1k plo railed hand

Posted 7 years ago

I was looking to see what the 5/10 action was like and caught a few hands. I posted this one to talk about some things I saw that I thought were quite wrong.Attached Image

MP limps and CO opens to $40 which I am fine with and the hand is reasonably nice to do so AT92ds. Btn folds SB calls and BB pots AKK3ds. I would not be doing this. I would 3b this hand vs someone iso-ing a MP limp by a shortstack but I would 3b an amount that allows the MPs shove to reopen the action. I agree with the 3b to reduce the SPR with a good hand pre and make the hand easier to play as we are playing less streets out of position and if we get it in bad it is not as bad due to the reduce SPR.

The MP limper now rejams CO calls SB folds and BB can only call. With the CO having 1k back and there being $796 in the pot BB checks the flop which I think is a mistake. As BB we should bet here. We have an overpair and a maybe dead gutter but if we check CO is likely to check back a lot allowing for a free card to peel the turn which may improve their hand or give them significant outs to beat us or have us as the BB fairly dead. Aside from a 5, a spade, or a king there is not really a great turn card for us, so I would certainly just be bet getting it in here. 35xx 44xx 66xx 46xx 22xx 24xx are quite unlikely holdings. I think a lot of holdem players here check because of the "way behind, way in front" notion which does not apply to PLO. You are rarely "way in front" without the nuts and redraws to bigger nuts. Why let your opponents turn equity where if they do turn equity it will likely be enough to call off the turn shove and both of you have made an +ev play on the turn. Just bet and be content if they fold all their backdoor outs. I may not be explaining this well but the air hands that fold on the flop still fold on the turn unimproved, but by checking you allow them to check back which allows their air hands to go from air on the flop to having respectable equity on the turn. Consider a hand like QJ79dccd. This hand does not continue on the flop to a bet and checks it back to a check with a dead sidepot which is disastrous for the BB. The number of turns this hand has to improve to something that is likely getting close to or better than 2:1 vs AAxx or KKxx is a reasonable percentage of the deck.

Anyways, BB checks CO checks. BB checks again on the turn and CO checks it back. IMO CO has to bet something here and I would be happy with a small bet of the 215 to 275 range. This is small, allows the BB to call, there is nothing really to be concerned about by the 2h on the turn for CO to bet bigger. CO I think loses a lot of value on this hand. River the board is 64226r and BB checks and CO checks it back. CO please bet sometime.

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Posted 7 years ago
Limp-3bet FTW!

When shorty limps, BB can't assume he is going to 3bet. So of course he pots it. On the flop he has overpair and gutter, shove would be standard. Maybe he was trying to get a bluff from CO? On the turn that 2 is the best card in the deck for CO, and if he shoves BB would snapcall with an overpair, but CO decides to do nothing.

I would say first prize goes to shorty, cunning limp-3bets with Aces is old school! Second prize goes for CO for doing absolutely everything he can to minimize his profits on the turn and river. BB gets a hug.
Posted 7 years ago
Would you like me to PM you the BB's screen name for the aforementioned hug? Laugh@Kyyberi