making some money...

Posted 8 years ago

So decided to open one of these and would think it to be an accomplishment to keep updating this to the end of 16.
Im 29 ,played poker for a long time and all these years my main game is cash. Im sorry but cashgame is the true king of poker in my eyes. Have played about 300 sng`s and about the same amount of MTT`s over the years but sorry ,nursing a 9bb stack to find something shoveable is stupid. Respect to those who can do it though.(Besides all that staking and % selling is so sad in my eyes ,have lost a lot of respect reading the pokernews about someone winning some highroller knowing the guy probably had like 10% of himself)

I`ve always played microstakes ,so I can say Im not good enough to crush the games and move up and crush there aswell. Played professionally for a year due to lifethings happening at weird point(played nl25 and 50 fr shotting the 100 games ) but during this year found out that im not suitable to being a professional at this game. Its hard work.
So for the past few years have played like a true recreational and happy about it. Making some money working full time and making some money playing as mush as I feel like is the most suitable variant at this moment. (hence the title)

Did a little change in december . Moved away from Pokerstars ,cut the nr of tables playing and trying to up my game vs regulars. Everyone can win with AA vs fish .
First 25k hands played and kind of liking it. More fun ,more thinking ,more fun spots.

So ,always nice to have some graphs aswell.
this is me 2014-2015 @stars avg. stake NL10
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and this is me since december nl10
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You can add about 75k hands of plo ( what a fuking game Laugh ) and some hands on some random eurosites during 14-15. (winning there aswell but not having all the hands so no graph) Add in some rakeback ,bonuses etc.

So why havent i moved up. Used money elsewhere. Only having a mortage payment for my apartment makes everyday life easy. Anyway started some investing in last year also. Giving out P2P loans on internet and have used part of my winnings to create somekind of portfolio.(very small though) but I think that if I have started it its easier to carry on doing it so one goal from poker this year is to win so I can use some money growing my portfolio( what a weird word discribing small money)

Enough now ,will try to start with some hands here during weekend.
lets end with a classic


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Posted 8 years ago
Wait what who where when how wow blimey weeeeeeeeeee BOOM

Just come out of nowhere and post one of the sickest graphs i have seen in the last 12 months. Mad props to you buddy very sick stuff indeed.

Most of the members in this forum grind cash so you are in good hands! MTTs for me are something i do just now and then but cash is king!

What do you do outside of poker? Any main hobbies or interests?

Posted 8 years ago
Brilliant graphs, well done sir. Your outlook re playing is similar to mine, although the similarity ends with the results, lol.
Look forward to your journey, good luck.
Posted 8 years ago
Well Jon ,it would be sicker if the stakes were higher so hold your horses.
Poker is my hobby and I enjoy it very much ,especially the last month and a half ,cause there`s a thin line between spewing and soulreading Laugh
I work in a dairyfarm ,and my days pass as doing basicly all the things needed for a farm to operate daily ,eg. snow ploughing or mending pneumosystem on the milk drying machine Laugh (actually my knowledge of mending different technical things is not so good ) and high season (april til oktober) is busy at work and im kind of a lasy person so my interests out of work and poker is quite small. (april `14 I worked 285 hours ,had a 3 day schooling of how to use and operate and work with different fungicides and herbicides ,managed to log like 8k hands of poker ,and spend time with my girlfriend ) So if anyone is interested in agriculture and working the machines can leave a question.
Looking at my results then there is deffenetly improvement to be made. Like 15BI swongs are so common for me, but Im sure I could cut them to like 10. Laugh (Never turn down a flip vs recreational Laugh )
One of the sickest hands I remember through my poker is winning a 2500bb pot in omaha ,what a sick hold it was (wasnt even a deep table)
Had a sick ownage hand the other day . Action was this I open QQ ,rec1 calls ,rec2 squeezes ,I 4bet quite big ,rec1 calls ,rec2 calls .Flop was 773 or something ,I shove ,rec1 calls ,rec2 calls .starting stacks were like 120bb. Rec1 had KK ,rec2 had AA. Still thinking how we got to the flop Laugh

So yeah this year i want to improve my game vs regulars ,to get a better understanding on valuebetting and increase my bluffing frequency. The other day worked a little with PT and had w34z3l`s stat analysis thread open and found some spots to look in to more.Though I feel that playing with certain stats and ranges and frequencies is not a way to go.Im a feel player and a lot of the things i do at the tables is the momentum that has been going til this moment ,and that part of the game is where I want to improve the most. It will be hard work cause its really hard to push myself to work on poker outside tables. (too many times fallen asleep watching some coaching video) I`ve had coachings sessions also but felt I didnt gain much from them. So thinking that maybe here I can find someone to change ideas and thoughts on hands.

will post 2 hands ,I like one but not the other ,you tell me which is which Laugh
So this hand ,regular ,high 3bettor and sick barreler ,spew or ok

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
6 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.106
UTG $12.59
UTG+1 $32.37
COHero $10.17
D $11.17
SB $11.24
BB $9.15
6$0.15Hero is CO88
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.30, BTN raises to $1.10, 2 folds, Hero calls$0.80

Hero checks, BTN bets $1.15, Hero calls$1.15
Hero checks, BTN bets $2.70, Hero goes all-in$7.92
Final Pot $15.27

and this one ,noone seems interested ,so turn my hand into bluff. Some other lines for flop or turn ,mp rec ,Bt weak-tight reg

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
6 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.106
UTG $9.45
UTG+1 $12
COHero $10.83
D $23.12
SB $13.05
BB $31.61
6$0.15Hero is COJJ
UTG raises to $0.30, UTG+1 calls $0.30, Hero calls$0.30, BTN calls $0.30, 2 folds

UTG checks, UTG+1 bets $1, Hero calls$1, BTN calls $1, UTG folds
UTG+1 checks, Hero checks, BTN checks
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets$3.55
Final Pot $7.90

Posted 8 years ago
yo yo yo
actually not.
Just came from a funeral so one can say life sucks.
Kind of drunk a bit so opted not to play any poker ,opened PT instead and looked at some hands and previous sessisons.
Hands of shame below Sad
any feedback aprecciated.

totali messsed up river ,so rarely getting called ,though I lost a stack to him the hand before so was going for max-tilt-value-dynamic staff. Still pretty bad. hand vs reg .
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
6 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.106
UTG $15.27
UTG+1 $19.80
COHero $12.05
D $30.20
SB $10
BB $6
6$0.15Hero is CO66
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $0.30, Hero calls$0.30, 3 folds

UTG+1 checks, Hero bets$0.35, UTG+1 calls $0.35
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets$1.15, UTG+1 calls $1.15
UTG+1 checks, Hero goes all-in$10.25
Final Pot $14

not sure about turn ,guy was tighter than avg. and has a lot of 88+ ,mavbe some combos of broadways. The thing I dont like is that villain being tighter its harder for him to fold his made hands there so u could probably say it was spew on my part.
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG _Maria_ $10.25
CO foodie $12.94
D foto69 $12.71
SBHero $10.25
BB zenoriver $15.87
5$0.15Hero is SB76
2 folds, foto69 raises to $0.20, Hero raises to $0.75, 1 fold, foto69 calls $0.60

Hero bets$0.85, foto69 calls $0.85
Hero checks, foto69 bets $2.15, Hero goes all-in$8.60
Final Pot $14.15

vs weaker player ,I cant see what he is folding there so I really dont like my river bet.
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG pokiebird $10.70
CO viktorlitvin $17.39
D Jokzz $14.30
SBHero $21.47
BB foodie $10.15
5$0.15Hero is SB23
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.20, foodie calls $0.15

Hero bets$0.25, foodie calls $0.25
Hero checks, foodie bets $0.60, Hero raises to $1.90, foodie calls $1.30
Hero bets$2.50, foodie folds
Final Pot $7.30
Posted 8 years ago
Fold pre in hand 2, probably in hand 3 as well. And turn action in both hands seems pretty optmistic, prefer to just barrel in both these spots. GL grinding!
Posted 8 years ago
Yo post these hands up Here. Our coaches won't seem them inside journeys so for the best replies possible post them up individually in there. Also you can win coaching for doing so....check it out Here
Posted 8 years ago
thanks Jon but these are prolly not the hands to think too much about ,so will keep these kind of things here ,makes this thread a bit more interesting.
so this is all I have played this week ,today was school and tommorow is also so prolly not playing tommorow.

Attached Image][/img][img=]

but have these 2 beauties
reg ,tighter than avg. ,kind of had him face up on the river so why not max pressure
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG $13.99
CO $13.85
DHero $10.70
SB $10.05
BB $10.73
5$0.15Hero is BTNJA
1 fold, CO raises to $0.30, Hero calls$0.30, 2 folds

CO checks, Hero checks
CO bets $0.35, Hero calls$0.35
CO checks, Hero bets$1.75, CO calls $1.75
Final Pot $4.95
CO shows 99
Hero shows JA

Hero wins$4.71 (net +$2.31)
CO lost $2.40

again vs reg so went for it again ,though his call is actually not that bad so cant blame the guy
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG $25.48
CO $18.14
DHero $10.75
SB $2.85
BB $22.16
5$0.15Hero is BTN66
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.25, 1 fold, BB calls $0.15

BB checks, Hero bets$0.25, BB calls $0.25
BB checks, Hero bets$0.55, BB calls $0.55
BB checks, Hero bets$2.55, BB calls $2.55
Final Pot $7.25
Hero shows 66
BB shows 3A

Hero wins$6.95 (net +$3.35)
BB lost $3.50

Posted 8 years ago
All hands are worth thinking about!
Posted 8 years ago
glad this day is over
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Posted 8 years ago*
I think the last hand was properly played from both sides. Only A6, A5, 55+ pocket pairs could beat them in a standard opening range, so there was a good chance for him to win or split with his ace kicker.
Posted 8 years ago
When playing this session when did you decide to call it a day?

Did at any point you feel like you was chasing and it just kept getting worse and worse or did you just have a certain time to grind then stopped once that was over?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: When playing this session when did you decide to call it a day?

Did at any point you feel like you was chasing and it just kept getting worse and worse or did you just have a certain time to grind then stopped once that was over?

you can devide it into 2 sessions actually ,and I stopped because the second one was getting ridicolous (ran 2BI over in the first and 6 under the second)
dont like to show ev on the graphs but I swear there are some sessions where u just cant win.

today was weird ,total PF madnes all around the tables,quite a lot of barreling and had to fold some nice draws and floats, got sick tilted when reg called my 4bet with K2s(had 4bet him like 3 times) ,and then I played it like a pssy .
gave up on several spots so quite angry at myself.
noticed I didnt feel comfortable vs some regs so have to push myself and see what they are about
anyway ,looked this month graph yesterday and saw a solid BE month Sad
hope I can up the game this week
Posted 8 years ago
again good action at the tables ,especially preflop ,got AA like 6 times and won about a buy in
seriously tilting
Posted 8 years ago*
didnt find the thread quickly so asking here ,looking at my dashboard I see that my screenname is unconfirmed,though im all ok in the rakerace ,prolly smthg updating this forum.
got owned hard

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG $10.30
CO $5.80
DHero $16.47
SB $19.95
BB $22.60
5$0.15Hero is BTNQQ
1 fold, CO calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.40, 2 folds, CO calls $0.30

CO checks, Hero bets$0.55, CO calls $0.55
CO checks, Hero bets$1, CO raises to $2, Hero goes all-in$14.52, CO goes all-in $2.85
2$22.42, 2 all-in K
Final Pot $22.42
CO shows AA
Hero shows QQ

CO wins $11.45 (net +$5.75)
Hero lost$16.47
Posted 8 years ago
ok ,im finished with my month,have work tomorrow and sunday is sunday Laugh ,kind of saved something with this week
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not happy with my month ,there was deffinetly chance for something bigger but a profit is a profit. Up 2buyins in omaha too Laugh
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Posted 8 years ago

I just wrote this on someone elses journey that you have to be proud of winning no matter if small. The main thing is your doing what others sometimes cannot.

What is the plan for Feb?
Posted 8 years ago
February will be a busy month ,4 days of school next week, 2 man short at work, but would like to play some poker also.
20k hands will be great ,10k will be good also.
Winrate !!!
Posted 8 years ago
so this is my update of february grind .
deffenetly need some hours to play more poker
and really weird last two sessions ,folding a ton but still winning something.
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Posted 8 years ago
Solid work buddy sexy graph!

Any major things happening or just steadily plodding along?