Bluff catching with AQ high vs double barrel turn river

Posted 7 years ago

$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima

So here is one, i dont usually post hands on here just lately cos i put them all for coaching on BPC but was wondering what you guys thought of the line here here are my thoughts let me know yours and what you think of mine.

Pre flop: pretty standard AQs MP open 3x get 1 call from a fishy reg who i have a med amount of hands on

Flop: i decide to c-bet this may have been a mistake considering the wetness but villian has 69% FTCB if he raise i fold and if he call i give up unimproved (standard)

Turn: He bets so small im having a hard time he plays a king like this or a 9 however their are a ton of draws in his range and just some random floats he could have so i decide to call with the intention of check folding river if he bets there as i suspect he will give up on most of his bluffs and i will win with the best hand checked throu.

River: he bets pot and i tanked to really think about this what is he playing like this that he can confidently bet pot with on this river and expect to call? the 4 bricks all draws and also gives him less combo of flopped sets and this player is usually raising flop with strong made hands on a board like this (from previous exp) a king would not bet this much as it would want to extract value from worse, a 9 would not bet this much as i could very easily have a king in this spot and i genuinly can not think of a hand he could play this was so after thinking for like 20 sec i call.

Lucky donk call by me or good read, how would you have played it and what do you think of my line?

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Posted 7 years ago*
At these levels looks like FPS too me and over-leveling. You did read the hand right but I'd most likely be c-f this flop as our equity is low and we have no backdoor draws.

It is good you're thinking this deep as most people at these stakes are not, but I'm not sure how profitable it will be in the long-run given so many regs rarely bluff at the lower stakes like this.
Posted 7 years ago
That`s a good point, thanks for the feedback, have to say tho i do not make a habit of making plays like this, and usually in this spot i would bet once and give up (just cos opponent FTCB is pretty high and he is folding more than 50% of the time so it is profitable).
as for the stakes im grinding through them pretty steady so hopefully wont be at this level much longer.
Check out my journey if you get the time, its moving from 2nl with a 50 euro deposit while on the BPC course to keep track and let you guys know if it is any good.
Posted 7 years ago
Not really a massive fan of this even the CBET.....think we are over CBETTING possible here.
Posted 7 years ago
i like cbet here, i analyzes this spot and when k hits this king of flop if you are on utg vs HJ it is cbet i didn't analyzes HJ vs CO i think its closer but its cbet and continue betting on turn that hits your range. I would cbet flop na c/f turn it this example.
Posted 7 years ago
Im with kuca. Fine to cbet if he folds 70 to cbets. But that also make his continue range much stronger and gives us an easy c/f on the turn. Cant read to much in to the HP size here, think he can do that with both Kx and 9x.