Bill was saying about finding what you enjoy and doing as much of it as possible really made me think and realise that I have not been doing that and that is what has made me feel mehhhhhh! This has made me feel a bit guilty and confused as I have an amazing fiancé, great job earning more than I ever thought I would 5 years ago and a brand new house! So I am going to make some real changes based on a silly poker podcast haha!

What has all this rubbish got to do with poker?? Well poker is going to be something I use to allow me to do more things in life (hopefully)! One of my most successful runs in poker was when I set my little mini Vegas challenge! I ended up cashing out £1.2k from Sky which paid my flights for Vegas and felt really good! So I am going to use similar goals going forward to keep me motivated to play and improve!

Starting NOW Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
Things are going reasonably well on my mini bankroll challenge again! I just took a step back and realised I was playing too many pots and trying to win every pot! This is just quite easy to get carried away on a site like Natural8 when you see people spazzing all over! I was flying until a typical Friday night session tonight when every bet was getting called and the exact card I didn't want to see flipped over! Kept my cool though and lost the minimum! Couple of 'fun' hands from the session:

What do people think of this! When he donks I thought he either had a small made flush or the nut draw! When he checks river I was pretty sure it was the nut draw so I thought I would make a spazz bet and hope he spazzes out and pots it! But he just open folded getting 40-1 Smile

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Guy casually value bets 2 pair with a flush and 4 to a straight on board..............other guy casually flats the effective nuts Smile

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This guy is a brit which usually means he is off here but my word! At first I thought it was a misclick but he literally was the biggest nit I have ever seen! He was playing 25nl too so if that is good enough to win there too I really need to knuckle down Smile

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Posted 7 years ago
Great new review from Jon on my play on Natural8! Really appreciated!
Posted 7 years ago
Just had a decent little session on Tonybet! Feeling really positive after Jon's review! I have been getting quite frustrated with poker for a while! Sitting in games where I know for a fact I have a decent size edge on my opponents yet not winning anywhere near to the level I feel I should be! Looking at things and being a bit puzzled why! Really think Jon's point of not betting anywhere near big enough post flop and slowing down way too soon will make all the difference! I used to lol at 'bad regs' when they bet their top top type hands on the flop then just check to showdown when a third suit comes in on the turn! To a degree I have become one of them! I need to grow some balls and get that easy value!
Posted 7 years ago
Soooo yesterday I was sitting happily grinding 25nl when I couldn't help but notice 3 of the 'bad regs' I was playing against at a 100nl table with big stacks! I opened the table and the reason they were there was 2 huuuuuge whales at the table! I really couldn't resist so sat down with half a stack! 20 minutes later I had 2 full stacks and the table broke! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee back on track Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Anybody else on here playin on Tonybet?? There is a load of new regs so the action is much better but my word the old regs are just bum hunting like crazy! As soon as a fish leaves the table they scatter like they are being pissed on from a great height! Its getting ridiculous!