My path to the higher games

Posted 8 years ago

So, at last I was able to upload an video! I got my bankroll from ACR and moved it to Sky Poker, the site we all like very much I think. The games are very different, so I had to make some adjustments. Average player in Sky Poker is very loose passive, and 3- and 4-betting is a rare thing. Something you can´t say about many other poker rooms today. So, my game plan was following:

- Play tight and solid, don´t try anything fancy.
- Do not open small suited aces from early positions because people call with A5-A8. Instead open all pairs.
- Call raises with pairs and maybe suited connectors when IP, because ppl do not squeeze often.
- Value bet! Think very carefully if you want to bet your draws hard. Most likely these people will call.
- Give your opponents credit when they raise, especially in turn and river.

I think I played okay, but if you have any feedback, I would be grateful. Thanks!


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Posted 8 years ago*
Today has been probably the worst single day I have ever had in poker. There is everything, the worst variance I can ever image and bad play. One example nails it perfectly: I have KK, I raise and btn reraises me and blind calls. I 4-bet and both calls. The flop is 855, and I bet all in, about pot sized bet. Both players call, and one of them have 52 and the other player has A5. I have had very hard time to hit anything, and when I hit my opponents hit even harder. I have lost something like 8 buy-ins in couple of hours, and now it is time to move down back to NL10. What a horrible day, and most likely I have to spend long time trying to get some motivation to play NL10 again.

Im not giving up or anything. I just feel that today I can not win. Not a single hand. Maybe tomorrow (or some other day when I am ready ro play again) everything will be different.
Posted 8 years ago
Not maybe. It WILL be different.
Posted 8 years ago*
In this morning I have lost "only" 2 buy-ins. I lost 100bb deep all-in with JJ against 55. I have also lost a lot when I raise or 3-bet pf and my opponents call and I miss the flop, c-bet and my opponents call and I have to fold. I also lost a big pot with AQ with A + 2 low card flop when my opponent once again got his backdoor flush and I called river because "they can not have it every fking time". Well, of course they can. And they have. This time my opponent called two street with Q high and got his flush on the river. My mistake was to call the big bet on the river, but well, I just can not fold every time.
Posted 8 years ago
I made another video. Maybe I am making some fundamental mistakes, I do not know.

Posted 8 years ago
Things are still going bad. It looked really nice for a while when I was winning couple of buy ins. Then everything started to go wrong. I just lost 200bb AA vs KK when my opponent rivered a K.. Of course it did not hold. I am playing very scared because I feel like I am always behind, no matter what I hold. Maybe I just have to have a long break or something. Maybe I should move my bankroll back to Unibet where I was doing really well. That would be really pity because I like SkyPoker.The worst part is that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing wrong. It is never just downswing, it is downswing and bad play. This is just something I can not figure out. I am completely stuck and I do not know what to do. How to get through this. Do I have to play differently? Maybe? Yes? No?

That is the worst part. Being completely lost, not knowing if this is actually a mental game issue, or if there is something wrong with the way how I play my hands. At least writing these things down eases the pain at least a little.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey man Smile from this small of a sample I would say you 100% have a mental game issue. Losing 8buyins in a day is bad discipline as it is likely too much of a hit to your bankroll. Since that post you have gone through anger, determination, anger, scared and desperation... In a few posts!

I haven't watched much of the videos but you made a bet with 88 multiway on a J22 and I'm not sure that we ever really get called by worse. Are you thin value betting a bit too much?

You also mentioned calling big bets. Against loose passive players you have to fold everything but the nuts v a big bet as they will unfortunately have it a lot. Even if they do bluff it won't be enough to call down light.

I wouldn't get worked up over coolers or suckouts either. I can understand being frustrated when you aren't making your hand and having go fold in a lot of 3bp, but getting annoyed you lost when you got it all in with 80% or when you have an over pair and villain flops frips is just silly as those plays are making you money in the long run.

I'd suggest having a stop loss and improving your tilt threshold. Gl Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I watched the first half of the video and most of it was correct and standard so not sure how you are losing much money tbh unless you play really differently off camera. Maybe start screenshotting your hands where you are losing and posting them up?
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you guys! You have no idea how much better I feel after couple of kind words! After sleeping one night, things look different which is nice. I will play less tables, I play tighter than I have used to (even if it is not optimal). I think that in skypoker you have only couple of seconds to make your decision? At least I feel that I am in a hurry with 4 tables, but when I was playing in Unibet I had no trouble handling 6 tables. Or maybe it is new software and new site I have to get used to first.

I have made some calls that are too loose, that is absolutely true. When it seems that your opponent hits every river, you start to think that it is so unlikely tha your opponent makes his hand every time. This is when this game start to make tricks in my head and my games start to tear apart. I become totally paranoid that every time I raise the big pair I am afraid that my opponent hit the set and play accordingly. The logic says that it is not true, but emotions tell the different story. And when you are heating enough, all the logic goes out of the window.

Jon, it is very possible that I am concentrating even harder when I record because I know other people "might be watching".

Still, even if this feels awful, I try to see this as a chance to improve my "D-game".

So, thank you again!
Posted 8 years ago
Today I have been playing break even. Well, actually I have won couple of big blinds. I still lost one flip with QQ against AKs and flopped flush draw and another pot with QQ against 50bb stack with flopped straight. I also noticed that with the rake race and first deposit bonus my bankroll should be in relatively safe even if I take some hit. Tonight I have to go to night shift in the local mental health hospital, so I have other things to do, which is probably best at this point.
Posted 8 years ago
To make it clear, I go there to work (I am a nurse), not to become a patient :D.
Posted 8 years ago
Maybe record every single session? It sounds crazy but if it is a positive then why the hell not?

Yeh sky i think it is under 10 seconds with no timebank which I actually like ALOT. People make so many mistakes so IMO they hurt the recreational players doing this but I shall not complain!
Posted 8 years ago
Today has been a good day, I have won about 5 buy-in and soon I am reaching break-even point. The bad news is that I am not able to play my A- or even B-game right now, and today I have been really lucky in certain spots (over pair vs over pair, rivered a set in both hands). If I had played my A-game, I would have been able to fold both hands easily. But is it bad news, actually? Maybe I should treat tilt as an instructor, a friend instead of an enemy I try to get rid off in any cost. Fighting against it is very energy consuming, so acceptance and being mindfullness about it would probably work much better. So, in future I try to see this as an opportunity to really improve my game when I am not playing at my best. Maybe I should do even some mindfullness meditation and observe where in my body I can feel these emotions. Emotional stuff is the hardest part of poker. Not technical skills or math (altough I really suck at math).

And yeah, recording all the sessions would actually work really well. I could post there the parts where I end up being in tough spots a lot.
Posted 8 years ago
Think you summed up exactly the way you should approach it and i like that mindset. I always just say to embrace everything and do the best with it all you can.
Posted 8 years ago
Got another losing day today, but everything is still in control. Really bad run, every time I got big pair and got callers the flop a.) has an ace b.) it is something like 789. It is funny that my run on skypoker has really made me to understand why some people think that online poker is rigged, or that some seats are luckier than others. Such conspiracy theories are ridicilous of course, but I see now why some relatively smart, sane people believe in such things. I believe that human brains are very badly programmed to understand randomness, and we try to see patterns and order in places where is none. Of course there is pattern in randomness that makes it somewhat predictable in the long run, but in the short run it is hard to see. Maybe some people believe that online poker is rigged because it gives them an illusion that at least "someone" is controlling the results caused by randomness?

It is time to watch UCL football tonight, yay!
Posted 8 years ago*
Played a little after the UCL game, and lost couple of buy-ins. I am not angry or anything, but I found myself playing big all-in pots with two pair. Both of my opponents raised all-in on the turn, and of course they were ahead. In the first hand my opponent had a flopped set, and in the second he got his straight on the turn. Two pair is clearly no good to play all-in pots. Looks like you always need at least a set. Most likely you need the nut straight if there is any straight possibility on the board. It really looks like that you can not play all in pots without the nuts if your opponent show any kind of aggression.
Posted 8 years ago
All of this actually shows how little you have control in what happens at the tables, especially in the short run.
Posted 8 years ago
I recorded part of my latest losing session. I like this video because it shows pretty well the most typical spots where I lose. Maybe should continuation bet like 20% when I do not hit because I get called so much? Right after this video I lost big pot with KQ where I flopped TP in somewhat wet board and my opponent got a flopped set (what a suprise). This time only lost 50bb, not the entire stack. It was because the flush and the possible straight card came in the river and made me and my opponent check.

Posted 8 years ago
I have played a lot today. I had a good session before in the afternoon, but the last one was total disaster again. I think I played okay, but I am not sure. The hands I posted tell the whole story. Anyways, I am having another losing day. This is really tought to handle, but I try to learn as much as I can.
Posted 8 years ago*
Right now poker feels like just trying to dodge bullets. You can image a boxer, who has broken both his fists and can´t hit but the match is going on anyway and he is just trying to protect himself. He can´t block every hit, but he is okay at minimizing the damage taken.