Holz vs. Duhamel HU Stream - Amazing Analysis From Holz

Posted 8 years ago

I watched this full match last night and was blown away by Holz and his thought process! He really goes into serious depth with a huge emphasis on GTO plays... He explains a lot of hands! Especially towards the end. Completely outplayed Duhamel.




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Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP You might be interested in this! Holz is the mannn
Posted 8 years ago
Nice find although I gotta say I am not a fan of the GPL and this team thing they have going on nor do I know why any player would actually play in it.

You enjoying it?
Posted 8 years ago
I haven't really been following it other than some nice matchups between elite players! This just happened to pop up on my Facebook feed. I think a 6 max system would be a lot better overall instead of focusing mainly on HU... Kinda like a premier league.

I think each player gets paid to take part but not very much, Jungleman was messing around in some of his matches. He suggested it would be a lot more entertaining if players put their money up in this format