Posted 6 years ago
Had to put stuff on hold for a bit. Things going on, busy, hols etc. Will be back at some point soon.
Posted 6 years ago
Ok Cool. Just as long as you are alright. have fun and don{t get too burned out. TTYS
Posted 6 years ago*
Hey all.

Ok so I've had a bit of a gap recently. I've had some PC problems and I've had a tonne of stuff going on in life. I'll hopefully be getting a new PC in the near future. But I've sorted a lot of stuff.

However it did make me take my money out of MGN, which is fine as I made a decent profit. But I want to get a decent stream going if I can.
I want to try to build something with some guys on Twitch and have some fun. I've also been working a lot lately. Which has hindered my ability to have time to myself, but it's just been a busy summer with a lot of stuff going on and I've been covering people etc.

One of the things that has been found is that streaming on Twitch is all good, but to get some viewers... you kinda need to be streaming Stars unless you are well known. I've started a fresh and been having a laugh.

I've started a $100 to $2k challenge. After I finish it I will keep Streaming and just try to have fun with poker and meet people etc. Just get involved with the community. I've been grinding mostly 5nl, but 2nl Zoom in between to keep it building up.
Also I notice @fergrberger has started a new one too. So I'm gonna be watching out for him too. Maybe do some stuff together in the future if he's up for it. (No idea what yet).

Currently sitting at $174 after the first 4 days or so.
Here is an excerpt from some fun.

Posted 6 years ago
Nice to see you back around. Good Luck
Posted 6 years ago
Have you got Whatsapp @Grocker6 ? We have a dedicated poker group chat which I think would be great to have you in!

Same for anyone else as well, PM me with your numbers and I'll add you!
Posted 6 years ago*
Thanks @fawltyfelix !

I've never used whatsapp before, all I know is that it's a messenger thing, I might get it though. You just need my mobile number? @AshVIP