Posted 10 years ago
Long time since my last update. After an awful downswing due mainly to tilt, I had to go down a level so I'm playing at NL5. I almost lost half my bankroll in that downswing. But well, here I am, still fighting and trying to make it to higher levels withouth depositing more money than I initially did.

I feel very confident again in my game. I've been doing great all last sessions and doing great calls, reads, etc. I still have to work hard in order to be able to play at NL10 again but for sure I feel I'm in the right path.

My all in EV line is going up, which at least shows me Im doing some things right! I know I'll be even again soon and then with positive green line.

Even though I reached bottom and my winnings are negative, my bb/100 are still positive. That surprises me pretty much.

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Posted 10 years ago
bb/100 will be +tive becasue of changing stakes ie. you could be + 1000bb at 5nl and plus $50 but down 600b at 10nl and -$10 over all... ur still + 400bb tho Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Keep playing dude and things will turn around.
Posted 10 years ago
Very close to stay even after that terrible downswing.
Best think is I feel very confident about my game and I'm playing great. At least for the limit I'm playing =)

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Posted 10 years ago
Nice recovery on the dowswning. Just stay composed when this happens. Long run the profit will come back. Just gotta put the volume in
Posted 10 years ago
Hows that graph looking bud?
Posted 10 years ago
Not too good. Still fighting but well...

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Posted 10 years ago
just keep it up ... gl
Posted 10 years ago
After 6 months of playing at PS and around 210K hands in NL2, NL5 and NL10 combined, my balance in cash is that I'm -$5 dollars from where I started.

As I mentioned before, a couple of years ago I lost around 2K dollars playing poker online. But at that moment, I had no clue, I was pure fish, didn't use any poker tracker nor anything. And I would tilt pretty easily and lose a lot of money.

Last july I only deposited $280 dollars and my idea was to not deposit any more money than that. If I did well, I would build a good bankroll out of that. If I did bad and lose all my money, I would not deposit anymore and would not play online poker anymore for good.

I this "new era" I fixed some things. First of all I respected bankroll and limits much more. I did not go up a limit untill I had enough bankroll. And, on the other hand, I did go down when downswings came.

I have improved a lot in these six months. I also learned a lot about online poker. Imagine I didn't even know what VPIP and PFR was when started playing. I slightly knew poker tracking programes existed. I had never been in a forum and neither discussed my own or other's hands.

I had never had a sweat session before. No one had watched my game and tried to fix some of my leaks.

So, even though I'm back to where I started, I must say it's not the same start. I'm back to the same point but with huge knowledge in my bag.

I will take these last december days off poker. I will not play until january and will not read a single book nor article.

And I will set my goals for 2014. And hope I'll be able to accomplish some of them.

I think I'll try hard all next year and If I don't do well I'll quit. But well, still got a lot of time, many many hours of poker and studying.

I will improve my game A LOT next year and save space only for poker.

Posted 10 years ago

After 6 months of playing at PS and around 210K hands in NL2, NL5 and NL10 combined, my balance in cash is that I'm -$5 dollars from where I started.

As I mentioned before, a couple of years ago I lost around 2K dollars playing poker online. But at that moment, I had no clue, I was pure fish, didn't use any poker tracker nor anything. And I would tilt pretty easily and lose a lot of money.

Last july I only deposited $280 dollars and my idea was to not deposit any more money than that. If I did well, I would build a good bankroll out of that. If I did bad and lose all my money, I would not deposit anymore and would not play online poker anymore for good.

I this "new era" I fixed some things. First of all I respected bankroll and limits much more. I did not go up a limit untill I had enough bankroll. And, on the other hand, I did go down when downswings came.

I have improved a lot in these six months. I also learned a lot about online poker. Imagine I didn't even know what VPIP and PFR was when started playing. I slightly knew poker tracking programes existed. I had never been in a forum and neither discussed my own or other's hands.

I had never had a sweat session before. No one had watched my game and tried to fix some of my leaks.

So, even though I'm back to where I started, I must say it's not the same start. I'm back to the same point but with huge knowledge in my bag.

I will take these last december days off poker. I will not play until january and will not read a single book nor article.

And I will set my goals for 2014. And hope I'll be able to accomplish some of them.

I think I'll try hard all next year and If I don't do well I'll quit. But well, still got a lot of time, many many hours of poker and studying.

I will improve my game A LOT next year and save space only for poker.


Great end of year post! Breaking even is a huge accomplishment imo. Poker is a tough game and it sounds like you have bounced back to become a much better player who studies harder. This puts you in a great spot for 2014. Im sure if you continue on in this same way in 2014 you will show profit.

Hard work = more success. V simple Smile

Have a merry xmas and a happy new year. See you on the other side! gl
Posted 10 years ago
Cracking end of year post bro, nice to see you have come a long way in the game. Takes a real man to admit to his mistakes and post here some hands, but this is how you will improve and its good to see you're doing it. Have a great xmas and look forward to see the goals for 2014!
Posted 10 years ago

Cracking end of year post bro, nice to see you have come a long way in the game. Takes a real man to admit to his mistakes and post here some hands, but this is how you will improve and its good to see you're doing it. Have a great xmas and look forward to see the goals for 2014!

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Posted 10 years ago
Taking these last couple of weeks pretty lightly. I have played but played little.

I'm not at my most confident state right now. So I'm taking things calmly and without many expectations right now.

Probably planning to start this year seriously since february.

I played some sit and go without great results. However, even though I had in mind playing only sit & go, I think I'll continue with cash since it's what I most like.

I'm trying to stay focused and contious about my bankroll so as not to bust. I haven't lost a considerable ammout but I can't take it lightly either.

Will be soon commenting on goals and expectations for this year.
Posted 10 years ago

Taking these last couple of weeks pretty lightly. I have played but played little.

I'm not at my most confident state right now. So I'm taking things calmly and without many expectations right now.

Probably planning to start this year seriously since february.

I played some sit and go without great results. However, even though I had in mind playing only sit & go, I think I'll continue with cash since it's what I most like.

I'm trying to stay focused and contious about my bankroll so as not to bust. I haven't lost a considerable ammout but I can't take it lightly either.

Will be soon commenting on goals and expectations for this year.

Deffs keep on with cash, you have the fundamentals locked down so just keep on improving and you will become a beast! One thing for boosting your confidence: HITTING THE TABLES. Win some sessions and you will be on top form again. gl
Posted 10 years ago
Best session ever...

3:45 hours of play. I was on fire. Not only I took great decisions but also got some very nice hands.
I hade some beats also but managed to recover greatly.
Hope I can keep this level.


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Posted 10 years ago
Great Session Vipes Laugh
Posted 10 years ago
Wow what a session!

Why do you think it went so well? Had any repeats?
Posted 10 years ago
My concentration was at the top. I took great decisions and must also admit the cards helped.
As I mentioned in another post, that session was:

- Friday night (was full of fishes)
- Girlfriend was asleep so she didn't bother for any attention =)
- TV was off.
- No cell phone would distract me
- Environment was quiet and I knew I had all the time in the world to grind. I mean, I started playing around 11pm so next day was saturday and didn't have any kind of pressure regarding time.

After that session I played two or three more. They weren't that good, of course, but they were pretty well.
In general I feel great with my play right now. I've gone up a level (to NL10) and I feel I can beat it.

However, my bankroll has not recovered from the downswing but Im respecting it. I'm not playing NL10 out of bankroll.
Posted 10 years ago
Have you played since your great session mate? Def makes a difference if you set yourself up with minimal distractions, but its easier said than done I know. Hope your run continues Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Yes, I've had some more sessions. Running regularly but my EV has been positive in almost all of them. Yesterday's session I ended losing 15 dollars but my EV for that session was +35. Which means I just was unlucky =(

I am very happy with my play right now. I feel I've grown and If I continue this way and get enough time to play, I might... just might... CRUSH A BIT!