4 cards Novice

Posted 8 years ago


I had some blogs here but let's start another to set a new start.

I've being playing a lot NL live games (NL100 and 200) with very sucess, some couple friends of mine are a bit scared but I jumped right in and to sum it up, I made a considerable amount of Money.

But I'm stupid as fuck and one time, on one trip, I left 90% of my bankroll on some restaurant, went back and we can figure it out..... like magic it went missing, any camera caputered anything, people keeps amazing me.

oh well, I'm stupid, some beers, nice time, a few laughts and caput.

But the past is the past.

In casinos I watched some PLO and all the Money was there and more I watched more I was fascinated I become with the game, it lead me to the internet and I watched some vídeos, live games and I got hooked up as simple as that. It's very fun, I have an amazing time playing it, there's a lot of comibations of hands. And the best thing, Money flies on PLO since there isn't a lot information free of this game.


Let's play PLO, not to a hobby but I'll take this very but very serious. I need a new job and after looking for several, hundreds of jobs I got 0 repplies. I'm fed up.

My knowledge of PLO = 0

I don't have OM2

So it's all from scratch.

First I'll get OM2 but I don't want to give Money directly so I'm playing on a room and need to make a certain rake to get a license, ok I pay with rake but it's free to me since I'll make a profit on the tables NL. Next week probably I'll have OM2 and then starting playing more PLO on microgaming or party (don't know yet where).

A lot of sutdy is requeried and I'm gathering all vídeos, books, articles to study and if I can get to PLO10 I'll get a coach. I could play higher but I'll start on PLO2.

Begining of September I'll post my daily reports.

See you soon.

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
LOL wtf happened with your roll?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: LOL wtf happened with your roll?

well went to eat with some friends, some drinks before going to casino, good talk, a good time basically. got up to pay and forgot my bankrool in the seat.

someone will pay several bills + have a very nice vacation thanks to my stupid mistake.

why I went out with my roll? well dfferent casino 450km from home,wanted to try new limit (NL500) cause I know that my live game is very good.

Now broke again, I'm turning to PLO online so I can play someday on PLO500 live (the juiceiest game on my casino).

But today I'lll be at casino, study PLO is only tomorrow morning so let's play some live poker again.
Posted 8 years ago
what are the best rooms to PLO games? is, starting at PLO2?
Posted 8 years ago
From what I saw you can find a good amount of PLO2 action on Microgaming network. Other than that it's hard to play 5-6+ tables of PLO without mixing poker rooms unless you're playing on stars.
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: From what I saw you can find a good amount of PLO2 action on Microgaming network. Other than that it's hard to play 5-6+ tables of PLO without mixing poker rooms unless you're playing on stars.


Actually on microgaming there are 4/5 tables of PLO2 that isn't enought I believe. But I'm still studing this game, probably I'll grind a bit more live so I can make another bankroll and start on PLO10 since there's a lot more offers on several rooms.

Don't know my I need to work first on my preflop game.
Posted 7 years ago*

I started to play PLO this month, PLO2 nothing much I know but i'll upfate this thread on a weakly basis it's better this way, I play on 3 networks cause the volume is very low on all of them so I need to mix them up.

Later today I'll post the graph for this two weeks and at PLO I still get lost regarding ranges and other stuff. My preflop game is very very basic since all combination of hand I don´t know what to do if them. I'm starting to open my ranges and let's see what happens now,

I only play Monday till Thursday since my kid is with me on the weekends and I can't play regular tables with her wake up, so in the remain days I'll study for an hour or two in the night.

I defined some goals since in a few months from now something in my life will change, I need that change to be more happy. Probably will pass to play poker for 6 months and see what happens.

For now I'm trying to get to PLO10 and then get a coach or join coaching for profits but it seem way to expensive don't know,
Posted 7 years ago
Well I'm back..

Started playing on a skin of natural8 and I know that in my hours the field isn't that juicy but let's give it a try.

I'm rolled to NL25 but I just deposit 150$ and at 250$ I'll play NL25, need to check the RB and other stuff first.

When I reach NL25 I'll add another room since at evening there aren't many tables..

Day 1:
Profit 10$
Bankrool: 160$
Posted 7 years ago
Are the games really that diff from PLO2 to PLO 4 or 5nl? I would assume not and I'd advise playing the higher limit just because there is less rake. PLO rake can kill a bankroll without you knowing it at the micros.