Posted 7 years ago
It's amazing what a few days off from this game can do for you! Before this week I have just played pretty much all of the spare time I have had and even felt guilty when I just didn't feel like playing! Add to this that I have been on a really bad run and by the end of this weekend I was at a real low with the game!

I have always tried to look at the positives so far in this staking and ignore variance etc but when I looked at my graph on Sunday night I was 15 buyins below EV! I know this doesn't mean half as much as what most think it does but I usually just try and re assure myself during downswings by looking at EV also! Anyway enough of that negative shizz!

The point I was trying to get to was that this forced couple of days off seems to have done me the world of good! I feel like I have gotten a load of great pointers in my coaching sessions with @Prostaker but then just jumped back in the games! Never really giving them a chance to sink in and even trying to implement things without really understanding them! In these 2 days without internet I have just studied and gone back over all my coaching notes and my mind just feels so much clearer and I can see why I am doing things!

Internet hasn't been too bad tonight so I have managed a couple of hours play! Feel so much more positive and determined to regroup and crush Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! The update on my broadband situation is that I have cancelled my Sky contract completely and switched to Now TV (which is owned by Sky strangely enough)! The idea being that my broadband has always been super reliable but it was the equipment in the house causing the issues! So I will hopefully have the same broadband just all completely different equipment from Now TV! I am also not in a contract with them so can easily switch it up if any issues! Downside is that it is going to be the 27th before my Now TV package goes live!

The upside is that my broadband was fine last night! So hopefully it will continue to be ok until the switch! Obviously volume has been teriible for the last week due to this but the strange thing is my results have been 10x better! I have only managed about 2.5k in the last week and won about 7.5 buyins! So not all negative and I am feeling much happier with my game since moving to only playing 4 tables! I didn't realise it affected my game much playing 6 but I just have so much more time to think each decision through that it can really increase your win rate! And as the main goal is to move up and improve I think this is certainly the sweet spot for now anyway!
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey guys! I have been a bit quiet on here recently! If I'm being totally honest it is because things really haven't been going my way! I have just been on one of those runs where you seem to be in tough spot after tough spot every session! I have no doubt this has then affected my play and knocked me off my A game!

Anyway November is a new month and I'm cleaning the slate! Had a great session with @Prostaker tonight and feel really motivated! Nicklas is a really great coach and a super nice guy which really motivates to push through! We went though most of my big losing hands last week and most were just standard which was encouraging! Then tonight we discussed focussing on improving things we can control! It is so easy to get caught up looking at big pots and coolers in this game but that is not where the profit is made it is all of the smaller pots that add up!

Going to try and update daily from now on! Played just under 1k hands tonight plus an hour session with Nicolas! Most interesting hands from tonight...........

Tough fold but I am happy with it........I only beat stone bluffs really!

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /Prima

Might get some grief for this but I actually really like my play! Think he has to fold all 1 pair hands and can only really call with sets and flushes! We have the A blocker plus re draw to nuts! I was planning on jamming any non pairing river! Thoughts..??

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima

Convinced myself I had the odds to call in game but think it is a bet fold turn..??

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima

Session graph........

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Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! I didn't get to play much last night due to a few reasons main one being there was an issue with BV table seating! So I am going to set myself a little mini challenge of playing 5k hands this weekend! Lets gooooooooooo!

Will report back Sunday night!
Posted 7 years ago
Hope all goes well Jeff. Gl with the weekend grind!
Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! Well I write this at 7pm on Sunday night and my 5k mini challenge is complete! Considering I have never played 5k hands over a weekend in my life before it wasn't that hard! I mean it certainly wasn't easy but will def be aiming for it most weekends when I have no plans!

I am actually really proud of myself for completing this especially since I stop lossed on Friday after 900 hands! That put me in a pretty horrible spot as I was behind on volume and 5 buyins down with the possibility of losing a lot more! In the past that would have really affected me! But I was able to ignore the graph all day Saturday and just concentrate on playing my A game and going for volume!

I am really happy with my game at the moment and feel I have improved a tonne from the sessions with @Prostaker! Will be really interesting to look at my stats as I have made some big changes! Will leave that until Wednesday for my session with Nicolas!

The one down side is that most of my losses are still coming against whales! I really struggle against them as I just can't adjust to them having basically no range! Everything I do seems to be perfectly mis timed! The positive is that this is the aim of Wednesday's session and I have a tonne of hands marked for Nicklas to tear apart ☺

Anyway I have rambled enough so ill leave you with my graph for the weekend! Anybody know why my graph always misses off about 5% of my hands..??

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Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! Welllll I think I have just lost the biggest pot of my life in terms of big blinds! Only 500bb Smile

Anyway apart from that hand things have been going quite well! Volume has not been great since the weekend but I feel like I am playing almost my A game! Feel nice and comfortable at the 20nl BV tables now and very rarely feel lost! Got a session with @Prostaker tomorrow to go over the last week so looking forward to that! Graph for last couple of nights:

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Posted 7 years ago
Pleased its going well with the coaching, I can only imagine how much good coaching can improve your thinking. Best of luck moving forward.
Posted 7 years ago
That jam is super uglyyyyyyyyyyyy. U G L Y you ain't got no alibi it's UGLYYYYYYY

I could not imagine any hand I would play like that. I like the flop check, would love a turn call and then yeh probs calling most rivers or raising club ones. Jamming there we just get him to fold worse, call with better and yeh just really random play there buddy!
Posted 7 years ago
Haha I think that is a bit harsh! I know it is not standard but we are never far behind even the top of his range, his range has very few value combos so by check calling I am just giving him free reign to barrel his bluffs and if he shoves (which he should) all of his bluffs on the river it is going to be an insanely tough call! Everybody has said just c/c twice but how many people are really calling river for 150bb's with one pair??

I agree that check call is the most +ev line but completely disagree that it is clear cut!
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey guys! Just finished my second 5k weekend grind! Managed it fairly comfortably again but don't want to push it too much and burn myself out! I am already struggling to find motivation through the week so the weekend is defo the best time for me to grind! Just often feeling really tired etc after work and don't want to just login and click buttons!

I have made some adjustments to my game over the last week and it really seems to be paying off! It has taken me a while to adjust but the game are so nutty on BV that when villains show aggression they almost always have it! I watched a leakfinder on RIO and they talked about the fact that you make more money hero folding at the micros than anything else! That really clicked with me! Before I had been making crying calls with fairly strong holdings and was baffled when they always showed the nuts! Reason being that you forget all the times that you have RFI and took down the blinds then when you do finally get action you don't adjust to their much stronger ranges! Not sure if that makes any sense but does to me ha! A hand to illustrate this is below! It might be exploitable but this is 20nl and people are not anywhere near that level:

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /Prima

Anyway this weekend went pretty damn well and I'm feeling really positive!

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Posted 7 years ago
Mate this has been one of the biggest revelations to me I've found at the micros. Playing solidly but having to make hero folds to aggression in spots which it could be polarized. At the micros they show value farrrrr too often.
Posted 7 years ago
Yep totally agree! The guy on RIO said 'the way to maximally exploit players who are under bluffing is to over fold'
Posted 7 years ago
Spot on for Micro game play there.

Higher up the stakes being more balanced and making more calls is fine, but not at the micros.
Posted 7 years ago
Nice work and some solid advice there!
Posted 7 years ago
Nice Graph Jef! Keep up the good work!
Posted 7 years ago
Prostaker: Nice Graph Jef! Keep up the good work!

Its about time Smile
Posted 7 years ago
What about this for a sick hand.............. monitor nearly went through the wall when I saw the heart Smile

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima
Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys! Just done my usual 5k mini weekend challenge! Was going to push on to 6k but just had one of those insane sessions where whales are just spraying chips all over and when I GII they hit their 2 outs! I am really not complaining as the games have been like that all weekend and it was just my turn for Mr variance to remind me who is boss! Before my last session today I was running well and playing my A game! I can't describe how insane the games have been on BV this weekend! Honestly like Sky back in the day! I can't think of a reason for it but boy do I hope it continues!

I have my November summary session with @Prostaker tomorrow so looking forward to that! Summary for the weekend!

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Posted 7 years ago
I must say the same. Games on MGN were crazy, no clue why, but I hope it continues. What limits do you play atm, nl20 only?