5NL - JJ

Posted 8 years ago

Anon. Another spot where I didn't know whether to 3Bet to re-ISO or call?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 Zoom No Limit Holdem Bovada
6 Players

UTG UTG $3.59
UTG+1 UTG+1 $5.22
CO UTG+2 $2.01
D Dealer $5
SBHero $5.92
BB Big Blind $6.65
6$0.07Hero is SBJJ
UTG calls $0.05, UTG+1 raises to $0.22, 2 folds, Hero calls$0.20, 1 fold, UTG raises to $1.94, UTG+1 folds


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I would have re-iso'd UTG in this spot and looked to get the chips in ASAP on good flops. UTG+1 could have a very wide range and our hand is not going to play so well 3-way OOP.
Posted 8 years ago
I think a call is fine here. UTG is probably a fish considering his stacksize and limp but I'm not to sure about UTG+1. I think I'd prefer to setmine here with a weaker player in the pot rather than having UTG fold and playing a 3bet pot OOP vs a possible reg with a range advantage.
Posted 8 years ago
If we just flat pre or if we re-iso this comes down to the same thing. It is a call.

We cannot fold JJ vs a limp jam UTG for 40BB.
Posted 8 years ago
I would just call preflop. It's not really strong enough to 3bet vs MP while OOP, and I doubt the fact that it's an iso-raise changes it that much.

Vs a 40bb stack we are likely committed with JJ and should call. I wouldn't be super excited, he probably has AA, but not frequently enough that I would find a fold.