Moving up the stakes (video blog)

Posted 8 years ago

I've decided to make a video blogg consisting of sweat with sessions; hand relays and off the table training using software and various media. The aim of this blogg is to show you everything you need to know to move up through the stakes and to get feedback on my own game aswell.

Please follow along, and get involved by commenting!

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
That's a really nice idea. I would follow your video blog, but honestly I dont know how Wink
Cant find any button for following a thread.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks @qqwarq . Now you've posted you should get notifications from this thread Smile

Here's my first video that I maybe a couple of days ago at 20nl on Betfair. Click Here To Watch
Posted 8 years ago
Niceeee! Looking forward to this thread Smile Followed
Posted 8 years ago
Yep Yes Yeah


Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for your video, but without any commentary its not that useful. I would like to know why are you doing certain things and why not.
So it would be nice, when your next videos include some commentary Smile
Posted 8 years ago
oh bugger, there should of been commentary with that!

Next one should have commentary, I'll make sure to check it first next time.
Posted 8 years ago*
Here's how to spot the areas you want to improve and then how to actually improve on these areas. In this video I focus on improving my c/r range as the PFR.

Click here to Watch

Suggested PokerVIP video's for this topic:
1) How to c/r
2) Potentially lots of c/r spots (100% blinds defence)
3) Reviewing your hand history I feel I covered this already but if you want to know give it a watch
Posted 8 years ago
interesting video buddy .. good to see that you are learning and realising things along the way like AA AK aren't really relevant to you topic of study when reviewing this - can help other people to think about realising these kinda things when they study

video cuts off when it gets to the juice stuff though - suited connectors!

Posted 8 years ago
Interesting vid!

I remember watching that vid by Weaz but never really implemented it... Do you think it's a good strategy at the low micros 5/10NL? Not sure if I would get enough folds

Your vid seems to cut off but I enjoyed what I seen! Looking forward to more of these
Posted 8 years ago
Ah damn, forgot dropbox only lets you stream 15mins. You have to download it to watch the full video. Does anyone know if there's a better way for me to post these videos?

btw please note there's a bit of a mistake when I use flopzilla a little later on. I used the MP cold call range instead of MP RFI range when analysing the JTh.
Posted 8 years ago
colly191091: Interesting vid!

I remember watching that vid by Weaz but never really implemented it... Do you think it's a good strategy at the low micros 5/10NL? Not sure if I would get enough folds

Your vid seems to cut off but I enjoyed what I seen! Looking forward to more of these

Yes definitely! Just be aware of your opponents still, i.e don't do it against fish
Posted 8 years ago
Building upon the last video I decided to play some heads ups for 2 reasons:
1) Practice blind Vs. Blind play
2) Practice check raising
3) For some fun!

Topics covered:
Hand Reading
Posted 8 years ago
I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread as Iv seen you on twitch and feel I could learn a great deal from you.

Posted 8 years ago
Enjoyed the video.

The only thing I want to add is I find it odd when you 3 bet, hit a K high dryish flop and announce "going to triple barrel bluff this". I understand why but I never have that thought process. Interested if others do that.
Posted 8 years ago
BTW I think there's a mistake at the start where I thought I was in position, talking about how he can#'t have much AJ. Just beware that I do make some mistakes in my video's when talking.

@keithyboy198 thanks a lot mate really appreciate it!

@5amue1 Really good question. Asking yourselves questions like these will get the most from watching videos IMO. The reason being that you learn why and not just when, if you get me. So then you have a more solid understanding and can slowly implement it into your own game.

To your question, for me to answer this properly I'll need to time it occurred so I can have a look. However I think I had something like Q4 and triple barrelled a K42 or something the like. The reason was our opponents range in capped at KQ unless he calls his sets but we block 44 and he's likely to re-raise them anyway. So when we're essentially playing a little GTO using our blocker hands to bluff with so we don't always have pure value.

By doing this we're making it a win win situation weather he folds or calls. So if he calls he pays off all our value (two pair bluffs like K4/2, KK,AA and AK).
If he folds then we take the pot down with some of our bluffs.

However this isn't GTO because I'm not balanced in this spot. It's more an exploitable spot because I find people don't hero KQ so I can triple barrel a lot in this spot, with my entire range if I wanted to, but players might cotton on to that so I wouldn't go that far. Instead I use blocking hands like Qx that block KQ, flush draws that can hit and set blockers. This increases the chance of getting the bluff through.

Note this is opponent speicifc, however without a read you can still go on 'population norms' so if your experienced and no 50% of people fold the river you should fire the river. And even if they do call your bluff you gained information about that player that you can use to change your strategy. So oddly losing money on a bluff can be good for your image too, so you often don't lose much from it if you adjust correctly. Also there less likely to quit if they think your a crazy donk!
Posted 8 years ago
Oh wow some heads up poker! I have seen zero of this for years now so very exciting!

The AA hand at 28mins I think the check raise is just to big. I know its a wet board n all but i think we just run into a ton of folds there.
Posted 8 years ago
Cheers Jon, I felt there were a lot of cards that could kill my action as well as outdraw me.
However thinking about my range here has got to be pretty strong; straight draw+, over pair+ and with a 3.8x raise he probably should fold all his over pairs.

I decided to have a look at this spot in more depth, using maths:
FLOP=875 6, 9 (probably kill all my overpair action -8combo's) ;

(J,Q,K,A)(if he has TT (14), JJ (10), QQ (6), KK (2). AVG= 32/4= 8 (combination of over cards)

16 total = 32% a bad card comes on the turn.

The other 68% I probably get paid off by TT+. We also give hands like AQ+ to catch or a his suited bluffs catch a turn draw and bluff. To work this out I'll need some software that I don't have. But I'm estimating 5% the turn card improves his hand to one that's worse than ours and that will now bluff all in on the turn or for value.

So that reduces the 32% to 28% of the time our action is killed on the turn.

But we massively benefit from a wide range so he can't fold the over pairs.

So more than 72% of people have to be willing to call off TT+ on the flop for it to be the best move. Which I think like Jon says probably isn't true, especially for my sizing. So we need a read that there sticky to c/r this spot i.e they will likely call off more than 72% with TT+ on the flop.
Posted 8 years ago
In this video I play some 50nl 6-max without a HUD. I only play 2 tables so I focus upon cementing reads on my opponents.

Posted 8 years ago
Great video there...really enjoyed watching it! Smile