5NL - KK (flop spot in 3Bet pot)

Posted 6 years ago

Anon. We 3B and face this flop

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Posted 6 years ago
In a heads up situtaion i would bet. In a 3way pot I think its close between check and bet but I still lean towards betting. If you get called give up on future streets. Half pot is more than enough.
This is definitly a spot where reads on villains are very valuable.
Posted 6 years ago
Annoying spot. Facing two opponents I'd be in the check decide camp and likely check folding barring exceptionally small sizings from villain. If we do bet I would be going quite small, around 70c. Turning this hand into a bluff doesn't seem appealing to me though. People tend to play relatively straight forward in multiway pots so the benefit of checking is that I don't think we get bluffed incredibly frequently. If neither villain has an A think we see a free turn quite often and can make good decisions on later streets.