10NL AKs

Posted 8 years ago

Another spot I feel I mixed about. Exploitably tI feel I should have gotten away from this, but seeing as its a 3bet pot I just don't see many sets or 2pair out there. So figure raise is a weaker ace and he has me on QQ or KK or something like that. Seen it all to often. After turn bet there is only 18bb left behind so couldn't see calling, only folding or getting the rest in. Was it too optimistic
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG Player 6 $9.85
UTG+1 Player 1 $12.77
CO Player 2 $26.33
DHero $14.47
SB Player 4 $17.47
BB Player 5 $10.72
6$0.15Hero is BTNKA
Player 6 raises to $0.20, 1 fold, Player 2 calls $0.20, Hero raises to $0.80, 2 folds, Player 6 calls $0.60, Player 2 calls $0.60
Player 6 checks, Player 2 checks, Hero bets$1.25, Player 6 raises to $3.75, Player folds, Hero calls$2.50
Player 6 bets $3.50, Hero raises to $7, Player 6 goes all-in $1.80
2$19, 1 all-in 5
Final Pot$19
Hero shows KA
Player 6 shows 6A

Player 6 wins $20.35 (net +$10.70)
Hero collects$1.70 (net -$8.60)
Player 2 lost $0.60

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
You know, it's never easy when these guy flop that two pair vs your AK.

TBH what you said about people putting you on KK or QQ, hmm I'm not sure how often I see them just getting it in with a weak ace unless they are just terrible.

But in that case then maybe it's about getting the money in on the flop. There aren't many combo draws out there which is a bit of an issue for our hand. And also no real pair+FD combos. As I can't see Q2d or worse.
Also vs the guys that raise draws here. I usually feel like they normally just jam the flop in my experience with say KQd rather than just raise as they usually don't know what else to do in a 3bet pot with that sort of hand.

So the question is to think about what raises you on a flop like this? A set, 2 pair or bluff?

I don't see many bluffs in 3bet pots either. So yeah, always a tough one. Maybe you see AQ from a fish. So I guess we jam flop or make and exploitable fold but that's pretty tough, you'd have to be Pwll to pull that out the bag Wink

I don't think we just call though because the pot is getting HUGE and we probably end up all in anyway. So may as well GII now.
Posted 8 years ago
I agree with your feelings about lack of combos of sets and two pair but the fact that villain raised multiway in a 3 bet pot, where people play more straightforward, I'm probably folding. People just aren't doing this with AQ for any frequency.

He also made it x3 your c bet which is huge in a 3 bet pot.

If you have other information then things might be different. You say that you think he might be putting you on KK QQ, most people starting fudging this to fit whatever hand they actually have i.e claiming everybody loves to put you on AK normally. You c bet into two players on an ace high flop, he really has nothing to indicate that you have KK QQ here, especially when your range is full of Ax.
Posted 8 years ago
I will admit the large raise on the flop is really scary.

This is a spot where any info about the player would help a TON. If he's spewy in any way getting it in is good. If he'll overplay hands like weaker Ax then getting it in is good. If not then even though AK looks really nice on this board you're in rough shape.

There will probably be 6 combos of sets in his range and (obviously) some 2 pair. While those don't add up to too many combos, neither do his flush draws when the Ad is out there. Some stuff like KQ KJ QJ QT JT T9 98 sure but that means nearly half of his range is sets so that's not very favourable for you (and that's probably being generous).

I would also make preflop a bit bigger. My standard for squeezing IP vs a minraise is 8bb+2bb per caller so I'd make it 10 here.
Posted 8 years ago
I agree with the larger raise size. You need to charge them more to come in if they are coming in anyway. We are still deep, have the button, and they are really bad.

Would you ever consider a check here as an option on the flop? I think it is good to *sometimes* check back flops with hands like AK on these boards... people then know you checking back doesn't mean much. Do it once and they will remember it forever lol.

AK also pretty much cripples this flop. There isn't a tonne out there to be worried about. Sets / 2 pair are unlikely and we are losing anyway to them. If you want people to put you on KK QQ here and spazz then that is really how to do it. Take what you have, make it look like something else, print monies.

We also then have an option to sometimes take AK make top top and bluff catch vs bananas. I am tired and likely rambling, let me know what you think of this meandering blabbering Cheeky

As played you have top top in a 3b pot it is a spot where you should be stacking off a lot, and 3b bigger pre makes it less of a mistake and easier to do so. If he does have 66/22 currently you are laying him a really good price to call and set you. 6bb calling off with 66/22 100 bb deep closing action people are not folding.

Posted 8 years ago*
I don't think the raise pre is big enough you need to add for the caller , so more like $1 , his preflop raise is a tad small as'well so id probably go slightly larger around 1.20 , your making the price to good for both of them imo.

I just don't think folding tptk in 3bet pots is a good long term strategy , ye people will have sets and 2 pair but they will also have tons of draws and worse Ax , i would think.