Posted 8 years ago

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SB nit.
BB maniac.
MP calling station.

Flop with that stupid bet my betsize ok or not and why?
Turn i think its good value bet vs 2 stupid what shold be my bet size and why?
River Can i check fold here?


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
River looks like a x/f to me when the FD comes in, if you're worried about getting bluffed I like to bet small on the river to stop this from happening, like betting 5bb.

Turn sizing is fine, expect them to call with most Jx hands and all FDs.
Posted 8 years ago
Bigger on flop, pretty easy c/f on river. pot is semi-protected, no advanced plays like him turning KJ into bluff etc... ez imo
Posted 7 years ago
Agree with larger sizing on the flop, we're offering far too good a price here with this sizing in a multiway pot.

Turn I like you bet and it's size.

River is a sigh and a fold, I can't think of a single logical hand here that we beat that villain would play this way with the shorter stack already all in.
Posted 7 years ago
On the flop I would make it around $16-18

Turn size is great.

River looks like a check fold when the flush hits. We don't expect him to bluff Jx 9x etc leaving only QT which whiffs.