My 10NL Zoom journey

Posted 7 years ago

Hi everyone! I've been playing poker for a few years, intermittently lately. I'm from Spain, here poker is regulated so we can only play with people in Spain. My preferred game is zoom so no much pool of players, basically there are only tables open at 2NL and 10NL. I was waiting to play 100000 but since it's Sunday and I have more time there's graph for a little less than that.
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First 70.000 hands or so I played them without HUD, and I seemed to do better, also I was running good. Don't know what my goals are with poker, beat 10NL first, and then next step would be 25NL in regular tables that frankly, I don't enjoy as much. I post my stats and I'd loved if anyone would like to give me tips of what I'm doing wrong.

To be fair here, if I'm playing this level with some winnings it's because PokerVip and the ton of videos I've watched the past last years, my main source for poker learning by far, so thank you very much!

I'm also starting a business, so my time it's divided, but because I like poker I put enough hours, 3-4 tables always zoom. I'm PS Gold now, which gives me some rakeback extra which of course is always nice.

Hope I hear from someone, I'd happy also to give more stats or whatever, I'd like to improve my game!

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Posted 7 years ago
Some update... I'm giving it a go to higher limits, regular cash. I played some 100NL because there was a table with 2 players I had tagged as weak, 130bb up Smile but for some reason HM2 doesnt show it but yes 50NL (I only have the standard-lower limits HM2 version). Much work ahead today, may play some more tonight.Attached Image