Posted 8 years ago

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My name is Michael (MDC on Pokervip), this is my poker journey.

I haven't played more then a few thousand hands for a few years now. Ten days ago I won a bet with a friend who deposited $85 into my Pokerstars account. I decided to do a bank roll challenge, see if I can run it up to $3000 in the next few months; to pay for trip to see my mom and family in the UK this summer. I am moms favourite and my brothers and sisters know it. Smiley face.

I started at 5NL Zoom prepared to move down to 2NL if I lost 7 buy ins.I have hit 40,000 hands, halfway to my 80,000 hands per month goal. I have gotten off to a rather frustrating start. I am running in the region of 22 buy ins under EV. The stats are a little askew as aforementioned friend punted off 6 buy ins one session (thou he did pay it back). I’m currently running at 3.76bb/100 when my actual EV should be around 9-10. Not mega crushing, but would have been enough to move up to 10NL with rakeback. I do understand there is standard deviation etc, and I have made plenty of mistakes. Now waiting for God Mode to kick in Smile Due theory in all its glory! The main positive is, I have been doing very well on handling tilt, patting myself on the back for that.

I do have much still to work on, points below ones I want to focus on first:

Redline (lower then it should be as I played a bit scared due to run bad)
Getting my 3b up 1-1.5%

I would very much like to join a SERIOUS study group and if anyone has knowledge or good filters for PT4 it would be very much appreciated as PT4 filters can be a bit befuddling.

I will be posting updates fairly regularly.


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Nice start to the challenge, good luck with it!
Posted 8 years ago
Sick intro! I am also my Mums favorite! Smile

So the question is why the holiday? Where abouts? What do you want to do on it? etc etc
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement gents.

I'm currently living in Indonesia and haven't seen much of family in a while. Until end of last year we have been spread out in six countries and five continents. Will mainly be in the London area but also will be spending time with grandparents. Its not terribly baller but some of the things I miss the most about England is the countryside, walks, crisp clean air and the likes. Get to see my little sister theater performances, and dance with her ballet company for the first time. Take the nephews for rugby and BBQ's. From UK to Germany with my youngest brother for a music festival hes part time working at during UNI break, then on to Dubai for the opening of my brothers nightclub. Shaping up to be a good couple of months.
Posted 8 years ago*
Have a look at this post regarding EV
Posted 8 years ago*
The above post got bugged. I pressed preview and it has locked in what I previewed. Click the red EV to go to the linked comment. It looks like you have a solid game together and are doing well. If you like PM me and I can organise to do a sweat session with you. I record a video on my end we discuss things while you are playing, I convert the video, then post it on Mediafire for you to download and go over again when you can. I enjoy this, have done it a few times, and am happy to do it more. Be well and enjoy the game. Josh.
Posted 8 years ago
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Its been a week of play since my last posting. We are doing ok but far below what I know I am capable of. I am starting to get back into the rhythm again. We need to start running better in all-in situations where I am 70%+ favorite, but nothing we can do about that; I’d rather focus on what we can change.

Lets start with the points I wanted to work on.

C-betting. There will probably never be a time in my poker career where I don't need to keep working on this, as such a complicated subject. I have been making improvements and getting my flop c-bet up. I am a little concerned I delayed c-bet a bit to often, will be keeping an eye out for that. I have also be making improvements in triple barreling.

Redline. I actually think that at these stakes I don't need to be to concerned about a falling redline, however I have been doing much, much better in identifying and acting on good spots to take pots down. My work on C-betting, triple barreling has had an effect too.

3-Betting. I have gotten my 3b up just shy of the 1% higher mark but still short of 8-8.5% mark. I am still undecided if having a 3b of over 6% is optimal at these micro stakes. Even though I do my best to pick my spots my 3b success rate over the sample is around 41% as so many players just do not fold to 3bets.

Other changes that I have decided to on to aid in are challenge include adding a stop loss. I have had a few days where I am just running terrible, to be clear these are not tilt sessions, just ones where everything is going wrong. You all know what I mean. I had continued playing through as I wanted to be sure to hit my target hands per month, but seeing I should be hitting that comfortably I will have a 3 buy in per session or 5 buy in per day stop loss. Had this been in force earlier we would have been up 25-30 additional buy ins and our stats would have been awesome. Additionally the last two session about 8k hands, I was only a marginal winner. The reason for this was I had been on allergy meds and totally unfocused. Had I been fully focused those 2 buy in up sessions could easily have been 10-15 buy ins up each.

Next weeks focus points will be

C-betting/Barreling/Bet sizing
Range work

All in all we have had a winning week in learning, buy ins, and most importantly FUN and playing poker again.

Posted 8 years ago
Hi Josh,

Thanks for your offer I am up for giving a try sometime, currently a few days off from poker. I am a little more interested in away from the tables study sessions thou.

Posted 8 years ago
What do you do during your rest days?
Posted 8 years ago
I did a lot of sleeping and exercise, have a goal to loose 15kg over the next 4 months:) I also had some time to look for new music and equipment as I am a rave DJ with a number of events coming up.
Posted 8 years ago
First day back playing after break. So good not to be under the brain fog from meds. Happy little session too.Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Josh I did check out your EV post. Its absolutely true, the stat probably has no real value except to indicate variance.
Posted 8 years ago
Most people (I am inclined to go as far as over 99%) who play poker and run software do not understand how EV lines work. Welcome to the 1% Cheeky
Posted 8 years ago
MDC: I did a lot of sleeping and exercise, have a goal to loose 15kg over the next 4 months:) I also had some time to look for new music and equipment as I am a rave DJ with a number of events coming up.

Oh sick what is your current weight?
Posted 8 years ago
I'm around the 88kg mark:$
Posted 8 years ago
I'm also doing something very similar using zoom, I'll be following you closely!
Posted 8 years ago
Just on the EV thing. For Pokertracker at least that's not correct. EV calcs are based on final pot after rake taken off not the full amount put in. Run a split 50% coin flip and you see your EV line fall slightly for rake.

I no longer have green line on my graph. Just yellow. It's not perfect but is a better indicator for me.
Posted 8 years ago
MDC: Jon,
I'm around the 88kg mark:$

Your 88KG and want to lose 15KG........whyyyyyyyyy?
Posted 8 years ago
Cuz I should be around the 70kg mark Blush
Posted 8 years ago*
Month One Complete

I can do so much better. A little disappointed in myself for all the mistakes I have made, however we finished the month close to my goal. This last week has been grueling joyless poker basically just trying to lose the least possible so I will be taking a few days off before moving on to 10nl. On the positive side we should be well poised for some happy run good poker for our move up:) I'm looking forward to a few days of solid review, no game play, and being ready for the next stage.

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I don't 4 table zoom so will be reducing my target hands per month to 60k. This will allow me to take days off when running and or playing bad. I'm confident this will be positive for bank roll and keep poker less of a grind.

I have noticed in the forum many have started these bank roll or My Poker Journey threads but seems few have followed through. I am committing to posting at least till I leave for holidays. It would be nice to see how others have also been fairing in their poker escapades. If anyone has any questions on my time at 5nl I would be happy to share what I have learned.

Cheers all