10NL AcJc

Posted 8 years ago

Villian is Unknown, I have 2 hands with him.

Pre: Villian limps the BTN and I ISO in SB.

Flop: I'm usually taking this down with a cbet most of the time, other than being up against a fish. He did limp the button so I assume he is. When he calls my thoughts on his range are pocket pairs, flush draws, 10x and maybe some Ax as well.

Turn: I think the bet is good, sizing is a bit bigger than usual.

River: Can we bet this? In game thought process was to check call. It's just a really dry board where I don't think I'm getting called very often by worse after the line I took. A lot of fish bluff river when checked to, especially if they miss or even a weak Ace may bet.

He shoves and it's obviously very polarizing. I don't think he would shove a bluff here, he probably has a 3 FH, or maybe even 2 pair. 

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Posted 8 years ago
It could be a bluff on the river and with the limp pre and his call it isnt a big ace x hand and more likely a small pair or suit connectors and some broad ways.

could be a bluff or the nuts but I think if he had a full house on the flop he would have raised at some point during the hand to ensure he gets the most money in The flat calls do look strong thought.

I would have folded in this situation unless I had a set+ or alot of info on the player to make the hero call, I think your bluff catching at the river. Solid fold in my opinion.
Posted 8 years ago
Could make around 1/3 pot river bet and fold to a shove around 1.50 , hes got enough Tx worse Ax and some PP's that can pay off of a small bet ,and if he comes over the top he has it so easy fold. I don't even mind betting really small like $1 and folding to a shove ,
Posted 8 years ago
Hand looks fine until the river.

As played I'm folding because we need to be good just too high a percentage. I hate it though because it looks weird from villain.

I think betting $1.50 or so, intending to fold to a raise might be a better way to go on a paired board because he will call for a split quite often with a small Ax
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Yea nearly everyone I talk to about this hand thinks I should bet river. I think I normally would but being Villian is unknown I didn't have him labeled as a fish. I assumed he was a fish cause he limped the button but I just didn't put it all together in game so I checked. I can get called by Ax and 10x for sure with the sizing you suggest.