Posted 9 years ago
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My second monitor is here Smile My girlfriend has found one old monitor which she doesn't need so she gave it to me Smile
Posted 9 years ago
VOLUME, I'm coming Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Nice, looks a bit like my setup back in the UK. How many hands did you play over the weekend with your new mean dual screens?

How does your bet look with your gf? Are you going to make it brah?
Posted 9 years ago
overall I played 50k this month..I did it =) 300€ is here =) now I won't play until the end of month because I don't want to fu** it Smile hehe
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here you can see 240 € on my main pc
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and here 30€ on laptop
+ 50 $ (40€) from races Smile
overall its a little more than 300€ and I'm happy that I can continue my poker story hehe
I'm not happy how I burned 150 € in the middle of month ( 40€ was bad beats, but all other was big tilt, can't believe how tilty I was than Worried ). Have to fix that in my head because its not good. That I stick to the plan , I would probably ended up far above 400 €. Have to work on mental game, will be watching some videos and reading some articles about it this few days. Can't wait december =)
Posted 9 years ago
Awesome! What's the goal for December? 500euro?!!!

You should put sticky notes around your laptop when you play that says "STOP" when you're tilting, sit out for 10 minutes and take a break, I must of lost thousands of dollars due to tilt over the years.

If you can curve your redline a little bit up you can start to make a killing each month.

Posted 9 years ago
Congrats on november goal!!! Hope your GF is happy too Wink
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie tnx for advice..I would definitly do that =) And both of you tnx for congrats Smile I played yesterday some tournaments on ipoker for 1€ ( 6€) overall and I can tell its really soft soft. If someone is playing MTT its EV+ for 10000% Smile hehe. I finish 5th in one, made only one big mistake when I checked top set in 3 way pot ( original raiser ) and guy on button picked up runner runner flush. I got 60 € so overall for november is 359€ =) GF is happy. Tomorow we are going to shopping hehe =)
Posted 9 years ago
lol! Tell your GF you need to reinvest that money to play higher until you're at the nose bleeds.

MTTs on these smaller sites are as soft as hell because the real SNG/MTT grinders stay on stars due to volume. If you can pick a few of the GTDs there is some epic value to be had. Not sure if you can play on Sky, but they have the sofest MTTs going at the moment.

What are you plans for December? Grinding on any of the big days?
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: lol! Tell your GF you need to reinvest that money to play higher until you're at the nose bleeds.

MTTs on these smaller sites are as soft as hell because the real SNG/MTT grinders stay on stars due to volume. If you can pick a few of the GTDs there is some epic value to be had. Not sure if you can play on Sky, but they have the sofest MTTs going at the moment.

What are you plans for December? Grinding on any of the big days?

Yes I agree that most of the MTT regulars plays on stars. I can't play on sky Sad but I will be playing occasionaly MTT's on ipoker.
Plans are the same I guess. My girlfriend wanted to decrease goal to 200€ ( haha ) but I said 300€ is optimal ( minimum haha ) prize for grinding all month ( if you ask me I would go to a 400€ this month so thats my new goal, don't tell my GF haha ). For the volume I think 45-50k is good volume. Will be playing a lot more over the weekends and trying to put as muck volume as posible. I take a shot at NL20 and made 50€. Traffic at nl10 was poor so I take that shot just to see dinamic of the game and it was profitable. I played 2 tables and on both there was 2 huge fishes so thats not relevant but I think once I got to NL20 for real I can hope to crush it Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Great month murtao, well played Smile

Aside from those bad few days in the middle, the rest of your graph looks totally solid!

What site are you grinding cash on? Stakes?
Posted 9 years ago
Tnx Smile On ipoker ( paddy ) NL4-NL10 ( mostly NL10, but when traffic is bad I open some NL4 tables ) and I played speed NL5 but wont play speed anymore. ( I have worst winrate on speed so it's not EV+ for me )
Posted 9 years ago
murtao: Tnx Smile On ipoker ( paddy ) NL4-NL10 ( mostly NL10, but when traffic is bad I open some NL4 tables ) and I played speed NL5 but wont play speed anymore. ( I have worst winrate on speed so it's not EV+ for me )

Ah cool Smile Yeah I have turned back to a mix or the reg tables and speed this month after playing about 3 months of speed. Managed to make a little through rb but my win rate made me want to puke! Puke Depressing to look at it when its like that hey? lol.
Posted 9 years ago*
Harvie: Awesome! What's the goal for December? 500euro?!!!

You should put sticky notes around your laptop when you play that says "STOP" when you're tilting, sit out for 10 minutes and take a break, I must of lost thousands of dollars due to tilt over the years.

If you can curve your redline a little bit up you can start to make a killing each month.

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Harvie I started to work on my red line Smile I hope It will go up until the end of the month..I think that some videos from Adam Jones really helped me improve
Posted 9 years ago
Eeek, nice upswing murtao, well played! Clap
Posted 9 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Hy folks, I'm back. I'm playing NL10 on pokerstars currently but begining of the story goes like this. On 25. December 2015 I deposit 20$ just because of the challanges there. I had some up and downs and result today is that I have a 370 $ bankroll and struggle at NL10. I don't think I play so bad but I run like a s*** and it's really frustrating. When I go back at NL5 I'm making some money but it's a boring game and then I do some stupid things OFC. I decided to make this post and put some hands and forum so I can discuss with you guys and girls Smile
Here's grapf for this month!
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and stakes
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Posted 8 years ago
Oh snapppppppp your back!?!!?

Where you been bud?

Looks like your doing really well man congrats!
Posted 8 years ago
I finished collage, find a full part job ( but I'm trying to find a better one OFC ) so I wasn't playing almost at all. Actually I finished 2nd at big 16.50 $ in Jun for 2300$. I bought a new PC, and some things for my family and almost everything has gone.
I'm happy with overall result because I deposit 20 $ and make 400$ in 2 month but I really have to work hard at NL10 because it's frustrating. I'm trying to find best setup in game right now ( limits, table speed, table selection, number of tables ). I was playing 4 zoom and 4-5 reg at NL5 then I quit zoom and played just 12 tables reg. At NL10 I don't think players are much better but maybe I played a little bit money scared ( which is a problem obviesly ).
Until the end of month I'll be happy if I stay at NL10 and make around 100$ profit. Will be working on mental game. Can you Jon recommend me some good video here? Tnx
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Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Hvala ! Smile