Blind wars vs reg

Posted 8 years ago

this hand so sick for me vs this reg.. Because he is a lot of calls my opens (it's good) and I catched one times his bluff with pot size bet on the river if I check back on the turn.. And again we war for blinds.. and he pot size bets on the river.. Can I continue bet on the turn and check back on the river or bet / fold ? .. or what can I do on the river against this player ? What do you think ?

opponent stats : 28 / 24 sb open: 58 fold to 3bet from sb : 76 fold to cbet 3betpots: flop: 56 turn: 64 river: 67 river float: 50 WTSD: 28 Won When Saw Flop : 47 flop turn river agg. : 2.54 / 2.33 / 2.31 in 8K hands..


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Posted 8 years ago*
I don't quiet understand everything you wrote down but ill give er a shot.

I'd flat this hand pre. There's worse hands you can turn into a bluff here imo.

As played since you seen him bluff for pot on the river before I would call here. I expect TT+ to 4bet pre most of the time and AK. Is he really going to call your cbet OOP with many Kx hands on the flop? I don't think so. It's extremely rare that he shows up with quads or the other 2 nines here. Doub he flats your 3b OOP with any 3's. I also don't think he's betting this big with A9 type hands either.

You should 3bet some weak suited kings pre and play it the exact same way you did this way to strengthen your turn checking range.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm calling here based on your read that they pot the river as a bluff before. Do agree that calling this hand is better than 3betting too.

I don't see too many 3x in their range that call your 3bet OOP, as said AK 4bets and we block KJ.