NL10 @Natural8

Posted 7 years ago

Would everyone fold to this huge check raise on the flop? on that board?

The guy that made the move hasn't done anything crazy but has been playing alot of pots with 300bbs. This is the 3rd time I have squeezed in 2 hours so I must look tight.

His actions are pretty standard for him with the x4 open i should have squeezed bigger looking at it.

Flop - I bet $2 into $4 because nothing is coming along on the 672.

When I get the raised I tank and go with my hand because if he had QQ+ I would have expected a 4bet pre.Attached Image

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Posted 7 years ago
I don't like your shove over their raise, because we do fold all their bluffs. If you want to carry on I'd go ahead and call the flop bet and pretty much call any turn bet. By jamming the flop we allow them to play perfectly (fold bluffs, call with value hands). I'd like jamming more with KK-AA as they can call here with JJ-QQ but not so much with JJ.
Posted 7 years ago
I agree with @Harvie. I don't think your line was particularly spewy or anything like that but I do belive it's in your best interest to do everything you can to keep the villain's bluffs in.
Posted 7 years ago
Villain is repping so little on the flop that you should just call and let him bluff off the rest of his stack.