Global Poker League AKA GPL - Epic Fail

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

Sooooooo for those of you who don't know what the GPL is I can't really explain it as the structure and way it all worked was so odd and so messy but basically there was a bunch of teams ran by someone semi famous in poker like Bryn Kenney, Moneymaker and Faraz Jacaka, they drafted some known players to make teams of 4 I believe then they played online in 6 max, heads up then in a glass cube in Vegas - I shit you not. This video may explain it better:

Anyways the whole point of it was to sportify poker and give players a platform to market themselves. Can't hate on that but with crappy looking software, players not turning up, players trying to act, terrible commentators and the promise of so much more it just failed and fell so short. Now it is just none existent although there is supposed to be a live event in November to finish it - Which i might call that it won't run as they have cancelled a San Diego and Wembley stop - because no one gave a shit.

The Cube

Why did they fail?

- Promised the world and ended up giving us online games on twitch with the odd webcam of a pro
- Created a cube which was supposed to be for spectators in a stadium: put it in a sweaty Vegas backroom with no audience.
- No excitement
- No interesting content.
- Nobody really know what is going on or where it stands.
- Random commentator

It was literally the saddest thing I have ever seen. When I heard someone got a $5million investment and his plan was to make poker great again I expected so much more - they could have filmed a full season of HSP for 1/10 of thisss!!! Or just done a million things that would be at least watchable. I hate calling someones hard work a fail but this one is clear to see.

As soon as I saw them buy 400k Facebook likes I kinda realised they were not in this for the real reason. More of a get cool quick scheme and have all players pining after you. It worked, they sucked in all the pros and it was set to be awesome but then the players were forced to play online for no money or turn up to a cube. Such a fucking shame.

I mentioned some of the team owners but I didn't give a real list of players, which will fucking stun you:

- Moorman
- Holz
- Mizzi
- Gross
- Moneymaker
- Boeree
- Kurganov
- Jungleman
- Cody
- Kenney
- Elky
- Xuan Liu
- Kanit
- Nanonoko
- Kitai
- Jaffe
- Nitsche
- Rast
- Bonomo
- Little
- Aaron "yeh bitch" Paul

the list goes on and on. Literally the who's who of the poker world yet a lot of you reading this probably didn't know about the GPL just like the 9/10 friends I ask (who have played poker everyday for 10 years). This is the reason I am mad because they managed to get all the players which is incredible but what they did with them was shocking.

Jungleman vs Liu highlights

These are the BEST bits of the match which probably lasted 3 hours at the time! Good job Xuan looked smoking hot and good on her for dressing up and getting with the program because the others did not even bother:

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If the intention was to sportify poker at least have team strips which everyone must wear. All in all it is one of the saddest things I have seen happen to poker and it is one massive opportunity lost.

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Posted 7 years ago
It was horrific this show/whatever it was.

On our MXQ Box theres a channel called Poker Central which pretty much dedicated an awful lot of hours showing this garbage.That said I did watch a few hours that I wont ever get back.Gutted tuning to watch the Million $ cash games and get shown Sorel Mizzi & Fedor Holz in a glass cage banging buttons.

Hopefully if its gone t**ts up the channel gets back to normal.
Posted 7 years ago
YZoZiriuz: It was horrific this show/whatever it was.

On our MXQ Box theres a channel called Poker Central which pretty much dedicated an awful lot of hours showing this garbage.That said I did watch a few hours that I wont ever get back.Gutted tuning to watch the Million $ cash games and get shown Sorel Mizzi & Fedor Holz in a glass cage banging buttons.

Hopefully if its gone t**ts up the channel gets back to normal.

LOL i didn't think anyone would be as pissed as I am about it but you hit the nail on the head. It is so true just how fucking bad it was.

Jungleman played Nanonoko HEADS UP and nobody heard of it and the people who did were so annoyed because it was a webcam type thing and they didn't really go in with the strat or even banter.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I'm with you 100%. Sooooo bad!

It really is though like you say astonishing to get that standard of players and come up with that.

How does it end for the players do you know? I mean is it like the Annie Duke league(cant remember the name) where players missed out on a huge freeroll and moniez. Will the players been burned in this scenario?
Posted 7 years ago
LOL well if you read the contract it may answer your question Here
Posted 7 years ago
SmileSmile Its too late for sh** like that to read - I'll gladly not know the outcome!
Posted 7 years ago
Agreed that it could have been a lot better than it was. I was extremely excited when I heard about this but from the first match I watched it never really engaged me.There is a lot they could have done but didn't, I'm just hoping that this doesn't die out, that they improve on it and it becomes the spectacle that I would love to see it be.
Posted 7 years ago
fergrberger: Agreed that it could have been a lot better than it was. I was extremely excited when I heard about this but from the first match I watched it never really engaged me.There is a lot they could have done but didn't, I'm just hoping that this doesn't die out, that they improve on it and it becomes the spectacle that I would love to see it be.

I thought of a really simple idea for them

- Cash games
- Tournaments

Teams of 4.

All televised or streamed with hole cards up.

Most cash won total wins the league. Just hours and hours and hours of awesome content and sick poker being played.
Posted 7 years ago
It's a strange one, despite the amount of marketing, it also felt like there was no marketing.

I was very interested in going to the Wembley Arena live finals in London, with a few others who were interested. I tweeted Alex Dreyfus in April asking about ticket prices and sale dates, he replied saying they go on sale with full info in May. OK, fair enough.

May comes and goes, nothing, and bearing in mind I was looking out for it, nothing. I tweeted him in June, never got a reply. Maybe at this point Dreyfus had already given it up.

I tried watching the online games on Twitch, but it was just boring. I'd picked the London Royals or whatever they were called as my "team", but never got to feel like any connection or anything toward it.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I think it will be harder for any other poker business to fail as hard as the GPL did. Really simple rule is to never over promise and under deliver which this did.

Twitch games, webcams, in a box in a room somewhere and no live games.......really how on earth they thought they were going to 'sportify' poker by doing this I do not know.