Starting from the bottom................fresh start!

Posted 6 years ago

Hey guys! Been an on off member on here for a while now and want to start a new challenge to motivate me!

I have just got myself set up on Party Poker and was pleasantly surprised to see they have solid FF traffic all the way from 5nl to 100nl! Previously I have been treading water at 20nl for quite some time being break even or at best a slight winner! So I thought it would be a good challenge to start right at the bottom of 5nl and try to experiment and work hard on leaks while playing 'easier' games!

My main study tool for the challenge will be Pokersnowie! While I do feel Snowie has its limitations, I think for a micro stakes player with pretty substantial and 'obvious' leaks it will be very beneficial!

The plan is to move up and take a 5 buyin shot every time I reach 25 buying for the next stake! So I have deposited £150.00 which gives me just under $200.00 to start the challenge! So I need to win roughly 11 bins at 5nl for a shot at 10nl! I plan to play FF almost all the time as I only play part time so it gets me the most productive use of my limited time!

So guys wish me luck and lets see if we can spin all the way to 100nl 😊

Starting BR

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Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
Love it mate and great to see you back. Hoping this is the time where it all clicks and you just make consistent money!

Posted 6 years ago
Hey guys! So the bad news is that life has taken over this week and I have played very little! The good news is that the little I have played have been great! So great that I am pretty much at my target for moving up to 10nl! My winnings haven't even come from cash games but DON sit n gos would you believe! I have only played 18 of them this week but have won a pretty unbelievable 14 of 18!

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I would normally put this down to a heater but in reality these games are so soft on Party I think a big win rate is sustainable! I am certainly going to keep mixing them in with my cash tables!

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So the BR is sitting at 24 bins for 10nl meaning the plan this week is to move up to 10nl and play $5 DONs on the side! I'm going to aim for 75 DONs and 5k hands at 10nl this week! Lets go!
Posted 6 years ago
14 of 18?! You sick mutha! Wink

Posted 6 years ago
Very sick mate - stick to what is working and find ways to get even better!
Posted 6 years ago
Weekly Update

Hey guys time for an update! Slight change of plan as I have been enjoying the DONs so much that I have played pretty much zero cash! The general opinion of DONs is that there is very little skill involved! From playing ate them and reading up on them I'm starting to feel the opposite! You will struggle to find a game with more ICM than these which means that what look like very small errors are actually huge mistakes! I'm really enjoying studying push fold scenarios etc! Add to that things are still going really well and I'm enjoying poker again for the first time in a long time!

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I am now well over a hundred games and have managed to maintain a win rate of 66%! I am over the moon with this especially since I have increased to 6 tabling! The results are also skewed as HM2 is set at 10% rake but Party recently reduced it to under 5% so I can add $35 to those nets winnings!

6 tables to completion takes roughly 45 minutes and I am averaging 4 wins giving a profit of $10! So that is a win rate of roughly $12 per hour! I am over the moon with that at $5 buyin games! If I can carry anywhere near that wr to the $10 games it will be a significant little side income!

So the plan is to keep grinding these until $500 then mix in some $10 games and MTTs! Wish me luck people!
Posted 6 years ago
Very sick mate just keep at it and learn learn learn...what ROI is standard for these?
Posted 6 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Very sick mate just keep at it and learn learn learn...what ROI is standard for these?

Just had a quick google and this article says that the best DON players have 55-60% win rate and a single digit ROI! So maybe I am just running good but we shall see I suppose Smile

Article here