Posted 8 years ago

game 10nl sky sat with £26

UG limps i make it 60p on the button with 68H. the SB makes it £1 BB calls UG folds i call. £3 in the pot. flop comes 10C-5D-6C SB leads £2.50 BB folds i call. £8in pot.. turn is 2C again he leads small £3.30 i call. river is JH he leads £2.50 into £14.60 pot, he has £11 left i put him all in. he tank calls with QQ.

the reason i flat the flop is i felt it hit my range better than his, the turn is a great card for me to have! i knew he wasnt sure about the strength of his hand on the turn and especially the river when he bets so small. the only way i could win was to raise.

would appreciate your comments Smile

thanks jason

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Posted 8 years ago
We have a nice hand to peal the 3b pre however villain needs to be 100bb+ deep to do this otherwise we can never win enough.

Flop yes easy peal we have a pair and some back door plus 2 pair and 3 of a kind draws.

Turn is a straight up fold. Our hand is now often drawing dead and we just basically have nothing vs what looks like a very strong range.

River we cannot pull this unless we know villain just folds a lot but tbh in these sky games they will not so I think this is just pretty bad and goes under the spew category.
Posted 8 years ago*
Personally i think he was just trying to milk a very weak range which you have the way it played , on the river only thing that improved was TJ JJ, he didn't believe the bluff. I think his range and call makes sense. With all the draws on the flop your repping a flush i guess but wouldn't you raise turn ? and wouldn't sets raise on a wet flop ?

I think the turn is likely a fold ,vs the over pairs you have 10% equity and don't get any where near the correct odds to call vs over pairs , your ahead of any overs that had a draw so you can call if he has enough KQ AK type hands that may of been barreling a draw. So basically you only get hands your ahead of to fold.
Posted 8 years ago
hi chris

yes what you said makes sense, john also said more or less the same thing. for sure i would of raised a set on the flop! i would of also raised the turn hitting the flush. so i see where you guys are coming from Smile i will take this on board thank you!
Posted 8 years ago
Preflop is fine. I actually don't mind folding the flop. When villain fires 2.50 into 3.00 against 2 players his range will likely be pretty strong. Turn I would fold as well. The club has you drawing thin to dead against most of a reasonable value range. He will have bluffs sometimes but there likely aren't enough of them and anytime he's bluffing his hand should still have good equity against 86.

River I don't mind the logic but I think it's too optimistic to think the average 20nl player will be bet/folding often enough for this to work. Remember, he triple barreled (although small) so his range should be fairly strong.
Posted 8 years ago
Just another note on the good card for your range vs his range thing. Then turned 2c should be decent for both players as you'll both have lots of flush draws. He'll have more nutted draws while you'll have more suited connector type hands like the one you have. River doesn't change all that much other than JTs getting there which will be good for you but it's not groundbreaking since that's only 2 combos.

Then you have to consider villain decides to keep betting on these cards. That either means he's considered how they affect things and decided to bet anyways (indicating a strong range) or doesn't understand how the board is affected and in that case you shouldn't be trying any "this card hit my range better" tactics.
Posted 8 years ago
@komododragonjesus thanks for the post.. yes i totally agree. everyone seems to be saying the same Smile i just thought his little bet on the river was really weak.. but like every one said.. i would raise a set raise the turn if i hit my flush so only hand that makes sense for me is J10. thank you
Posted 8 years ago
If you want to attack his range raise / fold flop if he shoves, raise the flop lead and shove the turn if he checks / as played shove turn. Otherwise I am inclined to fold turn here, and definitely river. He is not 3 barrel bluffing you here. He is value betting against your 1 pair hands which is what you have and which it looks like you have.

As played you are stationing down 3rd pair on the flop with no real clear plan and not know what to do you have defaulted to the losing passive line of call call call. You cannot be calling with these hands and playing them with position intending to nut flops and win money. You should only be opting to play these hands if you are aware enough to pressure your opponents and win pots off them when they have significantly the best of it, thus the raise flop / shove turn or call flop / shove turn type lines. You are bluffing here, but it works often enough to show profit.
Posted 8 years ago
So this is 20nl not 10nl?

I'd iso raise to 4x generally. The flop doesn't really hit a tonne but he has a lot of PPs. His range can include the overpairs which he was milking you from.

The river you really aren't repping much at all. He's probably a fish and isn't gonna be thinking you hold 34 and decide to fold. Even so... unlikely.
Turn brings in a flush and makes it tough for us to improve happily, you might be getting a good price but just muck your hand.