Posted 8 years ago
You not streaming?
Posted 8 years ago*
I busted both pretty quickly I'm afraid, onto the second round of the daily grind now!

My computer couldn't handle streaming, kept freezing every 10 minutes so had to give up on it until I maybe get a new PC!
Posted 8 years ago
Shame to hear the stream didn't work out!
Posted 8 years ago*
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So far, Total Buyins: $95.26
Total cashes: $116.11

The event in red I didn't play as was too tired, I'll probably use it as a reentry for another event coming up.
Super pumped and love playing every day, I want another deep run and a final table would be sweet!!
Posted 8 years ago
Profit in the micro millions - not many can say that! Keep plodding
Posted 8 years ago
Great stuff buddy keep it going!
Posted 8 years ago
Cheers for directing me here... looking good mate

Keep it up
Posted 8 years ago
Nicely done for the triple figure score!
Posted 8 years ago*
Things have been a bit quiet the last few days in terms of cashes.
I got this side bet going on with Killjoy for the craic: Prop bet

I busted my hold'em events so regged the $2 PL Draw after looking up the rules - I'd literally no idea what was happening with this game.

Currently chip leader.. Go figure. No idea if I'm just really good or running like God. Bit of both I'd say Giggle
I'll give my backers for the micromillions a freeroll here, over $1k for the winner!

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Posted 8 years ago
I'm afraid something came up here and I had to sit out for 45-60 minutes, so I went from the top 10 to average in chips with 500 left and then busted for $5.77.
Aw well, kinda gutted as I wanted a deep run and was loving it considering I had no idea what to do with the hands I was dealt but situations in life come up!!
Onto the next MM event in 10 minutes lets goooooo
Posted 8 years ago
Quick update,
Total buyins: $200.86
Total cashes are $162.07 including that $5 I got at the 5 card draw!

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Just waiting for that one deep run!! Hopefully will get an extra few $$ from Killjoy when I win the prop bet!
Posted 8 years ago
Nicely done so far, fingers crossed for a nice bink before the series is through! Keep up the good work Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Heard kj run deep the other day so the prop bet might not be looking good ha
Posted 8 years ago
perthhibee: Heard kj run deep the other day so the prop bet might not be looking good ha

Did he haha? Fair play to him if he did!

I'm saving it for the main event Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Whats up top in the main?
Posted 8 years ago
100k+ guarentee for 1st im pretty sure
Posted 8 years ago
JEEEEEEEEEEZ that's mad! On this Sunday?
Posted 8 years ago
Yep $100k gtd for the winner, $22 buyin!
Would be a nice little score, shall hopefully win my flips that tourament!
Posted 8 years ago
I just spent an hour 1 tabling and trying to nail this fish playing 68/37/0.

Woulda gave me 2x average and woulda been set up for a nice little run.
I am giving up on poker. Fuck this game.

No Limit Holdem Tournament/6PLAYERS /PokerStars
Posted 8 years ago
Ah the old J3.... people keep telling me poker is dead but I am unsure if that's true