Plo for living ?

Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

My name is Luka 23years old Slovenian guy who is trying to get some results in PLO. I'm playing omaha for the last 1.5year with no results (you will see why).

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Right now i'm playing Plo2 with some shots to Plo4 and 5 depends on skin (Pokerstars and pacific).

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What are my plans:

- Move up threw the stakes
- Studie the game
- Post hands
- Control tilt ( I dont do stupid thing but im sad the whole day)
- Update blog
- Hope that i will coach some Plo someday
- Get Poker buddies to talk about Plo

Best regards and GL!

Last Post 9 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago*
Hello Chamelukaon! Welcome to the forum.

You should post some stats as well,,inclucing AF AFq on all streets, also expected winrates and observed winrates, etc. What stakes is the first graph in? Or could you make it in bb. Its hard to figure how many buy ins are you actually below EV there. But if I assume youre 40 bi below there its actually very common in PLO..

Also,,,if we expect your true winrate is 1BB/100 over the course of 200,000 hands with stdv 160BB/100 theres 38,992 % chance of you being in a loss after 200,000th hand just because of variance. The deviation itself is 3.58BB/100 or 7155BB in total.

But enough of that! Good luck Luka in your journey! Lets hope the things will turn around for you soon and youll be same amount above EV! Cool
Posted 9 years ago
First graph is from plo4,5,10 and 480hands from plo20,25


VPIP: 20.8
PFR: 15.4
3b: 5.21
WTSD%: 26.3
Agg: 3.7
Agg%: 39
Flop Agg: 4.2
Turn Agg: 3.63
River Agg: 2.28

bb/100: -0.42
ev bb/100: 2.74
Std dev/100: 123.91

BB's graph:
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You need anything else?
Posted 9 years ago*
What have you been playing before transfering to PLO? Maybe a MTT player? Because your VPIP/PFR/3b is very low,,should loosen up and run it up to 27/20/10 (Ben Grundy actually runs 75 VPIP,,,but thats another level of skill) or something, but even if not, your 3 bet is way, way too low and Id say thats a big leak in PLO. You should deff do more 3betting rather than calling, especially with your strong draws. But since you play very tight you probably dont even get many chances to 3bet your opponents. Also you do a lot of folding id say cosidering your AF AFq ratio, avoid that, you are being exploited in this way.. Id say loosen it up, play your big draws (Q high+ flush draws on unpaired boards with raising 3betting etc, also your straight draws but id go with 13 outers on a passive tables and 17-20 outers on aggressive action table. Only call when you have reason to - if trapping with nuts for example.
Posted 9 years ago
I have played NLHE up to NL20 never beaten micros Sad I heard that those stats are fine to beat micros because there is not enough good players (maybe im wrong). The problem is that i should observe more table and find spots where i can value bet and witch players. What and where do you play ?
Posted 9 years ago*
Its true that you running 80bi below EV might have something to do with playing micro limits. Since most of the players overvalue their unsuited big pairs or small sets etc., and gii with not enough equity. Thats why I generaly dont like to play those. But even so those stats are tight for PLO, as Ive said especially that 3bet one. Thats tight even for NLHE standards Smile As a general advice heres a PLO 6max starting chart. Its divided by position and action:

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unp = Unpaired
1p = One pair
2p = Two pair
ds = Doublesuited
ss = Singlesuited
r = Rainbow

As youve said. not observing players and bad table selecion can lead to big loses in PLO. As for starters observe and exploit two things, who plays weak hands and who folds a lot to aggression. If on action table do lot of x/r with your big hands, including q+ (on some J+ flushdraws with unpaired boards) or your 13+ (17+ on certain tables) outer straight draws. As in nlhe the more aggressive table you play on the tigher your range should be and vice versa.

I play most of the games there are, NLHE, PLO, O8, 2-7 or mixed games (which is my favorite format) 100-600NL/PL or up to $4/$8 limit.
Posted 9 years ago*
Thank you for this. Do you have a tabel for WTSD from leakbuster ? I'll try to play with this tabel untill i get it in head Smile Maybe i'll record a video with voice and post it here that you can comment Smile

About playing: I didnt play much last day's because of job Smile Tomorrow i have a free day so i'll try to grind at least 3k hands Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Youre welcome.. Hopfully it will help you get on the right track Smile ...and sorry, but I dont have WTSD leakbuster charts..
Posted 9 years ago
Looks like you're off to a rough start. These downsings can last for many months and they're soul crushing. Sad Hope you turn it around. glgl
Posted 9 years ago
Didn't play that much last day's because of job... Few day's ago i made a deposit of 25€ to Unibet where i'm playing ATM NL4 and made +60€ in 2day's. I was searching something in tournament lobby and accidently register to plo 10€ tournament (didn't cash) and lost 10€. Today i saw promotion for omaha and start to play plo10 i made 1BI so my current BR is 81.46€ at Unibet (I have some money at other site so my whole BR is arround 150$). I decide to made 2BI shot to PLO10 if i bust those 20€ im going back to NL4.
Posted 9 years ago
Any updates buddy? were do you work and whats the BR at now?
Posted 9 years ago
I work in Koper's port on car terminal where i drive import and export cars... It's nice job but i get schedule for work 1day before i work Smile At the moment im working one project from other forum where i have to grind 100k hands in 3weeks... atm im at 27k hands after 5day and still have to do 1session today. Reason for not updateing here is because of grinding and job... Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Those charts are crazy Smile

Gl on your journey Chamelukaon